April - June, 2010 - Sustainable Development Policy Institute

April - June, 2010 - Sustainable Development Policy Institute

April - June, 2010 - Sustainable Development Policy Institute


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SDPI<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>Timber smuggled via Tarbela Lake;FC carries out raidPolice at Swabi Mera police station deceived FCDaily Shamal Abbottabad, <strong>June</strong> 22, <strong>2010</strong>Swabi Mera (Shamal Correspondent) FC raided rightat the time when timber was being smuggled throughTarbela Lake. However the police at Swabi Merapolice station deceived FC and the smugglers managedto smuggle the timber. According to sources FCcordoned off the area near Tarbela Lake to catchtimber smuggler gang and launched a raid but a fewblack sheep in the police informed the smugglersbefore time and the smugglers slipped out of FC’shands. The FC continued its operation in the area allnight but all its efforts remained futile. The fact thatthe smugglers were able to transport timber in thepresence of FC personnel shows that the smugglersalready had information about the cordon. Thesmugglers passed through the area under thejurisdiction of Swabi Mera police station. People ofthe area have demanded that a grand operation shouldbe launched against the timber mafia. They demandedthat the police officials who collaborate with thesmugglers should also be held accountable.Saran, DFO is playing important role for protection offorests: people of the areaDaily Shamal Abbottabad, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2010</strong>Jabori (Shamal Correspondent)DFO Saran has proved his honestyand efficiency by controllingtimber smugglers and collecting750,000 rupees in fine. Theseviews were expressed by thepeople of Saran Valley whilespeaking at the Press Club inJabori. They said that after theappointment of DFO SaranMohammad Aijaz Qadir forestsare being protected and timbersmugglers have gone in hiding.Thousands of feet of marked timber might be lost inHazara forestsForests are suffering losses worth millions of rupees due to negligence of forest conservatorDaily Shamal Abbottabad, <strong>June</strong> 28, <strong>2010</strong>Gurmang Bala (ShamalCorrespondent) Due to negligenceof the forest conservator in Hazarait is feared that millions of rupeeswill be lost. Thousands of feet ofdry wood and marked trees arelikely to be wasted. According tothe details thousands of feet of drywood and windfall timber is lyingin Hazara forests. In a number offorests it has already been marked.For example in Jabori documentsare long awaiting approval fromthe conservator. The people of thearea have demanded that thepresent conservator should beposted out and the senior-mostofficial Sardar Sultan Ahmadshould be appointed conservator inHazara area.Shergarh: Reckless cutting of forests;Inquiry launched against five officials including foresterDaily Shamal Abbottabad, <strong>June</strong> 28, <strong>2010</strong>Oghi (Shamal Correspondent)Departmental inquiry has beeninitiated against five forestofficials including a forester inShergarh range on charges ofreckless cutting of forests andsmuggling of wood. ADFO Rangein-charge Manzoor Ahmed hasPakistan Forest Digest Vol. 1, No. 1, <strong>April</strong> – <strong>June</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>

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