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PIED1511/12 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Politics</strong>20 credits semester 1 or 2Are you interested in understanding:• The main ideas, concepts and philosophies thatinform the contemporary world order?• Why the Cold War ended and what replaced it?• How is foreign policy made?• What role does America play in the ‘New WorldOrder?’• How does ‘globalisation’ affect the way statesbehave?• Are we living in a ‘world society’ or are weexperiencing a ‘clash <strong>of</strong> civilisations’?• Why do academics and politicians differ so muchon the importance attached <strong>to</strong> these and otherissues?In short, are you interested in understanding thecomplex changes currently underway in theinternational system and what this means for politics across the globe? The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Politics</strong>module is specifically designed <strong>to</strong> cover these kinds <strong>of</strong> issues and <strong>to</strong> provide you with anintroduction <strong>to</strong> the concepts that enable you <strong>to</strong> make your own judgements about these centralquestions.Essential for comprehending the background behind the events that dominate our daily news,<strong>International</strong> <strong>Politics</strong> is the key if you want <strong>to</strong> make sense <strong>of</strong> the increasingly globalpolitical world that we all now inhabit.Timing: Weekly lectures Tuesdays 11-12 Weekly seminars at a time <strong>to</strong> fit your timetable.Module Leaders: Dr Naomi Head, email: N.C.Head@leeds.ac.uk; Dr Jason Ralph, room 13.41 ESS Building, 3434429, email: J.G.Ralph@leeds.ac.ukAssessment] Part 1 – 1 x 3000 word mid-semester essay Part 2 - 1 x 3000 word end <strong>of</strong> semester essay.Short Reading List:J Baylis and S Smith (eds.), The Globalisation <strong>of</strong> World <strong>Politics</strong>: An introduction <strong>to</strong> international relations(Oxford OUP, 2001 2 nd Edition)Robert Jackson and Georg Sorensen, Introduction <strong>to</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Politics</strong>: theories and approaches (Oxford:OUP, 2003 2 nd Edition)17

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