2008 Annual Giving Report - St Paul's High School

2008 Annual Giving Report - St Paul's High School

2008 Annual Giving Report - St Paul's High School

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Mr and Mrs Lorne PorthMr Dean PostlewaiteMr Dan A. Potenza ’87Mr and Mrs Pat PotenzaMr Lawrence G. Potvin ’53Mr Ailbe J. Prendiville ’73Mr Paul Prenovault ’79Mr and Mrs Frederick PreunMr and Mrs James R. PriceProcurity IncMr and Mrs Eugene E. Pronozuk ’49Mr and Mrs Mel ProskurniakMr and Ms Jerzy PrzybylMr Greg C. Psooy ’81Mr Robert B. Puchniak ’89Mr Jonathan M. Quaglia ’82Mr and Mrs Bryan QueauMr and Mrs Guillermo QuinonezMr and Mrs Geza RaczMr and Mrs Marin RadulescuMr and Mrs James RaftisMr and Mrs Edward RajfurMr and Mrs Eugenio RamirezMr <strong>St</strong>even J. Rathwell ’07Mr and Mrs Thomas R. Rathwell ’69Mr and Mrs Bert RebeiroMr and Mrs Leslie D. RecksiedlerMr J.R. Redpath ’39Mr Mark A. Rehaluk ’02Mr J. Albert Rheaume ’40Mrs Cheryl Ridley-CallisDr Ken Ringaert ’74Mr and Mrs Joseph RingaertMr J. Ripley and Mrs D. JonesMr and Mrs Paul RitchieMr and Mrs Rene RivardMr Glenn Gray and Ms Lori RobereckiMr and Mrs Alan RobertsMr John F. Robertson ’50Mr Thomas B. Robertson ’03Mr and Mrs Wallace RobertsonMr Tim J. Robinson ’89Capt Kevin J. Robson ’88Mr J.M.D. Rochon ’65Mr Richard M. Rodrigues ’93Mr and Mrs Tony RodriguesMr Edmond A. Rootsaert ’60Mr and Ms Roger RosenbergMr and Mrs Murray RossMr and Mrs Frank RossiMr Leonard C. Rossnagel ’69Mr and Mrs Jeffrey RousMr Philip Rowan ’71Mr Ronald Rowberry ’49Mr and Mrs Rod RoyMr and Mrs Juanito RubioMr and Mrs Ron Ruhr ’61Mr and Mrs Robert SabourinMr and Mrs Mark SachkiwMr and Mrs Andrzej SadowskiMr and Mrs John SajDr Elizabeth SalamonMr R.B. Samson ’82Ms Letizia SandronMrs Margaret SarayMr Gary M.I. Sarcida ’95Mr and Mrs Dave SawchukDr and Mrs Martin ScanlonMr Mike ScatliffMr John Schimnowski ’85Mr Gregory J. Schmidt ’06Mr and Mrs Dennis SchultzMr James G. Scollan ’59Mr James E.S. Scott ’71Second Sensation BoutiqueMr Roman Korbutiakand Ms Irka SemaniukMr and Mrs Al A. Seredynski ’63Mr Len Seredynski ’59Ms Esperia SerretiDr S. Sethi and Dr Morag FisherMr Nolan M. Shapera ’70Mr Khaled Shariff ’83Mr Christopher R. Shay ’81Mrs Irene SheadMr and Mrs Rodger SheldonMr and Mrs Harry ShelestMr James SherrettMr and Mrs Hyundae ShinMr and Mrs Brian ShippamMr and Mrs George SiamandasMr George SigurdsonMr and Mrs Pawan K. SingalMr Alexander J. Singbeil ’99Mr Jack F. Sinnott ’39Ms Anne K. SitterMr Peter M. Slivinski ’05Mr Daniel W. Smith ’87Mr David E. Smith ’39Mr John Smith and Ms Sharon PughMr and Mrs Alexander SnidalMr Robert B. Sokalski ’04Mr and Mrs Robert SolowayMr Tyler R. Soloway ’02Mr Peter Somers ’79Mr and Mrs Paul Soubry, Sr.Mr and Mrs Manuel Sousa<strong>St</strong> Emile <strong>School</strong>Mr and Mrs Tom <strong>St</strong>adnykMr and Mrs L. David <strong>St</strong>ammMr and Mrs Arthur <strong>St</strong>annardMr and Mrs Bob <strong>St</strong>ansonMr George J. <strong>St</strong>eciuk ’55Mr and Mrs Charles Utho <strong>St</strong>eidleMr and Mrs Heinz <strong>St</strong>einingerMr and Mrs Kenneth <strong>St</strong>oneMr and Mrs Leonard <strong>St</strong>rijackMr and Mrs Brian <strong>St</strong>rike<strong>St</strong>urgeon Creek Dental CorporationMr and Mrs Michael <strong>St</strong>yreMr Lloyd A. Swick ’40Mr Paul Szun ’85Brig Gen Dennis Tabbernor ’69Mr Matthew Takoski ’79TalbotsMr Michael Talgoy ’71Mr and Mrs Norbert TanguayMrs Valerie TaylorMs Anna TebinkaMr Edward Tellier ’53Mr and Mrs Michael TeschukMr and Mrs Rodney G. TesterMr Donald Tetreault ’72Mr Brad Thiessen ’76Mr