Tables / Explanations AWG-Sizes - Prysmian Group

Tables / Explanations AWG-Sizes - Prysmian Group

Tables / Explanations AWG-Sizes - Prysmian Group


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Chemical parametersResistance to chemicalsThe individual basic types of materials used forflexible electric cables for cranes and materialhandling equipment, such as PCP or EPR can bevery different from each other in their resistanceto chemicals depending on the required properties.Furthermore, the properties of the materials can varygreatly from manufacturer to manufacturer.Other factors which influence flexible electric cablesfor cranes and material handling equipment, suchas the concentration and degree of wetting of thechemicals, their temperature and the penetrationtime have different effects on the resistance tochemicals and have to be investigated from case tocase.The chemical industry has drawn up a table whichshows a rough summary of the resistance to chemicalsof various basic types of material; the overview intable 4/18 is not to be deemed a substitute for adetailed examination.

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