2010 ue;sjrK ms

2010 ue;sjrK ms

2010 ue;sjrK ms


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f.!rjdkaú; <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> l%uhla Wfoid<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> <strong>ms</strong>

f.!rjdkaú; <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> l%uhla Wfoid<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> <strong>ms</strong>


wka;¾.;hia;=;sh 01mq¾úldj 031' ye¢kaùu 052' l%ufõoh iy ls%hdud¾. 093' fmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

ia;=;shfmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyfka l¾;jHh id¾:l lr.ekSug meñKs,s bÈßm;alrñka iy f;dr;=re imhñka fkdlvjd iyh ,nd ÿka ishM fokdgu o tujevigyfka ls%hdldrlï Èßu;a l< yd m%pdrh ,nd ÿka ishMu udOH wdh;kj,gowmf.a ia;+;sh <strong>ms</strong>ßkuuq'ishMu rdcH wdh;kj,g" úfYaIfhkau <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñiu ksfhdackh lrkq ,nkrcfha ks,OdÍkag iy wm úiska isÿ l< b,a,Sï yd ,s<strong>ms</strong>j,g m%;spdr oelajQ wud;HdxY iywfkl=;a rcfha wdh;kj,g f.!rj mQ¾jl ia;+;sh m< lrkafkuq'fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigykg ,enqKq meñKs,s iy;sl lr,Su i`oyd ishM ndOl<strong>ue</strong>v,ñka ks¾NS; j lghq;= l< Wmd,s fikúr;ak uy;df.a kdhl;ajfhka hq;a úu¾YklKavdhu bgq l< w;sYhskau jákd ld¾hNdrhg g%ddkaiafmarkais bkagkeIk,a YS% ,xldwdh;kh yDohdx.u ia;+;sh m


mQ¾úldjg%dkaiafmarkais bkagkeIk,a YS% ,xld wdh;kfha fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyk u.skajir <strong>2010</strong> § mej;s ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha§ iy md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha§ isÿjq fmdÿ foam

meñKs,s <strong>ms</strong>

1' ye¢kaùu1 2<strong>2010</strong> jif¾§ mej;s ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>h iy md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha§ isÿjq fmdÿfoam, wh:d f,i mßyrKh lsÍu g%dkaiafmarkais bkagkeIk,a Y%S ,xld wdh;kh úiskaksÍlaIKhg ,la lrk ,§' fmdÿ foam, /l .ekSu i|yd jk jevigyk (PPPR) yrydg%dkaiafmarkais bkagkeIk,a YS% ,xld wdh;kh tu ksÍCIK isÿlrkq ,enqfõ uyckwjOdkh by< kxjñka" <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> j,§ isÿjk fmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrK wju lsÍugiy tu isÿùï <strong>ms</strong>

—hï foaYmd,k mlaIhl fyda lKavdhul m%;s,dNh i|yd iDcqj fyda jl%dldrfhka rdcHfyda ixia:d foam,la ^bvula" f.dvke.s,a,la" fudag¾ r:hla" WmlrKhla" wruqo,la"fjk;a myiqlula fyda udkj iïm;la& mßyrKh lsÍu iudkd;auNdjh W,a,x>Kh jkl%shdldrlula iy foaYmd,k widOdrKhlaa fõ' thg fya;=j tu.ska tla foaYmd,kmlaIhlg fyda lKAvdhulg Tjqkaf.a m%;súreoaOjd§kag ysñ fkdjk jdis iy.;6;;a;ajhla m%odkh ùuh'˜fmdÿ foam, bÈlsÍu iy kv;a;= lsÍu isÿjkqfha uyck;djf.ka Wmhd.kakd nÿ uqo,aúfoaYhkaf.ka ,efnk uQ,Huh myiqlï iy úfoaY.; Y%ñlhkaa furgg tjkq ,nkuqo,sks' tfia tl;= lr.kq ,nk uqo,a lsisÿ neyer lsÍulska f;drj uyck iqNisoaêhfjkqfjka wkSjd¾hfhkau fhdod .; hq;=h' ysñjk uQ,H myiqlï fukau tl;= lr.kakd,o uqo,a muKla fkdj fmdÿ foam< mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> miqìujir <strong>2010</strong> ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>h iy md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>h jir 30 l ld,hla mqrdjg Y%S9,xld rchhkag wh;a wdrCIl wxY iy fou< B

cd;sl fmd,sia fldñiu" w,a,ia fyda ¥IK fpdaokd úu¾Yk fldñiu iy rdcH fiajdfldñika iNdj l%shd;aul ùu ksoyia yd idOdrK <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hla meje;aùu flfrysb;d ;SrKd;aul f,i n,mdhs' flfia kuq;a ckdêm;sjrhd úiska idudðlhka m;a l

2' l%ufõoh iy ls%hdud¾.2'1' fmdÿ foam, w¾: oelaùurcfha wjYH;djhka i|yd fhdod.kakd iy rch úiska kv;a;= lrkq ,nk iy whs;shmejÍ we;s ksYap, fyda pxp, ´kEu udÈ,shl foam

I. rchg wh;a .=jka hdkdo we;=Mj iEu udÈ,shlu r:jdyk" iy rchg wh;amjrd.kakd ,o jdyk'II. rch úiska kv;a;= lrkq ,nk f.dvke.s,s we;=Mj ishMu rcfha f.dvke.s,s iyfkdñ,fha fjka lrjd .; fkdyels rchg wh;a ixpdrl ksjdi'III. iEu rdcH wdh;khlg iy wud;HdxYhlg wh;aj mj;akd myiqlï'IV. fmdÿ lghq;= i|yd Ndú;d lsÍug fjka lr we;s rdcH uqo,a fyda wruqo,a'V. jHjia:d<strong>ms</strong>; uKav, we;=M ishMu rdcH wdh;kj, fiajlhka'VI. ikakoaO yuqodjkaf.a iy fmd,Sisfha idudðlhka'VII. rdcH udOH wdh;k'VIII. fjk;a ´kEu wdldrhl fmdÿ iïm;a'tfukau <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> iufha§ rcfha fiajhg n|jd .ekSï" Wiia ùï ,nd§u iy udreùïisÿlsÍu w;aysgúhhq;= nj i|yka lrñka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhd úiska ksfhda.ksl=;a lrk ,§' jHjia:dfõ 104^4& ^w& j.ka;sh wkqj <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhd 200924foieïn¾ 08 jk od;ñka pl%f,aLhla u.ska ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>h i|yd wod, ksfhda.mkjk ,§'md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha§ o flduidßiajrhd úiska rdcH fiajhg n|jd.ekSï" rdcHfiajlhkag Wiia ùï ,nd§u yd udre lsÍu w;aysgqjñka fjku pl%f,aLhla ksl=;a lrkqq,eîh' md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> iufha§ rdcH fiajhg n|jd.ekSu" Wiia ùï ,nd§u ydrdcH fiajlhka udre lsÍu fmdÿ foam< wmfhdackhg ,lalsÍula f,i <strong>ms</strong>

26f,dalfha rgj,a nyq;rhl mj;skakdla fuka rdcH foam< iq/lSug yd kS;shg .relsÍug wfmalaIlhka wksjd¾hfhkau ne£ isáh hq;= nj i|yka wdpdr O¾u moaO;shlafurg fkd<strong>ue</strong>;'2'3 wh:d iy wksis mßyrKh27g%dkaiafmarkais bkagkeIk,a YS% ,xld wdh;kh w¾: ksrEmKh lrkq ,nk wkaougfmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrKhg my; i|yka lreKq we;=

tfukau fï wdldrfha wmfhdackhkag tfrysj <strong>ms</strong>hjr .kakd uyck;djg kS;sfhka/ljrKhla ysñj ke;'uQ,H kshuhkaf.a (FR) 156 (7) j.ka;shg wkqj uQ,H úêúOdk fyda uqo,a mej;=ko iEuwud;HdxYhlu m%Odk .sKqï ks,Odßhdo jk wud;HdxY f,alïjrhd b;d w;HdjYHuwjia:djl§ yer úhoï isÿùu je

29mgyeks jeh Ndrhla isÿlsÍu 1994 wxl 20 orK w,a,ia ^ixfYdaOk& mk; hgf;a¥IKhla f,i ie

^we&fmdÿ foam, iq/lSfï jevigyfka wNsu;d¾:hka idlaId;a lr .ekSu i|ydiyfhda.h olajk f,i uyck;djf.ka b,a,d isáñka isxy," fou< iy bx.S%is hk35;s%úO NdIdjkaf.ka úoHq;a iy uqøs; udOHj, m%isoaO ±kaùï m< lsÍu'^wE& wh:d mßyrK <strong>ms</strong>

2' fmdÿ iïm;a wh:d mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha§;a" uykqjr yd wkqrdOmqr ckdêm;s ukaÈrj,§;a <strong>ue</strong>ouq,k <strong>ms</strong>ysáckdêm;sjrhdf.a mqoa.,sl ksjfia§;a tjka ido meje;ajQ wjia:d 35 la fmdÿ foam,iq/lSfï jevigyk ksÍlaIKh lr ;yjqre lrf.k we;' fuu ix.%y i`oyd wdrdOkdm;a ksl=;a lrkq ,enqfõ ljqreka±hs ;yjqre lr .; fkdyels jQ ksid wdrdOkd m;a hejQl%ufõoh yryd wmfhdackhla isÿjQfha±hs ;yjqre lr .ekSu wmyiq úh' tu idoj,§Bg iyNd.SsjQjkag ysñjQ wdydrfõ, wdrdOkd ,enQjkaf.a mqoa., m%;srEmhg wkqjidofhka idohg fjkia úh' fuu ido i`oyd iudcfha úúO ;rd;srï j, mqoa.,hskaiyNd.S jQy' fuf,i rdcH iïm;a fhdod.ksñka isÿ l< ix.%y <strong>ms</strong>

3'1'2 YS% ,x.u nia r: yd rcfha jdykckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>hfurg m%Odk;u rdcH m%jdyk fiajdj mj;ajdf.k hkq ,nkafka YS% ,xld .ukd.ukuKav,h úisks' m%jdyk wud;HdxYfha wëlaIKh hgf;a ls%hd;aul jk th 2005 YS%,xld .ukd.uk uKav, mkf;a wxl 27 hgf;a rcfha ixia:djla f,i taldnoaO lrwe;' ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong> <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> iufha§ YS% ,xld .ukd.uk uKav,hg wh;a nia r:1000 lg jeä ixLHdjla <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl /iaùï i|yd ckdêm;sjrhdf.awdOdrlrejka m%jdykh lsÍug jßka jr fhdod.kakd ,§' fmdÿ foam, iq/lSfïjevigyk úiska y÷kd.kakd ,o fuu nia r: YS% ,xldj mqrd <strong>ms</strong>ysgqjd we;s äfmda 98 lska,ndf.k ;snqKs' úu¾IKj,g wkqj fuf,i fhdod.kakd ,o nia r: mlaIwdOdrlrejka úúO /iaùï i|yd m%jdykh lsÍug fhdodf.k ;snqKs'fmdÿ foam, iq/lSfï jevigyfka m

YS% ,x.ufha ia:djrh jkafka lsf,daógrhlg re<strong>ms</strong>h,a 65 l uqo,la f.ùfuka nia r:mqoa.,sl .uka ìuka i|yd l=,shg .; yels njh' ,x.u nia r: l=,sshg ,nd Èh hq;af;aiSñ; mokulsks' tf,i nia r: l=,SS moku hgf;a ,nd §u u.ska uyck m%jdykfiajdjg n,mEula t,a, fkdjk wdldrhg th isÿ lsÍug YS% ,x.uhg j.lSula we;'fï iïnkaOj fmdÿ foam, iq/lSfï jevigyfka ia:djrh jkafka fmdÿ m%jdyk fiajdjjeks w;HdjYH fiajdjla wod, f.ùï isÿ lsÍfuka miqj jqjo mqoa.,sl lghq;= i|ydfhdod.ekSug fkdyels njh' úfYaIfhkau <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> ld, iSudj,§ uyck;djg bka42isÿjk ysßyerh Bg fya;=jh' jHjia:dfõ 104 wd ^4& ^w& j.ka;sh u.ska ta i`oyd;ykï ksfhda. mkjd we;s w;r <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhd 2009 foieïn¾ 12 jeksodksl=;a l< ksfhda.fhka th ;jÿrg;a n,d;aul úh'Y%S ,x.u nia r:j,g wu;rj wud;HdxY .Kkdjlg wh;a jdyk fukau .=jka yuqodjgwh;a fy,sfldmag¾ hdkdo <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= j,g fhdod.kakd ,§' ,x.uhgwh;a nia äfmda <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl ld¾hd, f,i fhdodf.k ;snqKs' fuf,i m%pdrllghq;= i|yd fhdod.kakd ,o jdykj, wxl ;yjqre lr.ekSfuka miq tu f;dr;=refmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyfka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> ksÍlaIK w;=re jd¾;d u.ska m%isoaêhg43m;alrk ,§' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßia jrhd úiska 2009 foieïn¾ 08 jkod ksl=;a l

flfia kuq;a fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyk úiska ksl=;a lrk ,o w;=re jd¾;d ;=kTiafia tf,i kS;s úfrdaë wkaoñka fhdod.kq ,enQ niar: 500 lg jeä ixLHdjla <strong>ms</strong>

