2008 CSR Brochure (PDF) - ExCeL London

2008 CSR Brochure (PDF) - ExCeL London

2008 CSR Brochure (PDF) - ExCeL London

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The GreenAwardWe are delighted to report significantprogress in terms of our sustainablebusiness practices and energyconsumption savings.Progress on sustainability<strong>ExCeL</strong> <strong>London</strong> is 100% committed totackling the challenges of sustainabledevelopment and operating as aresponsible corporate entity. It is our policyto continuously evolve and implementpractices that deliver economic security,social and environmental benefits.In keeping with this, we are now developingthe following best practice initiatives:• putting a sustainable business strategyin place for our direct in-house operationsi.e. essentials such as lighting and heating;• setting a benchmark for our sector throughthe nature and rate of our sustainabledevelopments and innovations;• partnering with our clients to developand promote the most sustainableevents possible;• reporting annually on our sustainabilityperformance and achievements;• ensuring that our Executive and SeniorManagement Teams continue to championthe implementation and measurementof our sustainability performance so itbecomes a truly seamless part of ourbusiness operations.‘…we are now partnering with ourclients to develop and promote themost sustainable events possible.’4 <strong>ExCeL</strong> <strong>London</strong>making a difference <strong>2008</strong> 5

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