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4FILM BOOKSPUBLISHED BY THE ARTS COUNCILOF GREAT BRITAINA PERSPECTIVE ON ENGLISH AVANT-GARDE FILM 84pp 37 illustrations £1.50 ISBN 0900229 54 3 An anthology of writings edited by Deke Dusinberre, covering a decade of film-making by English artists. 23 artists' statements and filmographies. FILM AS FILM formal experiment in film 1910-75 152pp 130 illustI1ltions £6.00 paperbound ISBN07287 0200 2 £8.00clothbound ISBN 07287 0201 0 A major hisroricaland critical survey offilms by artists. Articles on: abstract film, absolute film , avant·garde cinema, formal film, fururist film, kinetic theatre, Light-play, the non-objective film , notions of'avant-garde; 'other' avant-gardes, strucrural film, surrealist film. Statements, documentation and bio-filmographies from 100 international artist film-makers. ~~ft[[N----7I I15184381Spring 1980 Volume 21 Number 1published by the Society for Education in Film andTelevisionEditorialM 1 eKE A TON: Taste of the Past -on TelevisionCinema H istoryD O U G LA S GO MER y: Review - 'The Movie Brats'Preliminaries to a possibleTIM 0 THY J C L ARK:Treatment of ·Olympia' in 1865V leT 0 R BU R GIN:J 0 H N EL L I S: On pornographyPhotography. Phantasy. FunctIonSTANBRAKHAGE An American independent film-maker 46pp 63 illustrations £1.80 (£1.50 with exhibition) ISBN 09287 0218 5 Introduction to the work of one of America's most influential film-makers. Essays anda detailed chronology by Simon Field. An anthology ofBrakhage's own \\TItings, complete filmography. CORRECTION PLEASEor How We Got Into Pictures24pp 34 illustrations 90pThis booklet, containing 10 short observalionson film-language, isdesigned (0 complement Burch's 50 minute film 'Correction Please.'The film incorporates 10 complete films from the 'primitive' cinemaofl9OO-1906, and interweaves them with Burch'soWll wittynarrative, 're-constructed' according to evolving cinematic codes,DOCUMENTARIES ON THE ARTSlOOpp 110 illustl""dtions SOp ISBN 07287 0194 4Short background anicles and production delaiJs of75 films onpainting, sculprure, architecrure, music) pe.rfonnance) the-cltreetc, produced by the Arts Council ofGrear Britain.All enquiries should be addressed to the Film Office, ACGB,105 Piccadilly, London Wl. (Correction Plcase is also available fromMOMA, New York). February 19R0Arts CouncilOF GREAT HRITAI~E D iT O R: Mark Nash: ED I T O RI A.L OFF I CER: SusanHoneyford: ED ITO RI A LBO A R D: Ben Brewster, JohnCaughie, Elizabeth Cowie, Ian Connell, Phillip Drummond,Mi d;. Eaton, John Ellis, Stephen Heath, Claire Johnston,Mary Kelly, Annette Kuhn. Colin MacCabe, Steve Neale.Geoffrey Nowell-Smith. Paul Willemen, A D VE R T I SING MANAG E R: Ann Sachs D ES I G N : Julian Rothenstein. C O R R ES PO N 0 E Ne E should be addressed to: The Editor,S e RE E N, 29 Old Compton Street, London WI V 5PL.CON T R I B U T O R 5 should note that the Editorial Board cannotlake responsi bility fo r any manuscript submitted to <strong>Screen</strong>,Subscription rates : sec P ItO5 eR E E N is indexed in the International Index to FilmPeriodicals, and the International In dex to Televisio nPe ri odicals (FIAF). Photocopies and microfilm copies of<strong>Screen</strong> are available from University M icrofilms International18 Bedford RoW, London wet , and 300 North Zecb Road,Ann Arbour, Michigan 48106 USA.© 1980 The Society for Education in Film and Television,No artic le may b~ reproducl.!d or transmitted in any formor by any means, electronic or mechanical. including photocopy.recording, or any information stonlge and n:tricvalsystem without th e pl!rmission in writing of the Editor.ISSN 0036-9543.Printed in England by Vill iers Publications, London NW5.

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