Y%S ,xldj ;=< rchg wh;a m%Odk udOH wdh;k 04 la we;' Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj"Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS ixia:dj" iajdëk rEmjdyskS fiajdj iy f,ala yjqia wdh;kh tuwdh;k y;rh' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> iufha§ ckudOH lsishï wfmalaIlfhl=g mlaI.%dyS ùuje

lr.ekSug isÿúh' fuu.ska <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> igfka§ rdcH udOH hdka;%Khg lsisÿ wksgqM,hlska f;drj tla wfmalaIlfhl=g muKla jdisodhl f,i tal md¾Yúlj lghq;=lsÍug ;snQ ksoyi ;yjqre lr .; yel'YS% ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj" whs à tka iy rEmjdyskS ixia:dj tf,i mlaI.%dySjlghq;= lsÍug m%Odk fya;=jla jQfha tu wdh;kj, úOdhl ;k;=re ±rE mqoa.,hkawdKavq mlaIhg ,eÈ mdlaIslhka ùuh' fuys m%;sM,h jQfha mej;=kq rch fjkqfjkabÈßm;a jQ wfmalaIlhdg jdis iy.; jk jevigyka tu rdcH wdh;k Tiafia úldYh45ùuh' ta wkqj tu wdh;khkaf.a iajdëk;ajh CIhù hdu ;j ÿrg;a W;aikak úh'uyck;djg rcfha f;dr;=re iemfhk ls%hdodufha uOHia:dkh jk rcfha m%jD;a;sfomd¾;fïka;=jo fï wdldrfhkau wh:d mßyrKhg ,la úh' ckdêm;sjrhdf.aiydhg m%jD;a;s idlÉPd yd fjk;a jevigyka /ila m%jD;a;s fomd¾;fïka;=j i;=iïm;a fhdod.ksñka ls%hd;aul úh' weisÈis úoaj;a lÓldj m%jD;a;s fomd¾;fïka;=jgwh;a Y%jKd.drh fhdod.ksñka meje;ajqKq tjeks tla jevigykls' thg wu;rj ;j;ajevigyka lsysmhlau tys meje;aúKs' fuu ishM ls%hdldrlï mej;=fka n,fha isáckdêm;sjrhdf.a m%;s,dNh i`oydh'46md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hudOH wdh;k iajdëkj lghq;= lsÍu iy;sl lr,Su i|yd <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdwdKavq l%u jHjia:dfõ 17 jeks ixfYdaOkh hgf;a ;ukag mejÍ we;s n,;, m%ldrjkshuhkaa ksl=;a lrkq ,eîh' ta wkqj <strong>2010</strong> fmnrjdß 17 jeksod flduidßiajrhd ishMufoaYmd,k mlaI yd wfmalaIlhkag iunr wdjrKhla ,nd§u iy;sl lr,Su i|ydwxl PE/<strong>2010</strong>/04 pl%f,aLh ksl=;a lrk ,§' flfia kuq;a rcfha udOH fuu kshuhkawkq.ukh fkdl< wdldrh myiqfjka ksÍlaIkh l< yels jQ w;r rcfha udOH tf,itu kshuhka W,a,x>kh lrkq ,enqfõ wk,Êð;jh'ikaOdk rcfha wfmalaIlhkaf.a m%ldY iy /iaùï l:d má.; lsÍu i|yd YS% ,xld.=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj i;= myiqlï iqúfYaIS f,i fhdod.;a wdldrh w;=re jd¾;d wxl 2u.ska fy

wys;lr iy Tjqka wiSre;djhg m;a lrk jd¾;d muKla rcfha udOH u.ska m%ldYhgm;a lrkq ,enQ wdldrhhs' ta wkqj <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a kshuhkag wkqj rcfhaudOH úiska wkq.ukh l< hq;=j ;snQ iajdëk udOH m%;am;a;sh olakg fkd,eìKs' rcfhaudOH fuf,i wh:d f,i mßyrKh jerÈ mQ¾jdo¾Yhkaa iys; yd iïmQ¾Kfhkau<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> kS;s Í;s W,a,x>kh lsÍula nj fmdÿ foam, iq/lSfï jevigyfkaksÍlaIKhkaf.ka meyeÈ,sju wkdjrKh lr we;'3'1'4' rcfha fiajlhka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrfha fh§uckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>hYS% ,xld jrdh wêldßfha fiajlhka" úfoaY fiajfha ksr; ks,OdÍka úYaj úoHd,m%;smdok fldñifï iNdm;s iy fld

uyck u;hka we;s lrkq ,nk úYaj úoHd, m%;smdok fldñifï iNdm;s"Wml=,m;sjreka" úfoaY fiajdfõ ksr; ks,OdÍka iy uyck u;h fjkia l< yels m%uqLmqoa.,hka ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;=j,g fhdod.kakd ,§' fuurcfha ks,OdÍkao wdh;k ix.%yfha by; i|yka mßÉfþohg wkql+, fõ' tufhdod.ekSï wdh;k ix.%yhg ydkslr fjñka rfÜ kS;shgo n,mEula we;s lrkq47,nkjd muKla fkdj Pkaoodhlhkag wkjYH n,mEulao we;s lrjhs'iEu weu;sjrfhl=gu idudðlhka 15 fofkl=f.ka iukaú; ld¾h uKav,hla iyksfhdacH weu;sjrfhl=g idudðlhka 10 fofkl=f.kaiukaú; ld¾h uKav,hla48ysñh' fndfyda wud;Hjreka ;ukaf.a wdOdrlrejka ld¾huKav, ;k;=re j,g m;a49lsÍu idudkHfhka isÿjkakls'rcfha úhoñka kv;a;= jk fudag¾ r: we;=¿ wfkl=;a myiqlï N=la;sú£fï jrm%idohmqoa.,sl ld¾h uKav, idudðlhkago ysñh' úYd, weu;s uKav,hla mj;sk neúkaweu;sjreka i;= mqoa.,sl ld¾huKAv, idudðlhkaf.a ixLHdj 1000 la muK úh yelsnjg ;lafiare l< yel' wod< idudðlhka ish¿fokdu kv;a;= jkafka rcfha uqo,sks'Tjqka ;u ld,h <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= j, ksr;ùug fhdojkjd muKla fkdjfmdÿ foam< mßyrKh i|yd iDcq whs;sho ysñ lrf.k isá;s' Tjqka uyd mßudKfhkafmdÿ foam< wh:d mßyrKh isÿ lrkq ,nk w;ru rdcH ks,OdÍka hk f,da.=j fhdod.ksñka jeros l%shdldrlï j,ska wdjrKh lr ùug ls%hd lr;s'fuu idudðlhkaf.a j.ùug wod,j tu foaYmd,k m;aùï iïnkaOfhka wud;HdxYf,alïjreka w;ro jHdl+, ;;a;ajhla ygf.k we;' ta wkqj <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhd fj; ,s<strong>ms</strong>hla fhduq l< rdcH mßmd,k wud;HdxYfha f,alïjrhd rdcHfiajh md,kh jkakd jQ uqo,a fr.=,dis hg;g fuu foaYmd,k m;aùï ,enQjka we;=,;a50jkjd±hs ;SrKhla ,ndfok f,i b,a,Sula lr ;sìKs'47' n,fha isák mCIh fjkqfjka wdrCIdj" uyck wdrCIdj <strong>ms</strong>

fmr fkdjQ úrE mßÈ ±kg fiajfha fh§ isák ;dkdm;sjreka" wud;HdxY f,alïjrekafukau wdrlaIl wxY ks,OdÍkao foaYmd,k l%shdldrlïj,g tlaj isáfha b;dwk;=reodhl mQ¾jdo¾Yhla kss¾udKh lrñKs' fuu jd;djrKh fmdÿ iïm;a wh:dmßyrKho blaujd hñka hymd,k ls%hdldrlï ia:d<strong>ms</strong>; lsÍfï W;aidyhka jH¾: lr51oukq ,nhs'md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>huyck fiajdjka iy rdcH ks,OdÍka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= j,g fhdod .; fkdyel'flfia kuq;a rdcH ks,OdÍka Rcqju <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= j, ksr;j isákwjia:djka .Kkdjla fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyk úiska jd¾;d lrk ,§'b;d mq¿,a wkaoñka .=rejreka yd úÿy,am;sjreka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= j,g wod,l%shdldrlïj, fhÿKq wdldrh fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyk uÕska wkdjrKhlrkq ,enQ w;r <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= j, ksr;jQ m%Odk úÿy,a lsysmhlúÿy,am;sjreka kï lsÍug mjd <strong>ms</strong>hjr .kakd ,§' fuhg wu;rj" we;eïwud;HdxYhkays fcHIAG ks,OdÍka wfmalaIlhkaf.a ch.%yKh fjkqfjka m%pdrllghq;=j, ksr;j isáu iDcqju <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> kS;s W,a,x>Kh lsÍuls'3'1'5' f;dard.;a rdcH wdh;k lsysmhl iïm;a wh:d mßyrKhckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>hfurg <strong>ms</strong>ysá m%Odk;u rdcH wdh;k j, fmdÿ iïm;a wh:d mßyrKhg ,la jQwjia:djka fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfï jevigyk úiska fy

Y%S ,xldj ;=< úÿ,sh ksmoùu i|yd jeh jk uqo, úYd,h' tfia ;sìh§ <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>wfmalaIlhkaf.a rej iys; lgjqÜ iy ±jeka; mqjre wdf,dalu;a lsÍu i|yd kS;súfrdaë f,i m%Odk úÿ,s iemhqï moaO;Ska yryd úÿ,sh ,ndf.k ;snqKs' fuf,i<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl mqjre wdf,dalu;a lsÍu i|yd ,nd.kakd úÿ,s iemhqug ;lafiare.;f.ùula isÿ fkdjk neúka tuÕska rchg isÿ jQ mdvqj w;suy;ah' úÿ,s ógrhlafkd<strong>ue</strong>;sj fuf,i úÿ,sh kS;s úfrdaë f,i ,nd.ekSu 2009 wxl 20 orK úÿ,s n,mkf;a wxl 49 jeks j.ka;shg wkqj o~qjï ,eìh yels jrols'md¾,sfïka;= <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>h<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl /iaùï meje;aùu i|yd ksr;=reju rcfha f.dvkeÕs,s fhdod .kakd,§' uy <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha§ wfmalaIlhka ;u m%pdrl /iaùï meje;aùu i|yd mdi,af.dvkeÕs,s iy myiqlï fhdod.kakd ,o wjia:djka .Kkdjla fmdÿ foam< iq/lSfïjevigyk uÕska ksÍlaIKh lrkq ,eîh' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a pl%f,aLfhaksfhda. wxl 5 wkqj <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> wfmalaIlhkag jdis odhl jk mßÈ rcfha f.dvkeÕs,s<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hg wod, l%shdldrlï fyda m%pdrl lghq;= i|yd fyda fhdod .ekSu isÿ l

1991 wxl 25 orK úÿ,s ixfoaY mkf;a 5 ^B& j.ka;sh m%ldrj tjka ksfhda.hla úÿ,sixfoaY kshduk fldñiug ksl=;a l< yelafla cd;sl wdrlaIdj" uyck;dj fj; ksl=;alrkq ,nk ksfõok iy Y%S ,xldfõ wdrlaIl ;;a;ajh hk lreKq u; mokïj rchuÕska lrkq ,nk b,a,Sul§ muKs' ta wkqj úÿ,s ixfoaY kshduk fldñiu ksl=;a lKhla fukau b;d <strong>ms</strong>

4' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> úhou<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> iq<strong>ms</strong>

ckudOH Tiafia m

foaYmd,k mlaI j,g ±Íug isÿjk úhoï iy kdia;sh $ wh:d mßyrKhfya;=fjka isÿjk úhouf;dr;=re ±k .ekSfï whs;shg wod, kS;sÍ;s iy foaYmd,k mCIj, wruqo,a <strong>ms</strong>

