Kenya - Standards and Trade Development Facility

Kenya - Standards and Trade Development Facility

Kenya - Standards and Trade Development Facility


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6. Animal healthStatus Needs Ongoing <strong>and</strong> planned assistance Recommended actions/gaps, PriorityAwareness- Growing awareness is observed(at least at technical level) ofcurrent animal disease statusrestricting access to internationalmarkets; policy of establishingdisease free zones is envisaged.- Low awareness of good animalhusb<strong>and</strong>ry <strong>and</strong> animal healthissues among herders, inslaughterhouses negativelyaffecting exports of meat & meatproducts.- Further increase awareness ofcrucial importance of animalhealth status for <strong>Kenya</strong>’slivestock <strong>and</strong> meat exportpotential.- Increase general awarenessraising<strong>and</strong> training activitiesamong herders <strong>and</strong> inslaughterhouses.Institutional <strong>and</strong> regulatory frameworkDepartment of Veterinary Services Strengthen the capacity of DVS:(DVS) overseas animal healthservices in the country including - to implement sanitary aspects ofanimal disease control; formulation animal diseases;of st<strong>and</strong>ards; inspection, licensing - to provide veterinary services to<strong>and</strong> issuing of animal health small farmers (especially in thecertificates, conductingASAL areas);surveillance of animal health, - Assistance in the drafting ofvaccinations, vaccine production implementing regulations <strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> distribution <strong>and</strong> importation of revising/drafting of animalsuitable vaccines, quarantine <strong>and</strong> health, animal movement,disease free zones based on Animal veterinary act, veterinary drugHealth Act Chap 364, Meat act, aquaculture/aquatic animalControl Act Chap 356, Dairy Act health act, etc.Chap 336, Crop Production &Livestock Ordinance Act Chap 321in addition to its involvement inanimal products (dairy, meat, &poultry products,) <strong>and</strong> animal feedsafety <strong>and</strong> quality control;DVS is the chair of the NationalCodex Committee <strong>and</strong> also a focalpoint for OIE.The following existing <strong>and</strong> plannedprojects are relevant in the animalhealth sector:- FAO – strengthening diseaseinformation networks <strong>and</strong> diagnosticcapacity, <strong>and</strong> improving diseasesurveillance management system(funded by Norway <strong>and</strong> UN Fund2008-2010).- EC: Participation of African Nationsin Sanitary <strong>and</strong> PhytosanitarySt<strong>and</strong>ard setting Organizations (PAN-SPSO).- EC/AU-IBAR: Support Programme toIntegrated National Action Plans forAvian <strong>and</strong> Human Influenza(SPINAP-AHI).- World Bank Group: Promoting longterm investment in livestock in <strong>Kenya</strong>- USAID/USDA – PASA project onanimal health issues (not yet started,see Annex I).- Increase awareness <strong>and</strong> trainingactivities at political level, atproducer, association, & technicallevels for all animal productsincluding livestock (meat & dairyproducts), poultry products, etc.- Enhance the public-private sectorinvestment programme <strong>and</strong> policypackage for meat export throughcreation of disease free zones <strong>and</strong>competent abattoirs considering alltechnical <strong>and</strong> commercialconstraints.DVS has inadequate capacity toprovide institutional & regulatorysupport related to sanitary services,<strong>and</strong> the existing animal healthregulations are outmoded (UNIDO,WB).- Strengthen the capacity of DVS interms of competent staff,infrastructures & facilities.- Update the Animal Disease Act &establish related animal healthregulations in line with OIErequirements & streamlined withthe generic food law & otherpectoral laws to be established.- Streamline the m<strong>and</strong>ate &responsibilities of DVS to focus onanimal health <strong>and</strong> diseases control12321114

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