and Mrs James Thiessen ’74Mr William Thiessenand Mrs Ursula GarlickiMr Chad E. Thompson ’00Mr and Mrs Randy ThompsonMr and Mrs Scott ThomsonDr Ian Thorlakson ’84Mr Robert J. Todd ’68Dr John M. Toth ’84and Dr Audrey TothMr and Mrs Ronald TrakaloMrs Mary TurnerMr George C. Turnley ’46Mr and Mrs Robert UngerValmar Airflo IncMr and Mrs Henri Van DamMr and Mrs Harry Van de MosselaerMr and Mrs P. Van de MosselaerMr and Mrs Gus Van GinkelMr Peter J. Van Ginkel ’80Mr and Mrs Eric Van SchieMr Brian Van Walleghem ’71Mr and Mrs Robert Van Walleghem ’63Mr and Mrs Randy VandeanMr John H. Vandewater ’87Mr and Mrs Guillermo VenturaMr Eric M.A. Vincent ’06Mr and Mrs Marcel VincentVittorio Rossi ClothiersMr and Mrs Denis J. VoyerMr and Mrs P. VrabicW-5 Transport LtdMr and Mrs Richard MorantzMr Douglas S. Waldron ’78Mr and Mrs Ian WallaceMr Luke A. Wasik ’95Mr and Mrs Michael WasylinMr Bruce WedderburnMr and Mrs Warren Weldon ’56Westaway PharmacyMr and Mrs Paul WiegnerMr and Mrs Craig WildMr Michael D. Willcock ’06WJW Enterprises IncMr and Ms Barry WolfeMs Janice WolfeMr and Mrs Bob WrightMr Dennis J. Wyndels ’46Mr and Mrs Henry YogendranFrank Yong PhotographyMr and Mrs Munther ZeidMs Alison ZenisekMr and Ms James ZinkoMr and Mrs Eric ZogbiFr Gregory J. Zubacz ’84<strong>St</strong> Paul’s <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> strives foraccuracy in recognizing its donorsand partners. Please contact theAdvancement Office for any discrepancieswithin the donor report.<strong>St</strong> Paul’s <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Legacy SocietyMembers of the Legacy Society have made an active decisionto recognize the value of a <strong>St</strong> Paul’s education. They havepledged support in their will as a means of making a perpetualgift in service to the students for generations to come.Members of the Legacy Society include current and past parents,faculty members, alumni and other friends of the school. You,too, can be a member of the Legacy Society. Extend your legacyin support of our community in forming students who are wellprepared to make a positive difference in the lives of others.If you recognize the lasting value of a <strong>St</strong> Paul’s education andwould like to consider a gift in your will, please contact theAdvancement Office. We can assist you in your discernment ofwhether a planned gift is right for you.Share in the legacy of <strong>St</strong> Paul’s <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Help us to securethe future by considering a gift in your will.Kathryn and Richard BrackenJason Brennan ’88and Donna SikorskyPierre ’79 and Doris CampeauAlan ’88 and Lucia CarruthersTony ’79 and Silvana CataneseTim and Lorraine ChimukJeoffrey Chipman ’71Robert M. Chipman ’44Dan Erickson ’76Lorne and Martha EvansMichael ’75 and Brenda EvansDavid A. Galbraith ’77Deacon Hal GrahamJohn A. Gunn ’71Sue and Frank HechterKevin and Els KavanaghPeter and Karen KrasnyBrian P. La Fleur ’70and Charles La FleurNick ’61 and Bev LapingTom and Andrée LussierPaul ’81 and Anne MahonLouis ’40 and Mireille MarrinRona and Barry MillsJames G. Miln ’52Eric E. Moscarella ’48Dr Bill Norrie and Helen NorrieE. Wells Peever, QCand Carol PeeverAl and Bernadette PhillipsBert and Joan RebeiroMark Schlingerman ’61Gerald Seier ’57Jim SherrettAnne SitterDavid E. Smith ’39Don TaylorJim ’66 and Jan TennantTerry ’76 and CherylThorsteinsonKathleen Van HoorenbeckJames and Gloria WallMr and Mrs J.P. WhyteCarl Wolkenstein2 Anonymous<strong>2008</strong> ANNUAL GIVING REPORT11

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