bsc iii-iv-v-vi semester botony

bsc iii-iv-v-vi semester botony

bsc iii-iv-v-vi semester botony

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UNIT – IVUNIT – Vthou:i@tSofofo/krk & vk/kkjHkwr ifjdYiuk] ifjHkk"kk] egRo] Hkkjr dhtSofofo/krk] rIrLFky] bu lhVw rFkk ,Dl lhVw laj{k.k] foyqIrizk; rFkk[krjs esa iM+h iztkfr;k¡] jsM MkVkcqdASoil: Physico-chemical properties, Soil formation, Development ofSoil Profile, Soil classification, Soil composition, Soil factors;Pollution: Definition, Types & Causes; Global warming, Climatechange and Ozone holes.e`nk % HkkSfrd & jklk;fud xq.k] e`nk fuekZ.k] eǹk ifjPNsfndk dk fodkl]e`nk dk oxhZdj.k] eǹk laxBu] e`nk dkjd( iznw"k.k% ifjHkk"kk] izdkj ,oadkj.k( oSf'od riu] tyok;q ifjorZu ,oa vkstksu fNnzAPhytogeography: Phytogeographical regions of India, Vegetationtypes of Madhya Pradesh, Biosphere reserves, Sancturies andNational parks of Madhya Pradesh, Natural resources – definitionand classification of natural resources, Conservation andmanagement of natural resources, Land resources management,Water resources management, Wet land resource management.ikni HkkSxksfydh % Hkkjr ds ikni HkkSxksfyd {ks=] e-iz- ds okuLifrd izdkj]tSo e.My lap;r] e-iz- ds vHk;kj.k ,oa jk"Vªh; m|ku] izkd`frd L=ksr&izkd`frd Lkzksrksa dh ifjHkk"kk ,oa oxhZdj.k] izkd`frd lzksrksa dk izca/ku ,oalaj{k.k] Hkw&Lkzksr izca/ku] ty Lkzksr izca/ku] vknzZHkwfe izca/kuAPractical Exercises + Scheme(Marks- 50)1-To determine the minimum size of Quadrat by species area curve method. 05- To conduct exercise on Frequency, Density and Abundance.2- Study of soil with reference to soil texture, water holding capacity, pH and testfor Carbonate and Nitrate. 053-Preparation of slides of Xerophytic, Hydrophytic and Mesophytic plants. 104-To comment upon Phytogeographic region (model/ charts) and National Parks(Photographs). 055-Spotting- 106-V<strong>iv</strong>a- voce- 57-Practical Record- 1010

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