restoring law & order and crime prevention - Peace Operations ...

restoring law & order and crime prevention - Peace Operations ...

restoring law & order and crime prevention - Peace Operations ...


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34• Accompanying Cypriot police patrol deployed to checkvehicles on roads for various traffic <strong>and</strong> other offences;• Manning UN police posts in certain sensitive areas wheretension existed;• Investigating incidents where Greek or Turkish Cypriots wereinvolved with the opposite community;• Special investigations as necessary.Besides these assigned duties the CIVPOL played an active part inhumanitarian work with other UN agencies, like the UN Highcommissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) <strong>and</strong> the International Committee ofthe Red Cross (ICRC). CIVPOL officers also provided escorts, visitedprisons <strong>and</strong> refugee camps, <strong>and</strong> set up a special UNFICYP missingperson’s bureau.However, the CIVPOL component was not given full <strong>law</strong> enforcementpowers <strong>and</strong> also it was not armed. The CIVPOL activities were carried outunder the overall leadership of the UNFICYP Military force Comm<strong>and</strong>er.The United Nations involvement in Namibia brought a new era of civilianpolice operations in the sense that for the first time CIVPOL officers weredeployed in the UN peacekeeping mission independent of military.UNTAG (United Nations Transition Assistance Group) came intoexistence in 1989 as a transitional body to facilitate the peace process aftercessation of hostilities between South African forces <strong>and</strong> the South WestAfrican People’s Organisation (SWAPO). An important part of the peaceprocess was the monitoring of the South African controlled South WestAfrican Police Force (SWAPOL), the principle instrument of political <strong>and</strong>

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