5' wjika ks.ukhwh:d mßyrKh fukau wh:d mßyrKhka l%shdjg kexjqkq wdldrh úYaf,aIKhg,lalsÍfï§ rdcH iïm;a wh:d mßyrKhg ,lalsÍu yryd <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%;sM,j,gfjfiia n,mEula t,a, jQ nj ks.ukh l< yels w;r tu`.ska m%cd;ka;%jd§ iudchlck;djf.a wNsu;d¾: <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>j, wjika m%;sM,hkaf.ka ksrEmKh fkdfõ' fuu;;a;ajh fya;=fjka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> l%shdodufha iq<strong>ms</strong>

wiudk yd foaYmd,k widOdrKhla ia:dmkh jk w;r ta yryd m%;súreoaO md¾Yjhkagysñfkdjk jdisodhl ;;a;ajhla tla foaYmd,k mlaIhlg fyda lKavdhulgwdfrdamKh fõ' fuu wh:d mßyrKh Y%S ,xldfõ m%cd;ka;%jd§ rduqfõ jHjia:d<strong>ms</strong>;wdh;khl ksfhdað; uKav,hla i|yd jk <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hl idOdrK;ajh yd69iajdëk;ajhg ydkslrkq ,nhs'tfukau fuf,i fmdÿ iïm;a wh:d mßyrKhwdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 12 ^1& j.ka;sh u.ska iqrlaIs; lr we;s iudk;d uQ,O¾u70±äf,i W,a,x>Kh lsÍuls'lsisÿ ndOdjlska f;drj ksoyfia fuf,i È.ska È.gu fmdÿ foam< wh:d mßyrKfhafh§u kS;sh ÿn, lr ±óuls' iEu <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hl§u fuf,i kS;s iy uQ,H úêúOdkW,a,x>Khg ,lalsÍu rdcH fiajdfõ úkh mj;ajdf.k hdfï l%shdoduhg o wys;lr71úmdl we;s lrjhs'fmdÿ foam< wh:d mßyrKh u.ska iudc foaYmd,k úmdl we;s lr

lsishï lreKla i|yd m%pdrhla fyda wjOdkhla Èkd.ekSu i|yd isÿflfrk mD;=, ydl%udkql+, udOH Ndú;hka iy wfkl=;a iïm;a fhdod.ekSula yryd jdisodhl ;;ajhla74ks¾udKh lr.; yels njg újdohla we;' tys yrh jkqfha uyck /iaùï ydwfkl=;a isÿùï <strong>ms</strong>

<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñika iNdfõ iajdëk;ajh r`od mj;skqfha <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrekaf.aiajdëk;ajh u;h' bkaÈhdkq <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñiu j¾;udkfha m%Odk <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrfhl=f.ka" <strong>ue</strong>;ajrK flduidßiajre fofofkl=f.ka iy 300lg wêlld¾huKav,hlska iukaú;h' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrekaf.a OQrh fY%aIaGdêlrKúksiqrejrhl=f.a OQrhg iudkh' Tjqka bj;a l< yelafla m%Odk <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhdf.a fhdackdjlg wkqj md¾,sfïka;=fõ iïu; lr.kakd úYajdiNx.77fhdackdjlska muKs'<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrekag we;s fuu wdjrKh <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fldñifï ls%hdldrlï j,g úOdlfhka t,a, úh yels wh:d n,mEï j,ska u`.yeÍugbv lv ie,fia' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajreka ckdêm;sjrhd úiska m;a lrkq ,enQjotu.ska <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> kS;s Í;s l%shdjg kexùu i`oyd <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñiug mQ¾K ksoyi78ysñfõ'wdKavql%u jHjia:djg tla l< 17 jeks ixfYdaOkh u.ska ta yd iudk n,;, Y%S ,xldfõ79iajdëk <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñiug ,nd§ ;snqKs' flfia kuq;a kS;sfhka iajdëk;ajh iy;sllr ;snqKo kS;sh ls%hd;aul lsÍug yd th n,d;aul lsÍug mj;sk fkdyelshdj fmdÿfoam< wh:d mßyrKfhka f;dr <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hla YS% ,xldj ;=< meje;aùu iy;sl lsÍugm%Odk ndOdjla ù ;sfí'5'2'2' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñifï n,;,80bkaÈhdkq jHjia:dfõ 324 j.ka;shwkqj úfYaIfhka mjrk ,o ksYaÑ; n,;,fldñiug mejÍ ke;suq;a wêlrK ls%hdj,sh ks¾udKh lr we;s wdldrh yryd<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñifï ls%hdldrlï j,g mq¾K wdrCIdjla ie,fia' bka§h <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fldñiu trg foaYmd,k mCIj, iyNd.S;ajh we;sj 1968 § wfmaCIlhka i`oyd wdpdr81O¾u wdlD;shla ks¾udKh lrk ,§'flfia kuq;a wdpdr O¾u fudv,h ls%hdjg kexùu l:dnyg ,lajq w;r wjidkfha§y¾ndkaia isx c,d,a t bka§h ix.uh w;r mej;s kvq úNd.fha§ th <strong>ms</strong>

<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> j,§ fmdÿ foam< mßyrKh l< hq;= wdldrh <strong>ms</strong>

YS% ,xldfõ kS;suh yd foaYmd,k miqìu u; <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdg furg<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> j,§ iyuq,ska isÿjk <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> kS;s Í;s W,a,x>kh lsÍug tfrysj <strong>ms</strong>hjr.ekSug fkdyels ùu lK.dgqjg lreKls' fuhg mßndysrj fujka ls%hdjkag tfrysjls%hdlsÍug bka§h <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldñiug we;s yelshdj <strong>ue</strong>k ne,Sfï§ tjka jxlwfmaCIlhkag tfrysj lghq;= l< hq;= wdldrh <strong>ms</strong>

6' ks¾foaYfuu jd¾;dfõ fuhg fmr mej;s j.ka;s uÕska fmdÿ foam< /l.ekSfï jevigykfmdÿ foam< wh:d mßyrKhg ,la lsÍfï nrm;, ;;a;ajhka wjOdkhg ,la lrk ,§'tu WodyrKhka uÕska nrm;, wmfhdack yryd uyck;djg orkakg isÿjkjehNdrhka <strong>ms</strong>

6'2' Ndrldr rchl úêúOdk u.ska <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hl§ n,fha isák rchln,mEu wju lsÍuiEu <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hlau Ndrldr rchla hgf;a meje;aúh hq;=h' fï i|yd my; ±lafjkud¾f.damfoaY kshuhka we;=

6'3' l%ñl fjkialï(i) ks, fjí wvú yryd rchg wh;a fmdÿ foam< <strong>ms</strong>

6'4' <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a n,;, mq¿,a lsÍu'fmdÿ foam< wh:d mßyrKh kshdukhg ,la lsÍu i|yd Y%S ,xldfõ <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhd my; ±lafjk w;sf¾l n,;, kS;sÍ;s u.ska ,ndÈh hq;=h'(i) fmdÿ foam< wh:d mßyrKh ksid isÿjk mdvqj whlr .ekSfï n,h(ii) <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>h w;r;=f¾§ idmrdë l%shd isÿjQfhaoehs ks.ukhlg meñKSug yelsjk iytu idmrdë l%shdjkag iïnkaO wfmalaIlhkag" wdOdrlrejkag iy foaYmd,k mlaIj,g tfrysj <strong>ms</strong>hjr .ekSfï yelshdj ysñjk w¾O wêlrK n,;, <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhdg ysñ úh hq;=h'(iii) rdcH udOH wdh;k wh:d mßyrKhg ,laùu j,lajd,Su i|yd tu wdh;k j,m%jD;a;s wxYj, iy md,k <strong>ue</strong>Èßj, lghq;= fufyhùug yelshdj ,efnk úêu;an,;,(iv) úµq;a udOH ksÍlaIKh l< yels tallhla <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhd i;=j mej;Sui|yd flduidßiajrhdf.a úIh m:h mq¿,a lsÍu' tu tallhg udOH wdh;kj, lghq;=<strong>ms</strong>



weuqKqï wxl 01 - 1-42-

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weuqKqï wxl 07 - 1-56-

weuqKqï wxl 07 - 2-57-

weuqKqï wxl 08Cost of Advertising from December 1 2009 – January 27th <strong>2010</strong>UPFAMedia Spots Cost (Rs.)TV 8039 289,805,200Radio 5248 31,933,000Newspapers 898 104.335,400Total 426,073,600THARUNYATA HETAK (EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE PRESIDENT)Media Spots Cost (Rs.)TV 6792 156,293,900Radio 4300 15,919,600Newspapers - -Total 172,213,500UNP/UNF (FOR COMMON OPPOSITION CANDIDATE)Media Spots Cost (Rs.)TV 28835 151,619,400Radio 2691 19,502,500Newspapers 54,400,000Total 225,521,900Total Cost of Advertising 823,809,000-58-

weuqKqï wxl 09 - 1CALCULATION OF THE EXPENDITURE ON PROPAGANDA MATERIAL DURINGPRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONExpenditure by political parties•Printing of propaganda materialCriteria used for calculations1. (i) Number of electorates = 160Except North and East = 142(ii) Number of G.S. Divisionswithin 142 Electorates = 6408(iii) Main cities = 162(iv) Small towns = 678(v) Villages = 14236(vi) Number of posters of candidateI. Large Posters (Will be pasted in 3 rounds) [cost Rs. 12.00 each]villages = 20,000small towns 5 each = 8,000main cities 60 each = 10,000 38,000II.III.Medium Size Posters(Will be pasted in 4 rounds) [cost Rs. 6.00 each]villages = 40,000small towns 5 each = 16,000main cities 185 each = 20,000 76,000Small Size Posters [cost Rs. 3.00 each]villages = 42,000small towns 5 each = 34,000main cities 60 each = 20,000 92,000(vii)Number of posters for propaganda during meetings.Half the cost of above(viii) Cut outs =2500cost Rs. 8000 each-59-

weuqKqï wxl 09 - 2(ix) Hoardings =500cost Rs. 50,000 each(x) Banners =1500cost of 6000 each(xi) Hand bills =150,000cost Rs. 12.00 each(xii) Election manifesto =100,000cost Rs. 80.00 each2. Pasting of posters,Distribution of hand bills and manifestoCanvassing (lunch packets, pocket money, transport,Pasting liquid, instruments)(i)Number of man days 1000 per round.rounds = 08Food =Rs. 800,000pocket money = Rs. 2,000,000Transport 20 km x Rs. 20 = Rs. 3,200,000Instruments = Rs. 550,000Cost EstimatePosters = Rs. 3,500,000.00Propoganda meeting Posters = Rs. 1,750,000.00Cut Outs = Rs. 20,000,000.00Hoardings = Rs. 25,000,000.00Banners = Rs. 9,000,000.00Hand bills = Rs. 1,800,000.00Manifesto = Rs. 8,000,000.00Pasting of Posters, distributing hand bills,distributing election manifesto, = Rs. 6,550,000.00Canvassing,TOTAL = Rs. 75,600,000.00-60-

weuqKqï wxl 10fmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

fujr ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>h mj;ajkq ,nk foaYmd,k jd;djrKhckdêm;sjrhd ish m%:u OQr ld,h wjidk ùug jir follg fmr" Tyqg we;s n,;,m%ldrj" 2012 § meje;aúh hq;=j ;snQ ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>h" <strong>2010</strong> jir § meje;aùug ;SrKhlr we;' fulS <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>h jir 25 lg wdikak ld,hla mej;s l=rsre hqoaOh ksudlrñkarch úiska t,a'à'à'B h hqouh jYfhka mrdch lsÍfï ft;sydisl jeo.;alulska hq;=ld, mßÉfþohl le|jd ;sîu o úfYaI ldrKhls'j;auka md¾,sfïka;= uka;%sjreka w;ßka 110 fofkl= wud;H ;k;=re fydnjk w;rkdufhdackd Ndr§fuka miqj mjd ckdêm;sjrhd úiska mlaIh udrelr rchg tlajQ;j;a md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrfhl= leìkÜ wud;Hjrfhl= jYfhka m;a lrkq ,en ;sfí'wud;HdxY iy fomd¾;fïka;= yereKqúg iud.ï 93 la iu. rch iïmQ¾K md,khorK rdcH ixia:d iy jHjia:d<strong>ms</strong>; uKav, .Kk 168 ls' fuu rdcH ixia:djka yswOHlaIjreka wud;Hjrhd úiska m;alrkq ,nk w;r ixia:djka ys iNdm;sjrhd iywOHlaIjreka Tjqkaf.a iqÿiqlïj,g jvd foaYmd,k ys;j;alï u; m;a lsÍu iq

