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30 Price List. October. 1908.<br />


IN EFFECT DECEMBER 1st, 1908<br />




LO NO. 2 "S. C:"<br />

This assortment c nsists of threk new ivory balls<br />

that have been sligh v season ihecked or sand<br />

cracked in process of asoning. / They are sometimes<br />

more durable and ltter cal ulated to withstand<br />

sudden changes in teneratuk than the highest<br />

priced new balls.<br />

2 3-8 inch size, per set of 1<br />

2 5-16 " 4 4<br />

Subject to chang at any time.<br />

$24.00<br />

21.00<br />

IVORY ppoiot, BALLS<br />

(16 TO A SET)<br />

Season Checked and<br />

Clear Enameleci; Sand Cracked<br />

2 5-16 inch . .$176.00 $131.00‘ $88.00 to $112.00<br />

2 1-4 " • • 16000 100,00k 64.00 " 80.00<br />

We can furnislf a limited number of Pool Balls<br />

(popular size), wfich have been t:remodeled from<br />

larger sized billiafd balls, at a reduction of from 25<br />

to 50 per cent frpm prices quoted above. Particulars<br />

on applicatihn.<br />

We will take second-hand ivory balls in exchange,<br />

but we cannot estimate their value until we have an<br />

opportunity for examination. Their value depends<br />

entirely upon their size and condition, and their availability<br />

for turning them down to smaller sizes.<br />

We will make liberal allowance for old balls sent<br />

in, and if our valuation does not prove satisfactory<br />

the balls can be redeemed within a reasonable time.<br />

The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co<br />


Advice 011 the Purchase and Care of Ivory Balls.<br />

We advise and urge upon customers the exercise of great<br />

care in the treatment of IvoryBilliard and Pool Balls. We import<br />

the finest soft Zanzibar elephant tusk ivory, which is thoroughly<br />

inspected in our shops before being sent out; but ivory<br />

will break and split if exposed to varying degrees of temperature.<br />

We study the interests of our customers when we advise<br />

them to purchase ivory balls during warm weather, so that they<br />

shall be thoroughly acclimated to the room in which they are<br />

to be used before the unsettled weather of fall, winter or spring<br />

sets in. Purchasers must take all the responsibility and risk of<br />

damage on account of climatic changes. The balls leave our<br />

hands perfectly sound, and of the very best material, but we<br />

cannot guarantee them against breaking or splitting at any time<br />

of the year, particularly during the winter months. Avoid exposing<br />

the balls to different temperatures of heat and cold.<br />

Changes from cold to warm, or from warm to cold will usually<br />

injure and frequently crack them. Draughts from open doors<br />

and open windows striking the balls while in use on tables are<br />

quite apt to damage them.<br />

We advise positively against the use of sweet oil for<br />

the preservation of ivory.<br />

The oil simply discolors the ivory and makes the ball sticky<br />

and heavy, and causes the ivory to deteriorate.<br />

When the balls are removed from the table, after having 13.:en<br />

in use, they should be wiped with a damp <strong>cloth</strong> or sponge and then<br />

rubbed thoroughly dry, for which purpose a piece of chamois is<br />

best suited. The use of alchohol is preferable for cleaning ivory<br />

balls, as it evaporates very quickly and therefore does not affect<br />

the ivory, no matter what the condition of the weather may be.<br />


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