Rajbhasha Niti - Ministry Of Earth Sciences

Rajbhasha Niti - Ministry Of Earth Sciences

Rajbhasha Niti - Ministry Of Earth Sciences

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6THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES ACT, 1963 (AS AMENDED, 1967)(Act No. 19 of 1963)(10th May 1963)The draft committee of the Constitution of India has adopted Hindi, written in Devnagri script, as <strong>Of</strong>ficiallanguage of the Union on 14th September 1949. The <strong>Of</strong>ficial Languages Act 1963 was enacted toimplement this Act. The bare act of the <strong>Of</strong>ficial Languages Act is reproduced below :-An Act to provide for the languages which may be used for the official purposes of theUnion, for translation of business in Parliament, for Central and State Acts and for certainpurposes in High Courts.Be it enacted by Parliament in the Fourteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-1. Short title and Commencement : (1) This Act may be called the <strong>Of</strong>ficial LanguagesAct, 1963.(2) Section 3 shall come into force on the 26th day of January, 1965 and the remainingprovisions of this Act shall come into force on such date¹ as the Central Government may by notificationin the <strong>Of</strong>ficial Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act.(b) "Hindi" means Hindi in Devanagari Script.3. Continuance of English Language for <strong>Of</strong>ficial purposes of the Union and for use inParliament-- (1) Notwithstanding the expiration of the period of fifteen years from the commencement ofthe Constitution, the English language may, as from the appointed day, continue to be used in additionto Hindi--(a) for all the official purposes of the Union for which it was being used immediately before thatday, and(b) for the transaction of business of Parliament :2. Definitions : In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires--(a) 'appointed day', in relation to section 3, means the 26th day of January, 1965 and inrelation to any other provision of this Act, means the day on which that provision comes into force;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S. 5(1) comes into force on the 10 January, 1965 vide notification No. S. O. 94, dated the 4th January.1965. Gazette of India pt. ** Sec. 3(¡¡) p. 128. S.6, comes into force on the 19th May, 1969 videnotification No. S. O. 1945. dated the 14th May, 1987 Gazette of India, pt. ** Sec. 3(¡¡) p. 2024 S. 7comes into force on the 7th March, 1970, vide Notification No. S. O. 841 dated The 26th February,1970, Gazette of India pt. ** Sec. 3(¡¡). S. 5 (2) comes into force on the Ist Oct. 1976 vide NotificationNo. S. O. 655 (E) dated the 5th October, 1976. Gazette of India pt. ** Sec. 3(¡¡) p. 1901.2 Substituted by Act 1 of 1968, section 2 for section 3..........7/

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