WÞyrK jYfhka1( <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> ld,iSudj ;=

<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> jHdmdrfha we;s b;d wêl;r úhou fmdÿ foam, ndrj isák wfmalaIlhkatajd ish <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> jHdmdr i|yd fhdod.ekSug fya;=jk m%Odk idolhls' fmdÿ foam,wh:d f,i fhdod.ekSu iodpdrd;aul fkdjkjd muKla fkdj kS;s úfrdaëo fõ'wOHdmkh" fi!LH yd fmdÿ m%jdykh jeks wxYhka ixj¾Okhg jeä wjOdkhlafhduql< hq;= Y%S,xldj jeks ixj¾Okh fjñka mj;sk rglg fujeks ;;a;ajhla lsisf,ilska j;a ord.; fkdyelsh'<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> jHdmdrh ;=< fhdodf.k we;s w;s úYd, uqo,a m%udKh ie,ls,a,g f.kfoaYmd,k mlaI Tjqkaf.a wruqo,a imhd.kakd uQ,dY%hka fy

01' wr,sh.y ukaÈrhckdêm;sjrhdf.a ks, ksjiakh jk wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha myiqlï úúO wxYhkaf.kaf;dard.;a ck;djg foaYmd,k wruqKq fmr±ßj ix.%y lsÍug fhdÞf.k we;' fuuwjia:djkays § iyNd.Sjkakkaf.ka fndfyda fokd tlS ia:dkhg rcfha úhoñkam%jdykh fldg Tjqkag ix.%y lr we;s w;r iuyr wjia:djkays§ u;ameka mjd imhd;sfí' uyck uqo,ska ck;djg ix.%y meje;aùu —idudkHfhka isÿjk idïm%Þhslmqreoaola˜ nj m%ldY lrñka ckdêm;sjrhd úiska tlS lghq;a; idOdrŒlrKh lrwe;' úfYaIfhkau <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> ld,mßÉfþoh ;=< § uyck uqo,a fujeks W;aij i|ydfhdod.ekSu meyeÈ,s f,iu <strong>ms</strong>

02' rcfha f.dvke.s,s yd hka;% iQ;%fld

we& wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha mej;s fndfyda /iaùï i|yd uOHu .ukd.uk uKav,hgwh;a niar: u.ska fikÕ m%jdykh lrk ,È' 2009-12-13 Èk fmd,sia ks,Odßka m%jdykhi|yd ^fmd,sia r: j,g w;sf¾Lj& uOHu .ukd.uk uKav,fha niar: úYd, jYfhkafhdodf.k we;'05' Y%S ,xld .=jka yuqÞjg wh;a fy,sfldmag¾ hdkd fhdojd .ekSu2009-12-24 Èk Y%S ,xld .=jka yuqÞjg wh;a fy

wE& fndfyda ;dkdm;s ks,OdÍka ^Y%S,xld úfoaY fiajhg mßndysrj rch úiska m;alrk,oaokah' flfia fj;;a Tjqka ish OQrh ork ld,h ;=< wdh;k ix.%yfha m%;smdokhkawkqj l%shd lsÍug ne£ isáhs'& tlS ;k;=re orñka u foaYmd,k l%shdldrlï i|ydfurgg kej; meñK ;sfí' tjeks wjia:djlg tla kso¾Ykhla f,i b;d,sfhafldkafida,ajrhdf.a fojeks f,alï jk pkaømd, ,shkf.a oelaúh yelsh' Tyq fï jkúg ,xldjg meñK tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdk wfmalaIlhdf.a foaYmd,k jHdmdrh;=< l%shdldÍj fh§ isáhs'b& j¾;udk rcfha m%Odk rdcH ks,Odßfhl= jk wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaItlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha wfmalaIlhdf.a foaYmd,k m%pdrl jHdmdrh ;=, ol%shdldÍ whqßka kshe

wd& iqo¾uka ro,shf.dv - iajdëk rEmjdyskS fiajfha ksfhdacH idudkHdêldÍ jkl=reKE., Èia;s%la Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI ixúOdhl o fõ' fudyq tlai;a ck;d ksoyiaikaOdkfha wfmalaIlhdf.a ch.%yKh fjkqfjka fmkS isáñka iajdëk rEmjdysksfhald,Sk isÿùï iïnkaO rEmjdyskS idlÉPd fufyhjhs'we& lreKdr;ak mrkú;dk - Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS ixia:dfõ m%Odk úOdhl kskh lsÍuls' úfYaIfhkau tlS fr.=,dis wxl 15 my; mßÈ fõ'lsishï mqoa.,fhl= ^lsishï .=jkaúÿ,s fyda rEmjdyskS fyda uqøs; wdh;khl fiajlhl=fyda wOHlaI uKav, idudðlfhl=& foaYmd,k mlaIhl lsishï ks,hla orkafkl= njgm%isoaêhla orkafka kï tu mqoa.,hd <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>h ksudjk f;la tjeks ;eke;af;l=udOHfõÈfhl= f,i bgqlrk lghq;= j,ska bj;aúh hq;= w;r lsisÿ .=jka úÿ,s fydarEmjdyskS wdh;khl udOHfõÈfhl= f,i l%shdlsÍug wjir fkdÈh hq;=h' jev igykabÈßm;a lsÍfï§ tjeks mqoa.,hkaf.a odhl;ajh uyckhdf.a oek.ekSu fydaoek.ekSug ,eîu ksid we;s jk M, úmdlhka l

fuu ixúOdkh .=jka úÿ,sh yd rEmjdysksh yryd rgg m%N, kdhlfhl=f.a wjYH;djfmkakqï lrk wdldrfha m%pdrl oekaùï ud,djla bÈßm;a lrhs' wod< oekaùï u.skawfmalaIlhdf.a ku i|yka fkdl

10' rdcH wdh;khka úiska wkq.%yh olajk ,o m%pdrl mqjre iy m%pdrl oekaùïrdcH wdh;khka úiska wkq.%yh olajk ,o ckdêm;sjrhdg iy Tyqf.a <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>mKsjqvhkag iyfhda.h m

<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a Wmfoia$fr.=,diSka W,a,x>kh lrk ,o úfYaIs;wjia:d'^1& 2009-12-23 Èk yïnkaf;dg fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ ^pkaød l=udr& Èia;%slalfhafmd,sia ia:dkhkays ia:dkdêm;sjrekaa iyNd.S jQ iïfï,khl§ .re ckdêm;s;=udf.alsisÿ m%pdrl ±kaùula bj;a lsÍug úkdY lsÍug fyda fjkia lsÍug lsisfjl=g bvfkdÈh hq;= njg o fï iïnkaOfhka isÿjk ´kEu isoaêhl§ wÞ< m%foaYfha fmd,siaia:dkdêm;sjrhd Bg j.lsjhq;= njgo m%ldY lr ;sfí' fuh fmd,sia n,;, whq;= f,ifhdÞ .ekSula muKla fkdj <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a Wmfoia W,a,x>kh lsÍulao fõ' tfiau kS;s úfrdaë m%pdrl mqjre nek¾ wdÈh .,jd bj;a lrk f,ig <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhd úiska fmd,siam;sjrhdg ksl=;a lrk ,o ksfhda.h uq¿ukskau fkd;ldyeÍuls'^2& ;djld,sl lïlrejka jYfhka ud;r Èia;%slalfhka 650 l <strong>ms</strong>ßila ÿïßhfomd¾:fïka;=j i|yd m;alrkq ,en we;' 2009 fkdjeïn¾ 23 Èk ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>hm%ldYhg m;al< miqj m;aùï ,s<strong>ms</strong> ksl=;a l

fmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a ksfhda. m%ldrj ;uka ;=

we;' ckdêm;s f,alï ld¾hd,h mqj;am;a ksfõohla ksl=;a lrñka wr,sh.y ukaÈrfhamej;s <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl /iaùu yd wfkl=;a lghq;= j,§ Bg iyNd.Sjkakkag ,ndÿkawdydr yd wfkl=;a foa i|yd jeh lrk ,oafoa ckdêm;sjrhd wh;a foaYmd,k mlaIfhauqo,a iy iafjÉPdfjka ,ndfok ,o wruqo,a nj i|yka lr ;snqKs' fï w;r fmdÿ foam,/l.ekSfï jevigyk bl=;a ckjdß 05 jeksod ckdêm;s f,alïjrhd fj; ,s<strong>ms</strong>hlahjñka tf,i uqo,a f.jQ jjqpr j, <strong>ms</strong>gm;a ,ndfok f,i b,a,Sula lrk ,o kuq;a thgfuf;la m%;spdr ,eî ke;'flfia kuq;a <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> flduidßiajrhdf.a ksfhda. wkqj" lsis÷ fyda <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>m%pdrhlg wod< lghq;a;la i|yd rcfha f.dvke.s,s fkdñ,fha fhdod.ekSu ;ykïh'tfy;a wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha mej;s <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrKhg wod< /iaùï j,§ tysf.dvke.s,s fhdod.ekSu we;=¿ úÿ,sh yd c,h i|yd hï f.ùula isÿlr we;aoehsckdêm;s f,alïjrhd ish ksfõokfha i|yka lr ke;'2( ksYaÑ; wh:d mßyrKhka<strong>2010</strong> ckjdß 09 Èk jk úg fmdÿ foam, /l.ekSfï jevigyk fj; (PPPR) rdcHfoam, wh:d mßyrKh yd <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> kS;s W,a,x>kh lsÍu <strong>ms</strong>

^wd& ckdêm;s rdcmlaI uy;df.a m%;sm;a;s biau;= lrñka j¾Kfhka uqøs; <strong>ms</strong>gq mkiafoll w;sf¾lhla f,alayjqia wdh;kh uqøKh lr ;sfí' fuu w;sf¾lh uqøKh lsÍui|yd Ndú;d lr we;af;a 70 gsm ;;a;ajfha b;d by, uÜgfï .=Kd;aulNdjfhka hq;alvodish' fkdñf,a fnod§u <strong>ms</strong>ksi ieliqKq w;sf¾lhla jk fuys uqøK lghq;= jev wxl4842 hgf;a 2009-12-30 Èk wdrïN lr ;sfí' fuys <strong>ms</strong>gm;a ,laIhlg wdikak m%udKhlauqøKh fldg we;s w;r fuu w;sf¾lh tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha wdOdrlrejkaf.hska f.g hñka m%pdrl lghq;= fufyhùfï jHdmdrfha§ <strong>2010</strong>-01-09 Èk fnodyer;sfí' tys tla <strong>ms</strong>gm;la uqøKh i|yd jehù we;s uqo, re<strong>ms</strong>h,a 35$- ls'^we& zw<strong>ms</strong> mqf;l= .ek l;dlruqZ ud;Dldj hgf;a j¾K <strong>ms</strong>gq wgl w;sf¾lhla f,alayjqiawdh;kfha uqøKh lr <strong>2010</strong>-01-10 Èk is¿ñK mqj;am; iuÕ fkdñ,fha fnodyßk ,È'^wE& <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> iuhkays § n,fha isák foaYmd,k mlaI f,alayjqia wdh;kfha iïm;afhdod.ksñka m%pdrl oekaùï iy wfkl=;a m%pdrl ,s<strong>ms</strong> f,aLk uqøKh lrjd .ekSu l,lisg isÿjkakls' fuys§ isÿjkafka miqj uqo,a f.ùfï moku hgf;a fuu m;%sld uqøKhlrjdf.k <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>fhka miqj f.úh hq;= tu Kh uqo,a lmd yeÍuh' f,alayjqiawdh;kfhys uqøKh l< aby; w;sf¾lhg tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh úiska f.ùïlr we;aoehs PPPR fj; ;ju;a ;yjqre jk f;dr;=re ,eî ke;' fmdÿ foam,/l.ekSfï jevigyfka ia:djrh jkafka uqo,a f.ùula isÿlr fyda foaYmd,kmlaIhlg fyda wfmalaIlfhl= g rcfha iïm;a fhdod.ekSug bvla fkd<strong>ue</strong>;s njhs'2'2 cd;sl ;reK fiajd iNdj<strong>2010</strong>-01-12 Èk fmrjre 08'30 g wr,sh.y <strong>ue</strong>ÿf¾ meje;aùug kshñ;" ckdêm;s uyskaordcmlaI uy;d f.a foaYmd,k m%pdrl /iaùula meje;aùu i|yd tla tla Èia;%slalfhka;reK ;reKshka 200 la ne.ska f.k taug lghq;= lrk f,i cd;sl ;reK fiajd iNdjm

