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helps build muscle tissue and promote protein synthesis. Moringa also has antibiotic properties.Helps to strengthen the immune system and can act to prevent illness.India's ancient tradition has it that the leaves of Moringa prevent 300 diseases.The leaf<strong>com</strong>position has significant quantities of vitamins B, iron, iodine and protein. 25 grams daily ofMoringa Leaf Powder will give a child the following re<strong>com</strong>mended daily allowances: protein42%, calcium 125%, magnesium 61%, potassium 41%, iron 71%, vitamin A 272%, and vitaminC 22%. Studies show that HIV patients given moringa leaf powder every day enjoyed greaterappetites and weight gain.Adulterations and substitutesMoringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala have many characteristics in <strong>com</strong>mon. Use as avegetable and water purifier are similar. They share several medicinal uses and both have highcontents of oil in the seeds. Moringa oleifera has a faster development and yields fruits and seedsquickly. Moringa stenopetala is better suited to a drier climate; yields of seeds are higher andthey have a higher coagulant content.Ethanol extracts of leaves and roots have shown promise in control of Trypanosoma brucei andLeishmania donovani in in-vitro experiments. The leaf extract causes increased uterine smoothmuscle contractions in mice and guinea pigs. The medicinal use of leaves to expel a retainedplacenta may be related to these increased contractions. A crude seed extract strongly inhibitedgrowth of Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Shigella sp. and Candida albicans. Thehypoglycaemic effect of an aqueous extract of Moringa stenopetala leaves was confirmed in nondiabeticrabbits. In in-vivo experiments the extract and glibenclamide were <strong>com</strong>pared. The plantextract was found to lower blood glucose concentration although it was less potent thanglibenclamide. The effect was observed to increase with time and with increasing dose of theextract.The Turkana people of northern Kenya make an infusion of the leaves, which is used as aremedy against leprosy. The Njemp people in Kenya chew the bark as a treatment againstcoughs, and use it to make fortifying soups. In the Konso area of Ethiopia the smoke of burningroots is used as a treatment for epilepsy and the leaves of certain Moringa stenopetala trees arerenowned for their effectiveness against diarrhoea. In the Negelle and Wolayeta Sodo areas(Ethiopia) the leaves and roots are used as a cure for malaria, stomach problems and diabetes.The leaves are also used to treat hypertension, retained placenta, asthma, colds, as ananthelmintic, to induce vomiting and to promote wound healing.Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, andProphylactic Properties. Part 1.32

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