restoring law & order and crime prevention - Peace Operations ...

restoring law & order and crime prevention - Peace Operations ...

restoring law & order and crime prevention - Peace Operations ...


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53challenges by providing effective assistance to the Police. Military can dothis by regular joint patrol with the Police in the sensitive areas besidesgiving the back up support to the Special Police Units whenever required.8. Police-military coordination in security of installationsBesides the security of the minorities <strong>and</strong> refugees civilian Police in themission area perform a host of other security duties such as security ofimportant installations, security of important religious places, historicalmonuments <strong>and</strong> cultural properties. For example, security of the airport isof immense importance in <strong>order</strong> to keep the transportation line safe <strong>and</strong>open for UN personnel, especially in the beginning of the mission when thesecurity set up in the mission area is generally weak. Though B<strong>order</strong> <strong>and</strong>Boundary Police component of the UNPOL is primarily entrusted with thisresponsibility, military with its superior firepower <strong>and</strong> equipments can givegood back-up support to the Police engaged in such security related tasks.Similarly in the mission area, a number of UN offices or offices of the localgovernments are important installations, vulnerable to attack by thedisgruntled groups. Close coordination between the Police deployed forsecurity of such installations <strong>and</strong> the military component in the area, with amutually agreed drill to be followed in advance in case of attack on suchinstallations greatly enhances the security mechanism as the military canquickly respond to such threats <strong>and</strong> come to the assistance of the Police incase of a possible attack.Security of religious places, ancient cultural <strong>and</strong> historical monuments inthe mission area assumes greater significance due to the religious <strong>and</strong>cultural sentiments of people attached with such places which areimportant cultural symbols. Attack on such places by a rival group can

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