wfhl=g re(500$-;a 1000$- ;a w;r uqo,la W;aijhg iyNd.Sùu fjkqfjka §ukdjlaf,i f.jd ;sfí' iyNd.s jQjkag Èjd wdydr md¾i,Ao ,nd§ ;sfí'2'4 úmlaI kdhl ks,ksjiúmlaI kdhl ld¾hd,h m%jD;a;s idlÉPd meje;aùu" m;%sld fnodyeÍu" udOHfõ§kayuqùu jeks ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= i|yd fhdod.ksñka ;sfí' fuf,i rdcHiïm;a uqo,a f.jd fyda fhdojd.; fkdyels nj fmdÿ foam, /l.ekSfï jevigykkej;;a wjOdrKh lr isà' úmlaI kdhljrhdg ish ks, ksfji fhdod.; yelafla ;urdcldß lghq;= yd kjd;eka i|yd muKs'1' 2009-12-08 jk Èk ,laIauka lsßwe,a, uka;%Sjrhd úiska úmlaI kdhl ks, ksfjfiackdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl lghq;= iïnkaO mqj;am;a idlÉPdjla mj;ajd ;sfí' tfiau2009-12-30 jkod ,laIauka lsßwe,a, uka;%Sjrhd úiska ;j;a ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrlmqj;am;a idlÉPdjla mj;ajd ;sfí'fuu mqj;am;a idlÉPd folu mj;ajd we;af;a fmdÿ wfmalaIlhdf.a iydhgh'2'5 wr,sh.y <strong>ue</strong>ÿr iy ckdêm;sjrhdf.a wfkl=;a ks, ksjdickdêm;sjrhdf.a ks, ksjdi jQ wr,sh.y <strong>ue</strong>ÿr ix.%y meje;aùug fukau foaYmd,km%pdrl /iaùï i|ydo wLKavj fhdod.ksñka ;sfí' fuu lghq;= fjkqfjka Tyqf.afoaYmd,k mlaIh úiska ksis f.ùï lrkq ,en we;s nj ckdêm;s f,alï ld¾hd,hi|yka lr we;;a fmdÿ foam, /l.ekSfï jevigyk ;jÿrg;a lshd isákafka thf.ùula iys;j jqj;a tfia fhdod.ekSug kS;sfhka bvlvla fkd<strong>ue</strong>;s ksid wh:dmßyrKhla f,ig ;jÿrg;a ie

2009-12-30 - wr,sh.y <strong>ue</strong>ÿf¾§ úfoaY /lshd l¾udka;fha kshe

hï idudkH fyda úfYaI Wmfoia wkqj l%shd lrk f,i jQ ksfhda. <strong>ms</strong>

2'8 rcfha ks,Odßkarcfha ks,Odßka l%shdldÍ f,i <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl jHdmdrhg iyNd.S ù isák nj;SrKh fõ' wdh;k ix.%yfha úêúOdk wkqj udKav,sl fYa%Ksj, yd by< ;k;=re orKrcfha ks,OdÍkag lsisu <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>hl§ lsisu wfmalaIlfhl= fjkqfjka foaYmd,km%pdrl jHdmdr lghq;= j, l%shdldÍ f,i ksr;ùug fkdyelsh' rcfha jegqma ,nkks,OdÍka foaYmd,k mlaI m%pdrl jHdmdrh m%j¾Okh lsÍfuys,d W;iql jkúg thfmdÿfõ ckdêm;<strong>sjrK</strong>fha iq<strong>ms</strong>

foam, /l.ekSfï jevigyk úiska lrk ,o úuiSï j,§ fmkS f.dia we;' flfia jqjoTjqka rcfha fmdÿ wruqo,ska f.ùï ,nk njg ielhla fkd<strong>ue</strong>;' tfiau Tjqka rcfhaish¿u kS;s Í;s <strong>ms</strong>

ckd¨ºm;s wdrlaIl wxYfha ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s tia'ta' ¨²l%uisxy uy;d ckd¨ºm;suyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fjkqfjka jQ Pkao jHdmdrhg il%Sh jYfhka <strong>ue</strong>¨¨y;aj is¨¤' Tyq¨²iska .d¡§ mdr ¨¨.g fudrgqj olajd <strong>ms</strong>ys¨¢ fmd,sia ia:dk j, fmd,sia ks,Od¨ªka <strong>2010</strong>-01-01¨¨k uydkdu uyd ¨²oHd,hSh Y%jKd.drhg le|jd ckd¨ºm;sjrhdg iyh olajkfoaYmd,k l;djla mj;ajd ;sf¨ª'2'9 kS;s ¨²frda? f.¨´?'ckd¨ºm;sjrhdf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka 2009-12-25 ¨¨k l,a<strong>ms</strong>¨¢fha wd,xl=vd <strong>ms</strong>¨¢fha meje;s/ia¨´ug me?K is¨¢ ukakdru m%foaYfha mqoa.,hkag fkd?f,a m%jdyk myiql? i,idfokjdg wu;rj tla wfhl=g re<strong>ms</strong>h,a 500$- ne.ska f.¨´ug ?ida n??¡ìka uy;d hgf;awe;s kej; m¨¨x? ls¨ª? yd wdmod iyk fiajd wud;HdxYfhka lghq;= lr ;sf¨ª'3' rdcH udOH iy rcfha f;dr;=re3'1 rdcH fj¨ª wv¨²'fmd? foam, /l.ekSf? jevigyk ¨²iska 2009-12-17 jk ¨¨k isg <strong>2010</strong>-01-05 ¨¨k olajdwww.gov.lk, www.defence.lk, www.news.lk hk rcfha fj¨ª wv¨² ;=k ks¨ªlaIK lrk ,ow;r tajd i?mQ?Kfhkau mdfya ckd¨ºm;sjrhd fjkqfjka jQ <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> jHdmdrfham%pdrl lghq;= i|yd fhdojd f.k we;s nj wkdjrKh lr.kakd ,¨¨'^1& www.defence.lk fj¨ª wv¨²h wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh ¨²iska mj;ajdf.k hk w;r tys¨²mlaIfha fmd? wfmalaIl ir;a f*dkafiald uy;dg tfrys <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrhg wod

úmlaIfha fmdÿ wfmalaIlhdg jdisodhl lsisÿ mqj;la fkdjQjd muKla fkdj Tyqf.a<strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdrl jHdmdrh <strong>ms</strong>

;dreKHg fyglaudOHh wjia:d .Kk <strong>ms</strong>ßjeh ^re<strong>ms</strong>h,a j,ska&rEmjdyskS 4616 109 808 100.=jka úÿ,s 2245 8 791 300mqj;am;a - -tl;=j 6861 11 85 99 400tlai;a cd;sl fmruqK$tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh yd ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK tl;=j ir;af*dkafiald uy;d fjkqfjkaudOHh wjia:d .Kk <strong>ms</strong>ßjeh ^re<strong>ms</strong>h,a j,ska&rEmjdyskS 45 21 06 200.=jka úÿ,s 10 3 86 800mqj;am;a 24 45 61 000tl;=j 79 70 54 000by; oelafjk <strong>ms</strong>ßjeh .kka ne,Sï lrk ,oafoa idudkH jYfhka wod< f¾Ü .kka wkqjjqjo <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> oekaùï j,g whlrk ñ, óg jvd fnfyúka jeäh' ;jÿrg;a fuu.kka j,g m%pdrl oekaùï ksIamdokhg jehjQ uqo,a we;=

fya;=jkafkah' wmf.a m

fmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

wd& cd;sl f,d;/hs uKav,h1963 wxl 11 uQ,H mk; hgf;a <strong>ms</strong>ysgqjd we;s cd;sl f,d;/hs uKav,h úiska o uyskaordcmlaI ckdêm;sjrhd iy mjqf,a PdhdrEmhla iys; le,ekavrhla uqøKh lr we;'tu le,ekavrfha <strong>ms</strong>gm;a fo,laI mkia oyila uqøKh lr we;s w;r tll úhoure<strong>ms</strong>h,a 10 ;a 15 ;a w;r fõ' fï wkqj wju uqøK úhou re<strong>ms</strong>h,a fofldaá mkia ,laIhls'le,ekavrh rg mqrd fnÞ yer we;'2'2 niakdysr m

2'3 rdcH ks,OdÍka <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> m%pdr lghq;=j,g fhdojd .ekSuckdêm;sjrhdg iydh§u i|yd rdcH udOHfha m%pdrhjQ rEmjdysŒ jev igyka j,g±kg fiajfha isák hqo yuqÞ ks,OdÍka lsmfofkla iyNd.sjQy' WÞyrKhla jYfhka"ckdêm;sjrhd hqo iufha§ ÿka kdhl;ajh <strong>ms</strong>s

iii fydaud.u" rejkaje,a," noq,a," y,dj; iy ñkqjkaf.dv mj;ajk ,o Pkao/iaùï i|yd tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha wdOdrlrejka le|jdf.k hEug mdúÉÑlrk ,o Y%S ,xld .ukd.uk uKav,fha niar: j, ixLHd iaÓr jYfhkau wmg ,eîwe;'- fudkrd., /iaùug( uyshx.k äfmdafjka nia myhs ^5&" nÿ,a, yhhs ^6&";Ku,aú, folhs ^2&" je,a,jdh oyhhs ^10&" nKavdrfj, tfld

fuu ±kaùï ud,dj uq,skau werUqfKa mqjrej mqrd ks,a mdg fh§fuks' B

fmdÿ foam, wh:d mßyrKh <strong>ms</strong>

fyglaZ tl;=j m%pdrl lghq;= i|yd jehl< uqo, re<strong>ms</strong>h,a fldaá 20 isg fldaá 37 ,laI78 olajd jeäúh'foaYmd,k mlaI j,ska fujka OkialkaOhla jeh lsÍfuka u;=jk m%Yak folls"tlla kï fujka ±jeka; m%pdrl lghq;= i|yd úhoï orkafka foaYmd,k mlaI úiskauo" tfiakï Tjqkaf.a wdÞhï ud¾. fudkjdo hkakh'fojekak kñ tfia fkdfõkï m%pdrl lghq;= i|yd úhoï orkafka ljqrekao hk j.h'<strong>2010</strong> ckjdß 13 jeksÞ f;la ±kaùï i|yd m%Od wfmalaIlhska fofokd jeh l< uqo,am%udKh fufiah(tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkhudOHh ±kaùï jehjQ uqo, re<strong>ms</strong>h,arEmjdys‚h 5339 151,041,300.=jka úÿ,sh 3732 17,738,800smqj;a m;a 512 48,615,000tl;=j 9583 217,395,100;dreKHhg fyglaZ ^ckdêm;s fjkqfjka muKla&udOHh ±kaùï jehjQ uqo, re<strong>ms</strong>h,arEmjdys‚h 6485 146,617,800.=jka úÿ,sh 3664 13,958,400mqj;a m;atl;=j 10,149 160,576,200tlai;a c;sl ikaOdkh$tcdm$cúfm tl;=j ckrd,a f*dkafiald fjkqfjkaudOHh ±kaùï jehjQ uqo, re<strong>ms</strong>h,arEmjdys‚h 984 66,921,100.=jka úÿ,sh 1183 8,964,800mqj;a m; 24 4,561,000tl;=j 2191 80,446,900-92-

