Performance Tuning Documentum Web Based Applications - EMC ...

Performance Tuning Documentum Web Based Applications - EMC ...

Performance Tuning Documentum Web Based Applications - EMC ...


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4ProblemDuring performance testing, I encountered following problems initiallyS.NO Problem Problem Description ResolutionDuring load test, http request were gettingqueued and there were no idle threads Increases thread count in1Http request were getting available. This means that the user has to such a way that there arequeuedwait until he is assigned a thread which in no requests getting queuedturn increases the response time for the and no idle threads.user.2345JVM Heap Size usage washigh, around 90%Few SQL were taking lot oftimeDatabase response was slowand DB Server CPU utilizationwas very high- 92%.Database Temporaryconnection error whichdocumentum makes withoracle.JVM heap size was not sufficient for 100Users working concurrently.By analyzing the application logs, I identifiedtop SQL queries which took most time ingetting the responseDatabase server CPU utilization was quitehigh around 92%.Process count in the oracle was less due towhich Content Server was unable to createsessions with the Oracle.Increase the JVM Heapsize to an optimum value.Tune these queries, useDQL hints, create indexes,and tune some DBparameters.Ask DBA to consistentlymonitor the database andsuggest changes.Increase the process countin Oracle.Once the problematic areas were identified, I started consulting respected <strong>Web</strong>logicAdministrators, <strong>Documentum</strong> Administrators and Database Administrators to decide theappropriate values of the settings to resolve the problems. After having few discussions, it wasclear that there are no fixed rules to define most of the settings like Thread Count, Heap Size andprocess count in DB and they are very specific to the application. I did receive the settingsrecommended by <strong>Documentum</strong> with a warning that these might not be the ideal for your customapplication. So to decide the ideal settings I thought of below approach until we reach the bestresponse time and the optimal value.

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