marine protected areas in slovenia - Zavod RS za varstvo narave

marine protected areas in slovenia - Zavod RS za varstvo narave

marine protected areas in slovenia - Zavod RS za varstvo narave


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164 Barbara Vidmar, Robert Turk: Mar<strong>in</strong>e <strong>protected</strong> <strong>areas</strong> <strong>in</strong> Slovenia: ...2.2.4 Habitat typesCliffs and mudflats 6 are the most representative habitat types along the Slovenian coastl<strong>in</strong>eand have been appropriately <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the <strong>mar<strong>in</strong>e</strong> and coastal <strong>protected</strong> <strong>areas</strong> listed above.With<strong>in</strong> the Strunjan Nature Park and the Natural Monument Debeli rtič, we found the mostrepresentative cliffs on Slovenian coast. The only two lagoons (Stjuža – <strong>mar<strong>in</strong>e</strong> and ŠkocjanInlet - brackish) are also with<strong>in</strong> <strong>protected</strong> <strong>areas</strong> – Strunjan Nature Park and Škocjan InletNature Reserve. The situation <strong>in</strong> terms of sandbanks, Spart<strong>in</strong>a swards, Mediterranean saltmeadows, posidonia beds and reefs is less satisfy<strong>in</strong>g. So far, no <strong>protected</strong> <strong>areas</strong> have beenestablished for the conservation of these rare and endangered habitat types. Some proposalswere tabled concern<strong>in</strong>g the sandbank on the promontory Debeli rtič and the Spart<strong>in</strong>asward <strong>in</strong> the area of Sv. Jernej. Proposals for the establishment of <strong>protected</strong> <strong>areas</strong> shouldbe elaborated at least for the Mediterranean salt meadow of Sv. Nikolaj and the posidoniameadow at Žusterna and conservation measures proposed for the reef between Fiesa andStrunjan, the large sandbank Brajde outside Piran. The current situation concern<strong>in</strong>g habitattypes is presented <strong>in</strong> Table 1.Table 1: List of representative <strong>mar<strong>in</strong>e</strong> and coastal habitat types <strong>in</strong> SloveniaTabela 1: Seznam reprezentativnih morskih <strong>in</strong> obalnih habitatnih tipov v SlovenijiName and FFH codeVegetated sea cliffs of the Mediterraneancoasts with endemic Limonium ssp. 1240Sandbanks which are slightly andpermanently covered by seawater 1110Legal protection(112/2003)Presence <strong>in</strong>pSACsPresence <strong>in</strong>MPAs?YES YES YES(Debeli rtič,Strunjan)NO (Valdoltra, Fiesa;Piran.....)NO Proposed YES (Debeli rtič) /NO (Brajde)Conservationstatus☺Sea grass meadows with Cimodocea not ffh YES - YES ☺Sea grass meadows with Zoostera mar<strong>in</strong>a NO YES (notNOsufficient)Sea grass meadows with Zoostera noltii NO YES (not YES (NR Strunjan) sufficient)Algal beds (Cystoseira) not ffh YES - YES ☺Spart<strong>in</strong>a swards (Spart<strong>in</strong>ion maritimae)1320YES YES and NO YES(SečovljeSaltpans)NO (Sv. Jernej bay)Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetaliamaritimi) 1410Mudflats and sandflats not covered byseawater at low tide1140Salicornia and other annuals coloniz<strong>in</strong>gmud and sand 1310YES YES YES and NO (St. Nikolaj)YES YES YES (majority) ☺YES YES YES ☺Annual vegetation on drift l<strong>in</strong>es 1210 NO YES YES ☺6 Natura 2000 codes: 1240, 1140, 1310 and 1210

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