3 wh:d mßyrKhka3'1 Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:djkS;s úfrdaê f,i m;aùï lrñka o" m%pdrl fõ,dj wh:d f,i mdúÉÑ lrñka o"mlaI.%dyS f,i jev igyka ksIamdokh lrñka o Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhdf.a ksfhda. tlt,af,au W,a,x>kh flf

kamiq tu weu;sjrhd úiska Y%S ,xld ksoyia mdlaIfha m%pdrl jev yd iïnkaO kjfofkla ^<strong>ms</strong>ßñ yhfofkla iy .eyekq ;sfofkla& tu .=jka úÿ,s fiajfha jevg fhdojk,§' fï kj fokdg kej;S isàug bv i,ik f,i b,a,ñka uvl,mqfõ k.r iNslhlq=iy Y%S,ksm m%pdrl lKavdhfï idudðlhl= jk ví,sõ'rdfÊkaøm%idoa úiska ,s<strong>ms</strong>hlaksl=;a lrkq ,eîh' flfiajqjo" tu b,a,Su ixia:dfõ iNdm;s úiska m%;slafIam lrk ,ow;r tA kj fokdg idudkHfhka ;djld,sl ksfõolhskag f.jkq ,nk .dia;= f.SugmuKla tlÕù we;'fuh <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong> fldidßiajrhd úiska 2009 foieïn¾ 17 fjksÞ úoHq;a udOH j,gksl=;aflreKq Wmfoia j,g tfyu<strong>ms</strong>áka mgyeksh' tfukau tu Wmfoia wkq.ukh lrkfuka fY%AIaGdêlrKh rdcH udOH fj; ksl=;al< ksfhda.h fkdi,ld yeÍuls'm;aùï 2009 fkdjeïn¾ 23 fjksÞ isg <strong>2010</strong> ckjdß 26 fjksÞ olajd rdcH fiajfham;aùï" Wiiaùï iy udreùï fkdlrk f,i 2009 foieïn¾ 8 fjksÞ <strong>ue</strong>;<strong>sjrK</strong>flduidßiajrhd ksl=;al< ksfhda. W,,ax>kh lrñka .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dfõiNdm;sjrhd úiska my; i|yka m;aùï lrk ,§(1 tia'Ôjr;akl=ud¾ uy;d broaofohsfmßhl=ï fiajfha ;djld,sl ksfõolhl= iyfou< jev igyka Ndr ks,Oßhd f,i 2009 foieïn¾ 28 fjksÞ m;aflre‚'2 tA'ufyakaøka uy;d 2009 foieïn¾ 15 fjksÞ isg .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dfõ ix.S; wxYfhawd.ka;=l ksIamdolhl= jYfhka 2009 foieïn¾ 7 fjksÞ ksl=;a l< ,s<strong>ms</strong>hla u.skam;aflre‚'wj×iy.; úßÿ.=jka úÿ,s ixia:dfõ wd.ñl wxYh úiska tu wxYfha ksIamdol ld¾h uKav,hg wh;awh fhdÞ.ksñka úßÿ jev igykla ksIamdokh lr we;' úmlaIfha fmdÿ wfmalaIlhdt,a, lrñka ksIamdlku lr we;s fuu wj×iy.; úßÿ mgh má.; lr we;af;awdkkao iurfldaka <strong>ue</strong>Èßfha§h' ixia:fõ wd.ñl jev igyka ksIamdokh lrk wxYhúiska fujekakla ksIamdokh lsÍu meyeÈ,sju rdcH foam, wh:d f,i múÉÑ lsÍulajk w;r rdcH foam< whq;= f,I Ndú;d lsu <strong>ms</strong>kh lsÍuls'-94-

3'2 fmdÿ fmruqfKa m%pdrl jevg f,ala yjqia wdh;kfhka lvÞis ksl=;alsÍum%pdrl lgh;= i|yd f,ala yjqia wdh;kfha myiqlï fhdÞ.;a wjia:d <strong>ms</strong>

3'4 rcfha jdyk wksis f,i Ndú;d lsÍuWkqrdOmqrh" fmdf

PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS <strong>2010</strong> - INTERIM REPORT 11. INTRODUCTIONThe Sri Lankan electioneering process for decades, had been tainted by allegationsof gross abuse of public resources. With each passing year, elections recorded anincrease in abusive practices that are synonymous with a perverse political culture.The Program for the Protection of Public Resources (PPPR) in its reports relating toelections conducted in 2004, 2005 and <strong>2010</strong> highlighted the systematic abuse ofpublic resources. The PPPR during the Presidential Election <strong>2010</strong> recorded anunprecedented increase in the blatant abuse of multiple state resources.Those elected to political office are so elected for the purpose of givingrepresentation to multiple public concerns and are entrusted with political powerto make public spirited decisions for which purpose they are maintained by the taxpayers’ money. The politicians therefore have a duty devolving on them to exercisethe conferred political power with absolute care and to use public resources with asense of accountability and for the benefit of the public.It is the inherent duty of every citizen to demand of their political representativesto conform to the law and uphold the trust so vested. Similarly, the citizens shouldcall upon the law enforcement authorities and the Commissioner of Elections totake all possible action to prevent the abuse of public resources for their personaland/or political gain.The Program for the Protection of Public Resources (PPPR) of TransparencyInternational Sri Lanka (TISL) through this report seeks to evaluate the integrity ofthe Parliamentary Election <strong>2010</strong> on the specific aspect of the misuse of public-97-

esources and non compliance with the directives/guidelines introduced by theCommissioner of Elections in that regard.2. THE CURRENT POLITICAL ENVIRONMENTThe Parliamentary Election <strong>2010</strong> is of immense historical/political significance. Inthe aftermath of a 25 year-old violent conflict, this election will enable thousandsin the Northern Province as well as bordering districts to elect theirrepresentatives without fear of repression by the Liberation Tigers.Yet, an Independent Elections Commission is to be constituted as per theprovisions of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. Given the prevailingpolitical culture, it is of utmost importance to have an autonomous election bodyto ensure the conduct of free and fair elections. The constitution of such a bodywould have enhanced the achievement of ending the protracted conflict.Unfortunately, the non implementation of the 17th Amendment to theConstitution has failed to depoliticise vital public institutions and marked a deficitin democracy. There are practical difficulties that stem form the nonimplementation such as the lone Elections Commissioner fighting for greaterindependence whilst his stipulations are treated with scant respect. In this light, itis also an unfair burden upon a single officer with limited resources to shoulderthe responsibilities of an entire Elections Commission. It is also an indictment onthe role of accountability and responsibility of the said Commission.The Sixth Parliament was dissolved at a time when over 110 MPs were holdingministerial portfolios. The portfolios were a combination of Cabinet, Non Cabinetand Deputy Minister ranks.According to legislative practice, it is only those holding Cabinet rank who functionin a caretaker role and contin<strong>ue</strong> to hold their portfolios until the conclusion of theelection. It is only the Cabinet members who are entitled to draw from the publiccoffer during such period. However, in an unprecedented move the InspectorGeneral of Police, Mahinda Balasuriya sanctioned that all ministers including noncabinetand deputy ministers be provided with security irrespective of thedissolution of Parliament and the rules and conventions that apply.-98-

In addition to the large number of ministries and departments some of whichhave identical and/or overlapping functions, there are 168 state corporations andstatutory boards along with 93 companies that are under state control. Thedirectors of these public corporations are appointed by the respective ministersand there is not an iota of doubt over the selection procedure of these individualswith the primary qualification being political affiliations rather than merit. Thestate owned companies are not subject to government audit by the AuditorGeneral’s Department and thus not reviewable by any of the parliamentaryoversight committees.The Parliamentary Election <strong>2010</strong> is also conducted in the absence of Right toInformation (RTI) law in Sri Lanka to demand information as a right from the stateabout specific conduct. This prevents a transparent election process where theconduct and expenditure of public officers, institutions and political parties cannotbe subjected to public scrutiny. The legitimate right of the tax payer to know howtheir money is spent is concealed by the prevailing culture of secrecy.3. ELECTION COMMISSIONER’S GUIDELINES & DIRECTIVESThe Election Commissioner is vested with the power to prevent the abuse ofpublic resources, stall appointments, transfers and promotions in the public sectorand importantly, to ensure that every individual candidate receives an unbiasedmedia coverage during a Parliamentary Election. While exercising the powersvested in him under the 17th Amendment to the Constitution and theParliamentary Elections Act No 1 of 1981, the Election Commissioner has iss<strong>ue</strong>dthe following guidelines and directives.1. On 13.02.<strong>2010</strong>, the Commissioner of Elections through Circular No.PE/<strong>2010</strong>/04iss<strong>ue</strong>d specific guidelines to the Secretary to the President, Secretary to the PrimeMinister, Secretary to Cabinet of Ministers, all Ministry Secretaries, The PublicService Commission, the National Police Commission, Chief Secretaries of theProvincial Councils, District Secretaries, Secretaries to the Governors of theProvinces and the Provincial Public Service Commission to take necessary actionto prevent the misuse of public resources during the election period starting from-99-

the date of proclamation of the election by the President on 09.02.<strong>2010</strong> extendingup to 08.04.<strong>2010</strong>. ‘Public resources’ according to the said circular includes statebuildings, vehicles and government employees.2. Guidelines were iss<strong>ue</strong>d to the electronic and print media on 17.02.<strong>2010</strong>instructing the media organisations to abide by the same when broadcasting,telecasting and publishing matters pertaining to the elections.3. On 12.03.<strong>2010</strong> a further directive was iss<strong>ue</strong>d by the Commissioner of Electionsto the IGP to remove all illegal election propaganda material by 15.03.<strong>2010</strong>.Despite the directives and guidelines iss<strong>ue</strong>d by the Commissioner of Elections forthe purpose of ensuring the integrity of the election process, the specific abusesnoted below points to the blatant non-conformity to the directives and guidelines.4. SPECIFIC INSTANCES OF ABUSESAs of March 24, <strong>2010</strong>, the PPPR has received over 126 complaints from the publicand its investigators concerning various abuses of public resources and violationsof election laws/guidelines by the candidates.The following is the verified information.4.1 USE OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESThe PPPR received over 20 complaints of summoning government employees onthe pretext of an official meeting for propaganda meetings of candidates.4.1.1 TEACHERS- Mr.Jayatissa Karunamuni, Director of Education, Negombo Zone, had summonedthe Principals of the Schools within the Zone for a meeting at the Teachers’ Centrein Bolawalana on 04.03.<strong>2010</strong>. He had instructed school principals to submit lists ofteachers from their tutorial staff who may attend an educational meetingscheduled for the 10.03.<strong>2010</strong> at the Negombo Town Hall. A printed form wasdistributed among the principals for this purpose. On 10.03.<strong>2010</strong> the teachers inthe Negombo Education Zone were transported in CTB buses free of charge to theNegambo Town Hall at 10am. Former Deputy Minister, Civil Aviation, SarathKumara Gunaratne had addressed the gathering emphasizing the type of political-100-

support teachers should render towards the government. The Ceylon TeachersUnion has lodged a complaint with the Elections Commissioner by letters dated06.03.<strong>2010</strong> and 10.03.<strong>2010</strong>.- On 15.03.<strong>2010</strong>, a meeting organized by Chief Minister, Western Province,Prasanna Ranatunga was held at the Sanasa Meeting Hall in Naiwela, Weyangodafrom 9.00 am-12 noon where principals, vice principals and other officials of theWestern Zone of the Education Department, were invited to participate in adiscussion on education. Director of Education, Mr. Jayaratne, Western ProvinceChief Minister Prasanna Ranatunga, UPFA candidate for Minuwangoda, RuwanRanatunge and Retired SSP and former Police Media Spokesperson RanjithGunasekera were present. Matters pertaining to salaries, loan, and transfers werethe subject matter of discussion. A substantial part of time was devoted to theneed to establish a stable UPFA administration with strong emphasis on whyofficials should assist in the political endeavour.-On 15.03.<strong>2010</strong>, about 200 teachers of schools within the Western Education Zonewere called to the same ven<strong>ue</strong> for a meeting. Director of Education Mr. Jayaratne,Western Province Chief Minister Prasanna Ranatunge were present whereGovernor Sabaragamuwa Province, Janaka Bandara was the chief g<strong>ue</strong>st. Directorof Education Mr. Jayaratne in his welcome speech said that teachers as educatedand intelligent persons should work towards the establishment of a strong UPFAgovernment. - The Principal of Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Kotte has through thestudents called their parents to a meeting to discuss about the school’s sciencelaboratory on 21.03.<strong>2010</strong>. The meeting commenced at 7 00 am at the schoolpremises. Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama and his supporters distributedelection propaganda material at the brief meeting. Subseq<strong>ue</strong>ntly, the principaland the tutorial staff visited Bogollagama’s residence and were later seencanvassing in the Kotte area.- Zonal Director of Education Anuradhapura, B.M.N Abeyratne through letter dated10.03.<strong>2010</strong> organized a meeting of all the school principals in the AnuradhapuraDistrict. The meeting was held during the morning hours of 17.03.<strong>2010</strong> at themain hall of the Swarna Pali Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Anuradhapura. Chief MinisterNorth Central Province, Berty Premlal Dissanayake during his speech urged all-101-

