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108 as is d ear trom submissicns to us, dislike lie sexualised advertisements],109(9.9). Currently advertisements aIe regarded legally asprivate property (hence fines for defacing them), rather than asbeing in the public domain. on the grounds that their entirefunction is one of addressing all and sundry whether they choose[Q be so addressed or not. The implications of such an argumentfor legal reform are not considered by rhe Williams Report, andso in thjs sense j t can be seen as not baving tackled the problemsfor those attempting [Q change and challenge existing representations.Other recommendations of the Report may provide new obstacles.Its recommendations are based on a public disavowal of aTEX TU AL STUDIES IN CULTU R A L PR ODUCTIONrepresentational activity that is designa ted 'pornography' by generalFIRST DISCO URSE has as its aim to introduce into the dynami cs o f discourse.opinion. This will mean that the production of such representationsvoices that have been tradition~l1y underrepresented in philosophical . hisroric..I, and theoretical inquiry. We want to emphasize possibilities fo r d if­will be confirmed as a separa te indus try. difficult to move into.closely linked wi th organised crime. The construction of pornographyas 'J know it exists. nevertheless I choose to ignore it' willference within the repetition which constinues la nguage and cuhural practices,includi ng 61m and television. T herefore, FI RST DI SCOU RSE does notexcl ude la nguage. representation and sexual ity from the definiti on of thedeprive many practitioners of rhe flexibility to move in and outpolitical.of particular forms of signification which is implied by the notionof 'struggle within representations '. Some work will be public.some will be in plain wrappers. behind discreet dOOrs. SuchIssue No . T (ca lled DIS COU RSE ) contains an interv iew with French blmrheoretician Christian Metz, an in tertextual article dealing wHh femininediscourse in l aura Mulvey'S and Peter Wollen's Riddles of the Sphinx, Bertranddesignations will provide institutional determinants upon lheAugst on rhe noti on of disco urse in Michel Foucault. and an article examin ingmeanings that are being produced which will create se\'ererhe concept of di scou rse in the work of jlirgen Haberma s.problems. It may sui t the industry to exchange relaxation ofcontrols on representations for tighter controls on their disseminarion:The ropic of issue No . 2 is Sexual ity: Insights fro m the study of psychoanalnis,but this is bound to create further probl ems for disruptivefeminism, semi oti cs, and social theory are bro ught to the in V'eqigation of thiSd iscu rsive fIeld. Arrides on the fern in ist subiect : Freudi an gender theory; deS ire,representational work in the area of pornography.visua I iry, and power; fe tis hism and n~H Clss ism: spectator identification; plus anThe area of cinema is rhe only medium in which the \Villiamsannotated bibli ograph)' of reccn t lire ratl! re on psychoanalysi s ilnd sexualiry .Report advocates specific censorship mechanisms. It allows that theFuw re iss ues will be on Med ia. the Law. H istorJcal Narr.3t1\·e. Photo~r aphy. anddefence of 'artistic merit' may be applied to films against thethe Politics of Lirerary Production .An earlier version activities of the censor. If tbere is to be censorship of films by aof tillS article .....as Government body, men [his should be a public process, similargiven as a paper[0 [hat used in Weimar Germany. The censorshi p body would haveat the CommunistFor subscription send to : FJ RST D ISCOU RSE. Box I::' \6. 2 000 Center Sneer,Unive rsity ofto publish arguments for specific alterations to films or bans uponBerkeley, CA 94 704London in July fil ms. which \\'ould then be argued OUt with the producers/distributorsin public, if challenged. The potential would rhen be'5.00 institutions~ 14 .00 institutionsI issm::-$4.o0 individuals I ~'e aro r ~ I SS U(;S-~ll.OO indl\'iduals1979. My thanksto all thosepresent for the provided for censorshi p itself to become an area of struggle. rather$6.00 foreign ~ 1 !-i. OO fore i~nsuggestions which than a secre tive and unargued process as it is now.A\:aiIJ ble from SEFThave beenIt is too simple to support the Williams recommendations asNameincorporated here.as well as to they stand merely because they offer a possible liberalisation.InstirurionMaria Black, Ben Similady, it is toO simple co reject direct attacks upon publicBrewster and Film representations because [he form of the attack is often open toStreetC ItyStudies graduatestudents at the accusations of puritanjsm. A politics in relation to pornographyUniversity of must deve lop from a conception of 'pornography' as a particularSrareZ'PKent.artna of representation in which certain displacements, refiguralions,are or can be possible,This iournal is not to be confused with Di!>t.:ourse magazi ne.FIR ;rDIS~~0URSE

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