Levinas - The Levinas Reader (ed Hand)

Levinas - The Levinas Reader (ed Hand)

Levinas - The Levinas Reader (ed Hand)


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Copyright © Introduction and <strong>ed</strong>itorial apparatus, Sean <strong>Hand</strong> 1989 Copyright ©'<strong>The</strong> Phenomenological <strong>The</strong>ory of Being', '<strong>The</strong>re Is', 'Time and the Other', 'MartinBuber and the <strong>The</strong>ory of Knowl<strong>ed</strong>ge', 'Ethics as First Philosophy', 'Substitution','Reality and Its Shadow', '<strong>The</strong> Transcendence of Words', '<strong>The</strong> Servant and herMaster', '<strong>The</strong> Other in Proust', 'God and Philosophy', 'Revelation in the JewishTradition', '<strong>The</strong> Pact', 'Ideology and Idealism', 'Judaism', 'Judaism and the Present','<strong>The</strong> State of Israel and the Religion of Israel', 'Means of Identification', '<strong>The</strong>State of Caesar and the State of David', 'Politics After', 'Assimilation and NewCulture', 'Ethics and Politics', Emmanuel <strong>Levinas</strong>, 1930, 1946, 1947, 1963, 1984,1968, 1948, 1949, 1966, 1947, 1975, 1977, 1982, 1973, 1971, 1960, 1951, 1963,1971, 1979, 1980, 1982First publish<strong>ed</strong> 1989Basil Blackwell Ltd108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 lJF, UKBasil Blackwell Inc.3 Cambridge Center,Cambridge, MA 02142, USAAll rights reserv<strong>ed</strong> . Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes ofcriticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduc<strong>ed</strong>, stor<strong>ed</strong> in aretrieval system, or transmitt<strong>ed</strong> , in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of thepublisher.Except in the Unit<strong>ed</strong> States of America, this book is sold subject to the conditionthat it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hir<strong>ed</strong> out, orotherwise circulat<strong>ed</strong> without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding orcover other than that in which it is publish<strong>ed</strong> and witout a similar conditionincluding this condition being impos<strong>ed</strong> on the subsequent purchaser.British Library Cataloguing in Publication DalaA CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Calaloging in Publication Data<strong>Levinas</strong>, Emmanuel.[Selections. English. 1989]<strong>The</strong> <strong>Levinas</strong> reader/<strong>ed</strong>it<strong>ed</strong> by Sean <strong>Hand</strong>.p. cm.Bibliography: p.Includes index.ISBN 0-631-16446-4. - ISBN 0-631-16447-2 (pbk.)1. Ontology. 2. Ethics. 3. Aesthetics. 4. Religion.5. Political science. I. <strong>Hand</strong>, Sean. H. Title.B2430.L482E6 1989 89-14865194--dc20CIPTypeset in 10 on 12 pt Plantinby Graphicraft Typesetters, LtdPrint<strong>ed</strong> in Great Britain by Camelot Press PLC, Southampton

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