school principals to cast their preference for his son, former deputy ministerDuminda Dissanayaka who is a candidate at the Parliamentary Election <strong>2010</strong>.- 73 teachers from schools in the Colombo District were called to attend a meetingon 18.03.<strong>2010</strong> at the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Borella Office at 10 am.President, Sri Lanka Nidahas Guru Sangamaya, Borella Branch addressing theparticipants pledged that all their proble<strong>ms</strong> could be resolved if UPFA ColomboDistrict candidate Thilanga Sumathipala is elected to parliament.4.1.2 PUBLIC OFFICIALS- On 16.03.<strong>2010</strong>, Secretary Defence, Gotabaya Rajapaksa together with PresidentialAdvisor, J.R.P. Suriyapperuma addressed a political meeting at the Sanasa PublicHall, Naiwela in the Gampaha District. Chief Minister Western Province, PrasannaRanatunga had convened the meeting in support of Ruwan Ranatunga, a candidateat the upcoming Parliamentary Election. The Secretary Defence in his speech hadsolicited his support for UPFA candidates of the Gampaha District Basil Rajapaksaand Ruwan Ranatunga.4.1.3 OTHER GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES- A political meeting was held on 16.03.<strong>2010</strong> at the Aluvihare Public Grounds,Matale under the patronage of Local Government and Provincial Councils Minister,Janaka Bandara Tennakoon to muster political support through the SamurdhiNiyamakas of the District.- On 13.02.10 200 Financial Assistants of the schools in the Ratnapura (Education)District were summoned to a meeting held at the residence of Maheepala Herath,Chief Minister for Sabaragamuwa to solicit their support for the Chief Minister’sson Kanaka Herath, a UPFA candidate representing Kegalle District. Conseq<strong>ue</strong>ntly,these officers seen canvassing for Herath in the Kegalle District on 15.03.<strong>2010</strong>, anormal school day.- A meeting was organized for the family members of civil defence personnel in theNugegoda Police Division on March 13.03.<strong>2010</strong> at the Bomiriya Madya MahaVidyalaya, (where?) at 9 00 am. Education Minister Susil Premajayantha made the-102-

keynote address. The meeting was organized by the Officers-in-Charge (OICs) ofpolice stations on the pretext of discussing the security situation. ASP II Nishanthade Zoysa, ASP III R.P. Senanayaka and all OICs of the Nugegoda Police Division werepresent at the political meeting.The teachers who were invited to attend various meetings as identified above havesubseq<strong>ue</strong>ntly participated in political gatherings/activities during schools hoursimpacting on the functions of the respective schools. The Circular iss<strong>ue</strong>d by theCommissioner of Elections on 13.02.<strong>2010</strong> specifically includes governmentemployees within the definition of public resources and the above acts are inviolation of the said circular.Under Chapter XXXII of the Establishments Code, Public Officials are prohibitedfrom participating in political rally or meetings. The PPPR highlighted the violationof the said provisions of the Establishments Code during the Presidential Election<strong>2010</strong>.A similar trend prevails at present in the run up to the Parliamentary Election<strong>2010</strong>. Directive 8 iss<strong>ue</strong>d by the Commissioner of Elections on 13.02.<strong>2010</strong> prohibitsthe organizing of and/or participating in any event by any ministry or any ministryofficial or employee during the Parliamentary Election <strong>2010</strong> period. It is evidentfrom the above cited instances that the directives of the Commissioner ofElections and the Provisions of the Establishments Code are violated with absolutedisregard.4.2 STATE VEHICLES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTThe PPPR recorded an unprecedented level of abusing state owned vehicles duringthe Presidential Election <strong>2010</strong> by candidates. A similar trend has been recordedwith regard to the Parliamentary Election.4.2.1 SLTB Buses- Some 19 buses belonging to the Hakmana Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) depotwas used to transport UPFA supporters for a meeting organized in support ofMedia Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena at Kotuwegoda. The number platesof the buses were , NA 2319, NA-3264, NA 63-4492, NA-4997,NA-4383,NA-5015,-103-

-104-63-1924,63-4771,62-1907,GB-9918,NA3704,NA4977,61-8816,63-1620,63-3798,63-3814,63-0545, 61-6269 and 62-4652. No payment has been made to theSLTB with regard to the use of the Hakmana public bus fleet.- 69 buses were released from the Nuwara Eliya, Gampola, Nawalapitiya,Kepptipola and Ragala SLTB depots to transport supporters for a meeting on20.03.<strong>2010</strong> held at Simisitha Ground at the Nuwaraeliya town. It is confirmed that50 litres of diesel were pumped to each of these buses.4.2.2 State Vehicles- 17 belonging to the Ministry of Education have been reportedly removed byEducation Minister Susil Premajayantha and Minister for Educational ServicesNirmala Kotalawala for election related work. The number plates of the vehicles soremoved are 253-1740, 63-4466,64-1573,64-1582,GT-4996, 50-7696,HK 9616,252-1269,53+-4312,302-0501,302-0500,KA-2293,58-0803,GE-1809,KE-0304,PA-9754 and 57-6489.- Two vehicles belonging to the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) were released forelection related work in the Hambantota District. The vehicle numbers are NA-6573 and NA-6571.- A vehicle bearing registration number 32-3556 and used by the Chairman andVice Chairman of the Uva Development Bank was used for poster distributionpurposes in the Hali Ela area in Badulla.- A vehicle bearing number LF-4815 belonging to the Hakmana Pradeshiya Sabhawas used by supporters putting up posters- The vehicle HB-5048 of the Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Coorporationmet with an accident in Angunukolapelessa killing the driver and threepassengers of the vehicle on 09.03.<strong>2010</strong>. The vehicle was reportedly driven by thedriver under the infl<strong>ue</strong>nce of alcohol while returning after pasting posters in thearea.- A Tata cab bearing registration number JP -5176 of the Ministry of LivestockDevelopment is being used in Hatton and Ginigathhena areas for election relatedwork.- A vehicle bearing the number plate 253-3819 belonging to the UrbanDevelopment Ministry is being used to paste posters in the Matale District.

The Commissioner of Elections under Directive 4 iss<strong>ue</strong>d on 13.02.<strong>2010</strong> hasprohibited the use of state- owned vehicles for election propaganda work. Thegross abuse of state owned vehicles amounts to a serious violation of thecountry’s election law.The hiring of SLTB buses for private purposes is an authorized activity. A largenumber of buses are released during election time for campaign purposes abusingthis provision causing serious inconvenience to the public. The PPPR maintains itspositions that buses should not be released even after payment as this provision isabused by political parties during elections. Though released on the orders ofpoliticians, it is also noteworthy that the SLTB is never paid for such servicesextracted.5. CONCLUSIONThe PPPR reiterates the fact that the abuse of public resources is committed bythe very persons in authority and who have physical control over the saidresources. The logical conseq<strong>ue</strong>nce to this turn of events is that such blatantabuse is committed by partners of the governing coalition.The integrity of the Parliamentary Elections <strong>2010</strong> is at stake considering the levelof abuse of public resources during this election. The PPPR urge the Commissionerof Elections and the Police Department to play a proactive role to prevent furtherabuse.-105-

PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS <strong>2010</strong> - INTERIM REPORT 2 (04.04.<strong>2010</strong>)1. INTRODUCTIONThe Program for Protection of Public Resources (PPPR) has received 200complaints on the abuse of public resources as of 03rd April <strong>2010</strong>. The complaintsreceived relate to abuse of government funds, vehicles and buses, buildings andutilities, media institutions and public officials for electioneering. The PPPR alsorecorded a sudden increase of complaints since the release of the first PPPRInterim Report on 24.02.<strong>2010</strong> which highlighted the increased level of abuses ofpublic resources as the date of election is approaching.2. SPECIFIC ABUSESAll the abuses recorded here are verified for their accuracy.2.1 SLBCThe Presidential Unit of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Service (SLBC) is extensivelyutilised to cover the rallies attended by the President. Thushara SadanayakaDirector Presidential Unit and Provincial Service of the SLBC has given directions tothe national and regional services of the SLBC to cover the election rallies of thePresident in Uva, Southern, North Western, Central, Western, Northern andEastern Provinces . Approximately 30 rallies were held in these Provinces. Theorders were iss<strong>ue</strong>d by the said director by letters iss<strong>ue</strong>d on 19, 25 and 26 March<strong>2010</strong>.The extensive use of state media resources to record speeches of candidates ofthe UPFA which is not extended to other political parties is a violation of theguidelines iss<strong>ue</strong>s by the Commissioner of Election on 17th February <strong>2010</strong>. Theguideline number 1 states “all telecasting, broadcasting and print media shall bebalanced and impartial in their election reporting and shall not discriminate-106-

against any contesting political party, independent group, candidate or politicalparty leaders in granting access to airtime.” 2.2 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESa. The Kelaniya University has made the following appointments on 18th February<strong>2010</strong>. - A Technical Officer- A Telephone Operator- A Library assistant- Three Library PeonsInterviews were held on 18.02.<strong>2010</strong> for the following posts: Clerical Staff,Electricians, Laboratory Peons, book binders and minor employees.Directive number 7 of the Commissioner of Election iss<strong>ue</strong>d on 13th February <strong>2010</strong>prohibits any appointment, promotion, transfer and calling for job applications andholding interviews during the period of elections starting from the date ofproclamation and gazetting of the election to the date of the election.b. The Provincial Additional Director of Education of Sabaragamuwa, together withMallika Ranasinghe, Director of Education, Kegalle organized meetings of theTeachers of the Sabaragamuwa Province, on 16.03.<strong>2010</strong> at 10a.m, 19.03.<strong>2010</strong> at11.35a.m. and 22.03.<strong>2010</strong> at 10a.m. at St.Joseph’ Girls School(Junior Section),Kegalle. The meetings were held in order to obtain personal data of the teachers inthe province for computerisation. On each day large numbers of Teachersattended and supplied the required information on a printed form provided for thepurpose. The Chief Minister of the Sabaragamuwa Province Mahipala Herath waspresent and addressed these meetings req<strong>ue</strong>sting support for the candidature ofhis son Kanaka Herath, UPFA candidate for Kegalle District. This is an abuse of stateresources by a political party candidate which disrupted the smooth functioning ofthese meetings.c. A req<strong>ue</strong>st had been made by the Air Force Camp in Averiwatte , Katunayakeasking the three-wheel drivers operating in Averiwatte to attend a meeting to beheld at Averiwatte Temple on 16th March <strong>2010</strong> at 3.00p.m. Accordingly about 150three-wheel drivers had assembled at the temple. A high ranking Officer of theAveriwatte Camp, Group Captain Allen Fernando had addressed the gathering and-107-

asked them to vote for Basil Rajapaksha and Sarath Gunaratne, UPFA candidatesfor Gampaha District.d. Kurunegala District candidate Johnstan Fernando had by a letter dated 18thFebruary <strong>2010</strong> addressed to Prasana Wickramasuriya Chairman, Air Port and AirPort Services Sri Lanka Ltd, BIA Katunayake, req<strong>ue</strong>sted the release of Tenemployees namely (1) V.A.Cyril Ekanayake Service No.2830 of Finance Branch(2)J.J.Jayalath Service No.2543 of Civil Engineering (Maintenance) (3) AsankaWitharanaarachchi Service No.5673 Finance Dept (4) C.D.M.S.Dissanayake ServiceNo.3450 Transport (5) D.A.D.Anurudha Gamini Service No.4274 Transport (6)D.P.L.Samaraweera Service No 3456 Finance (7) D.B.D.Jayasighe Service No.3410Administration (8) D.E.C.S.Edirisinghe Service No.133 Security (9) H.RupasenaService No.2322 Mechanical Maintenance (10), M.N.G.Ranatunga Service No.5255Human Resources for his election campaigning work from 07th March <strong>2010</strong> to20th April <strong>2010</strong>.e. The staff of the Godagama Subharathi Maha Vidyalaya had distributed a leafletamong the students in the Primary section of the said school. The content of theleaflet was with respect to a meeting to be held at the Godagama Purana Viharaon 13th March <strong>2010</strong> and req<strong>ue</strong>sted the students and parents to be present at theven<strong>ue</strong> on the said date. Lal Mahinda Munasinghe, Deputy Chairman, HomagamaPradeshiya Sabha, called on the persons present at this meeting to vote forColombo District United National Front candidate Mohan Lal Grero at theupcoming elections as he will organize English classes for the children of the saidschool free on charge from May <strong>2010</strong>. The PPPR would like to note that use ofschool teachers to distribute leaflets of this nature during school hours is an abuseof public resources. f. D.K.P.B.Wimalaweera, Executive , Human Resources hadonbehalf of the Head of Human Resources & Legal Air Port & Aviation Services (SriLanka) Ltd, addressed a Memorandum bearing No.HR/621/1/L dated 25thFebruary <strong>2010</strong> to the Head of Civil Engineering req<strong>ue</strong>sting the release of eightemployees from their duties from 28th February <strong>2010</strong> to 28th April <strong>2010</strong>.Although it was req<strong>ue</strong>sted to release these employees for the purpose of raisingawareness for programmes in Mattala, Hambantota it is recorded that theseemployees are engaged in election campaigning work at present. Further,releasing employees for a longer period of time for awareness raising programmesis an unknown practice within this service.-108-

