Directors - Caribbean Cement Company Limited

Directors - Caribbean Cement Company Limited

Directors - Caribbean Cement Company Limited


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CARIBBEAN CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESNotes to the Consolidated Financial StatementsYear ended 31 December 2008(Expressed in Jamaican Dollars)2. Significant accounting policies (continued)a) Basis of preparation (continued)(iv) Basis of measurementThese financial statements have been prepared under the historical costconvention except for the measurement at deemed cost of certain property,plant and equipment. Deemed cost represents fair value at the date oftransition to IFRS.b) Basis of consolidationThe Group’s financial statements present the results of operations and financialposition of the <strong>Company</strong> and its Subsidiaries as follows:OwnershipSubsidiaries: LevelJamaica Gypsum and Quarries <strong>Limited</strong> 100%<strong>Caribbean</strong> Gypsum <strong>Company</strong> <strong>Limited</strong> 100%Rockfort Mineral Bath Complex <strong>Limited</strong> 100%The financial statements for the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reportingperiod as the <strong>Company</strong>, using consistent accounting policies.All intra-group balances, income and expenses and unrealized gains and lossesresulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in full.<strong>Caribbean</strong> Gypsum <strong>Company</strong> <strong>Limited</strong> and Rockfort Mineral Bath Complex<strong>Limited</strong> had no trading activities during the year.c) Interest bearing loans and borrowingsBorrowings are stated initially at cost, being the fair value of considerationreceived net of transaction cost associated with the borrowings. After initialrecognition, borrowings are measured at amortized cost using the effectiveinterest method; any difference between proceeds and the redemption value isrecognized in the statement of earnings over the period of the borrowings.d) Property, plant and equipmentLand and buildings, held for use in the production or supply of goods and servicesor for administrative purposes, and certain machinery and equipment are stated inthe balance sheet at their deemed cost, being the fair value on the basis of theirexisting use at the date of the adoption of IFRS 1, less any subsequentaccumulated depreciation and impairment losses. The values of these assets aresubject to annual management reviews.4618CARIBBEAN CEMENT COMPANY & ITS SUBSIDIARIES

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