Gateway 100810.pmd - Rotary Club Of Bombay

Gateway 100810.pmd - Rotary Club Of Bombay

Gateway 100810.pmd - Rotary Club Of Bombay


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Ananimationfilm forsomedifferentlyabledchildrenIt’s going to be a lovely film. Children at the S.E.C. Municipal School await the screening of the animation film ‘BalThe Committee for the DifferentlyAbled, which is Chaired byHanuman’. Thank you for arranging the film, a differently abled child tells President Pradeep at rightPP Kalpana Munshi, organised thescreening of the popular animationfilm Bal Hanuman at the S.E.C.Municipal School on Wednesday,July 28.Over 100 children facing differentchallenges – most of them aged between5 and 12 years – watched thefilm with rapt attention.Giving them company were PresidentPradeep Saxena, Kalpana, AshokJatia, <strong>Rotary</strong>ann Zarine Chothia,Shyyamniwas Somani, NareshKumar Jain and Sudha Malhotra.Also present were several youngRotaractors who have alwaysstepped forward to lend a helpinghand in the various programmes andprojects of the <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of<strong>Bombay</strong>.The programme featuring the filmThere’s hardly any aeration in these drinks. Ashok Jatia presents popcorn and other items to the children. At right, Zarine show was the result of the effortsChothia, Ashok, Pradeep, Shyyamniwas, Naresh Jain, PP Kalpana Munshi and Sudha Malhotra with the children put in by Committee Co-ChairmanAshok Jatia and Committee memberZarine. They arranged candyfloss,popcorn, cakes, pastry and softdrinks for all the children so that theyenjoyed the rather rare experience ofwatching a film.Kalpana promised the childrenthat very soon a park along with awell-equipped playground would bemade available for their recreation.While President Pradeep spokewarm words of affection and encouragement,Sudha Malhotra happilytook the mike and rendered the popularsong Hum honge kaamyaab in hermelodious voice.Kalpana reports that the Committeehas arranged a series of projectsfor the rest of the year and has appealedto her fellow members to attendthese programmes to enjoy atNo, I’m not going to give you a speech. Pradeep offers warmth and affection to the children. At right, Sudhafirst hand the joy of sharing someMalhotra sings ‘Hum honge kaamyaab’ in her melodious voice and gets the children to sing along with hermoments of happiness with the lessfortunate sections of society.August 10 to August 16, 2010 THE GATEWAY, The Bulletin of the <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Bombay</strong> Page 4

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