2.3 MISUSE OF STATE VEHICLES, BUSES AND AIRCRAFTSPPPR Interim Report 1 highlighted the gross misuse of public transport and otherstate vehicles. Further complaints were received by the PPPR programme and thefollowing are the verified misuse of such vehicles and buses.a. It is confirmed that a helicopter belonging to the Sri Lanka Air Force was used toair drop election propaganda leaflets of the UPFA candidate Johnston Fernando inthe Kurunegala District on 3rd April <strong>2010</strong>.b. 35 buses were used to transport UPFA supporters for a propaganda meetingpresided by the President on 20th March <strong>2010</strong> at Aluwihare Grounds Matale at2.00p.m. The buses were reported to Matale Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB)depot where Diesel was pumped into the buses. A total of 650 liters of Diesel werepumped to the buses of varying amounts 20,25,30 and 50 liters. The total cost ofthe Diesel so pumped is Rs. 52,000/-. The cost is borne by the Matale Bus depot.c. 11 buses were used to transport women in the Gampaha District for a meetingorganized in support of UPFA candidates in the Gampaha District. The Co-Operative sales outlets and Co-Operative Rural Banks in the Gampaha area wereclosed from 10a.m. to enable the female employees to attend the rally where over3000 women compelled to participate.d. 20 buses from the Elpitiya, Hakmana, Akuressa, Galle and Matara depots wereused to transport persons for a meeting held at Samanla Ground, Galle presidedby the President.e. 37 Buses from the Welisara, NIttambuwa, Divulapitiya, Kadawatha, Gampahaand Negambo depots were used to transport supporters for a meeting held inGmapaha District presided by the President.f. A Double Decker SLTB bus belonging to the Ratmalana SLB Depot, has beendecorated completely with Election posters of Mr.Dinesh Gunawardena , UPFAcandidate for Colombo District .This bus is currently used with garage numbers totour the electorate for propaganda activities . This bus has no route number anddoes not carry passengers. A CTB driver is used for this purpose.g. Three cabs bearing numbers PB -8985, PB-8785 and PA-9739 belonging to the-109-

National Gem and Jewellary Authority are being used at present for election workof Anura Priyadharshana Yapa, UPFA candidate for Kurunagala District.h. K.A.Baiz Deputy Minister for Live Stock Development is using governmentvehicle No.KE 4830 which is registered under the Secretary Ministry of LivestockDevelopment for election campaign work in Puttlam and Kalpitiya areas.The PPPR in its previous report highlighted the gross abuse of SLTB buses and statevehicles for propaganda work. Directive four iss<strong>ue</strong>d by the Commissioner ofElections on 13th February <strong>2010</strong> prevents the abuse of state owned vehiclesincluding helicopters and aircrafts during the time of election by the candidates.Although SLTB buses could be hired by private parties it is so far not beingdeclared whether these buses were hired by UPFA for its election campaign work.Even though they could be hired such use cannot be justified as the absence ofbuses to transport the public would inconvenience the public at large. The PPPRhas received complaints to this effect.A view has been expressed that vehicles assigned to ministers can be used forelection related work as a minister is entitled to a certain number of vehicles. ThePPPR emphasises that these vehicles can only be used for official purposes andcannot be used for personal political party propaganda work.2.4 UTILITIES –ELECTRICITYA party office of Mr.Rohitha Bogallagama, UPFA Candidate for Colombo Districthas been set up on a land belonging to Sri Vijitharama Temple at Kotalawelapura,Ratmalana. Electricity to this office has been obtained from the main supply to themeter box of the premises of Lihiniya Florist, No. 530, Ratmalana. The meter box islocated outside the Lihiniya Florist building. The tapping is done circumventing anyrecords on the consumption of the electricity causing a loss of reven<strong>ue</strong> to thestate. According Section 49(1) of the Sri Lanka Electricity Act No 20 of 2009, “Everypersons who takes, uses and extracts any electricitya. which is in the course of being transmitted or distributed by a transmission ordistribution licensee; and-110-

. otherwise than in pursuance of a contract made with a distributing licensee orother electricity undertaking, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shallbe liable on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate, in addition to apenalty of not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding fifty thousandrupees, to a fine in a sum of money being the val<strong>ue</strong> of the loss or damage causedto the licencee as a result of the act or default constituting such offence, and anysum recovered as such additional fine shall be paid to the licencee on applicationmade to Court by such licencee.”CONCLUSIONThe PPPR highlighted similar level of abuses of public resources for electionpropaganda work in its previous report. However the authorities have failed totake notice of the abuses highlighted by the PPPR, resulting in a significantincrease in the level of abuse. Therefore, it’s doubtful as to whether this electioncan be considered as ‘free and fair’ election when taking into account the level ofabuse of public resources at the Parliamentary election <strong>2010</strong>.-111-

PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS <strong>2010</strong> - INTERIM REPORT 3 (07.04.<strong>2010</strong>)TISL’s Programme for Protection of Public Resources (PPPR) has released the thirdreport highlighting abuses of state assets in the current Parliamentary Electioncampaign.The election laws require campaigning to end 48 hours prior to the day of anyelection. However, it is disheartening to note that the candidates, parties and themedia institutions have failed to adhere to this stipulation.The campaigning contin<strong>ue</strong>d by way of placing advertisements in the media, mobiletext messages and house- to- house campaign in violation of the law.The integrity of the election is clearly marred by the failure of all parties,candidates and the media to adhere to the directives of the Commissioner ofElections.Election campaign was marred by blatant abuse of public resources with impunityand weak implementation of the law on the part of the Sri Lanka Police and thefailure of the authorities such as the Elections Commission to take action arereasons for this abuse says the Program for Protection of Public Resources ofTransparency International in its report iss<strong>ue</strong>d yesterday.Even on the eve of the Election, large cut-outs and other propaganda materialwere displayed along the main roads. The abuse of public resource coupled withthe inefficiency of the Police is seriously lowering the integrity of the election as awhole statement said.-112-

It has been confirmed that many persons holding important positions in the publicsector are engaged in electioneering. Though a no campaign period has beendeclared by the Commissioner of Elections from April 6, <strong>2010</strong>, the candidatescontin<strong>ue</strong>d their campaigns through advertisements in the media, mobile textmessages and house- to- house campaigns disregarding the directive of theCommissioner of Elections statement further said.Text of the statement is followsTwo buses belonging to the Technical Colleges in Ratnapura and Anuradhpurabearing numbers NA-6916 and NA 6912 have been released for a training programto be held in Galle from 5 – 15 March, <strong>2010</strong>. However these buses were notreturned to the said respective Training Colleges and are being used for electionrelated work in all the Galle District.70 Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) were used to transport supporters of the UPFAfor a campaign meeting held in Vavuniya by Minister Rishad Bathiyudeen on April1, <strong>2010</strong>. President Mahinda Rajapakse addressed this meeting.Buses belonging to the Nittambuwa depot bearing numbers GP 9872, 69-591 and63-1472 were sent for election campaign work to Galgamuwa on March 27, <strong>2010</strong>.Buses bearing numbers NA 4151 and NA 3859 from the said depot were sent toVavuniya to transport supporters for an election rally.Two Rosa buses bearing numbers 62-5955 and NA 6975 belonging to the Sri LankaPorts Authority (SLPA) have been sent to Colombo to be used for the election workof Hari Gupta Rohanadeera. The drivers are paid their batta and overtime despitebeing involved in election campaign activity in Colombo.The PPPR in its reports iss<strong>ue</strong>d on March 24, <strong>2010</strong> and April 4, <strong>2010</strong> the level ofabuse of government employees for election related work. This is a violation of thedirectives iss<strong>ue</strong>d on February 13, <strong>2010</strong> by the Commissioner of Elections againstabuse of public resources.-113-

The following are further instances of the use of government employees for theelection campaign.It has been confirmed that many persons holding important positions in the publicsector are engaged in electioneering. The following persons have endorsed thecandidature of certain candidates in advertisements published in the newspapers.Professor Shanika HImburegama, Vice Chancellor Colombo University, Dr.S.A.Weliwegama, Sri Lanka Chemistry Institute, Dr. N.L.A Karunaratne, KamalsiriMallikarachchi, Deputy Registrar Sri Jayewardenapura University, AKetapotaarachchi, Senior Assistant Registrar, Post Graduate Institute ofArchaeology University of Kelaniya, Abeyratne Samarakoon, Senior AssistantLibrarian Kelaniya University, K.K.A.S Premadasa, Principal Mahamaya BalikaVidyalaya Kadawatha, N.G. H. Namalgamuwa, Research Officer, Post GraduateInstitute of Archaeology University of Kelaniya, Udayangani Karunathileke Bandara,Research Officer Post Graduate Institute of Archaeology University of Kelaniya andV.S Iroshan, Research Officer Post Graduate Institute of Archaeology University ofKelaniya.Mr. Gamini Wickramasingha, Chairman Bank of Ceylon (BOC), Mr. DhanapalaSenior Area Manager BOC and other officials of the said bank attended a campaignmeeting of Presidential Advisor and former MP Basil Rajapakse in Ja-ela. Themeeting was organised to solicit support of the employees of the Central Bank,Bank of Ceylon and the People’s Bank who are Gamapaha District residents. TheChairman BOC called on the participants to vote for candidate Basil Rajapakse.The PPPR reported in its report iss<strong>ue</strong>d on March 24, <strong>2010</strong> listed the participation ofSecretary Defence, Gotabhaya Rajapakse at political campaign meetings ofcandidates. The trend has not ceased and the Commissioner of Elections appearsto be unable to persuade the Secretary Defence to refrain from engaging inelectioneering. The Secretary Defence has addressed a Kotte SLFP Balamandalayameeting on April 6, <strong>2010</strong>. This was reported in the The Island on April 7, <strong>2010</strong>. Thenewspaper also stated that the Secretary Defence addressed a series of meeting insupport of several UPFA candidates.-114-

80 Assistant Instructors of the Department of Technical Education & Training havebeen transferred to Galle District to engage in election related propaganda work ofMinister of Vocational Training, Piyasena Gamage.One Assistant Director of Education, five Principals and seven teachers have beencampaigning for Anuradhapura District UPFA candidate Duminda Dissanayakeduring school hours on March 19, <strong>2010</strong>. The campaigning activities were carriedout in the Saliyapura, Shantipura and Nachchiyaduwa areas. The names of teachersare as follows.-Saman Chandrasekera – K.B. Ratnayaka Vidyalaya- D. S. Seneviratne – Diulwewa Vidyalaya- K.A. Ananda- Diulwewa Vidyalaya- Alwis Edirisinghe- Principal Parasangahewewa Vidyalaya- Rajapakse- Principal Urawankulamawewa Vidyalaya- Seneviratne- Principla Saliyamala Maha Vidyalaya- Dissanayake- Principal Deaf and Blind School- Sarath Ariyasena- Walasinghe Harishchandra Vidyalaya- Lanka Prasad- Niwaththaka Chaiththaya Vidyalaya-J.A.J Weerakkody- Niwaththaka Chaiththaya Vidyalaya- Lalith Nandana- Parasankulama Vidyalaya- R.M.K Rajapakse- Principal Bulankulama Vidyalaya-B.M.N Abeyratne- Assistant Director of EducationOn March 22, <strong>2010</strong>, H.M.K Jinapala, Director Education North Central Provincehad called for a meeting of teachers to discuss the proposed development of aneducation scheme. Ananda Kularatne, Secretary, Ministry of Education, ChiefMinister Berty Premalal Dissanayake and UPFA candidate Premasiri Hettiarachchiwere also present. Though this meeting was to discuss and develop the educationscheme, this meeting was in fact an election propaganda meeting in support ofcandidate Duminda Dissanayake, also the son of Chief Minister Berty PremalalDissanayake.Chapter XXXII of the Establishments Code clearly prohibits government employeesfrom engaging in election campaign activities.-115-

The above mentioned activities of the government employees are in directcontravention of the provisions of the Code. In addition, they are violations of thedirectives of the Commissioner of Elections iss<strong>ue</strong>d on February 13, <strong>2010</strong>.The election laws require campaigning to end 48 hours prior to the day of anyelection. However, it is disheartening to note that the candidates, parties and themedia institutions have failed to adhere to this stipulation.The campaigning contin<strong>ue</strong>d by way of placing advertisements in the media, mobiletext messages and house- to- house campaign in violation of the law.The integrity of the election is clearly marred by the failure of all parties,candidates and the media to adhere to the directives of the Commissioner ofElections.-116-


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