Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability ... - Supermaxed

Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability ... - Supermaxed

Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability ... - Supermaxed


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is not peer review or sophisticated quality assuranceby a group of disinterested mental healthprofessionals.When it comes to ECU mental health issues, acorrections department may be in <strong>the</strong> strongestlegal position if it incorporates some form ofongoing quality assurance reviews into its st<strong>and</strong>ardoperating procedures. Such proceduresbecome even more credible if <strong>the</strong>y draw on professionalsfrom outside <strong>the</strong>department. Quality assurancereviews can serve two purposes:(1) alerting <strong>the</strong> departmentto problems as <strong>the</strong>y develop, sodeficiencies can be corrected;<strong>and</strong> (2) providing a credible,nonadversarial-based source ofinformation about <strong>the</strong> operationof <strong>the</strong> ECU.Transferring Inmates forMental Health TreatmentSimply transferring a prisoninmate to a mental health treatmentfacility triggers dueprocess protections under a1980 Supreme Court decision. 43In Vitek v. Jones, which concerned<strong>the</strong> transfer of a prisoner from a Nebraskastate prison to a mental hospital, <strong>the</strong> Court saidthat as part of such a transfer decision, <strong>the</strong> inmatewas entitled to a hearing that included more proceduralprotections than would be required in adisciplinary hearing. Notably, <strong>the</strong> inmate had aright to “qualified <strong>and</strong> independent assistance”(but not necessarily a lawyer) <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> right tocross-examine witnesses. The model <strong>the</strong> Courtadopted for <strong>the</strong> transfer hearing is similar to thatWhen it comes toECU mental healthissues, a correctionsdepartment may bein <strong>the</strong> strongestlegal position if itincorporates someform of ongoingquality assurancereviews into itsst<strong>and</strong>ard operatingprocedures.required for a parole revocation. The Court didnot require a hearing in emergency situations orwhen a transfer is simply for a clinical evaluation.Several factors were of significance to <strong>the</strong> Courtin Vitek. The Court considered that <strong>the</strong> transferunder review was to an agency <strong>and</strong> institutionoutside <strong>the</strong> jurisdiction of <strong>the</strong> state department ofcorrections, that such a transfer imposed a stigmaon <strong>the</strong> inmate, <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong> transfer exposed <strong>the</strong>inmate to a m<strong>and</strong>atory programof behavior modification.The Vitek decision left severalsubstantial questions unanswered.Unfortunately, relativelylittle litigation has comeforth in <strong>the</strong> aftermath of Vitekto answer <strong>the</strong>se questions. 44The most obvious question iswhe<strong>the</strong>r Vitek applies when <strong>the</strong>transfer is not to a mental hospitalrun by <strong>the</strong> state’s mentalhealth agency but to a mentalhealth treatment unit located inano<strong>the</strong>r institution run by <strong>the</strong>corrections department. Whatif <strong>the</strong> transfer is simply to amental health unit in <strong>the</strong> sameprison? In The Mentally Disordered Inmate <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> Law, Cohen argues that Vitek should applyunder such circumstances but recognizes that, inpractice, it frequently is not observed. 45 Amongo<strong>the</strong>r questions Cohen notes are what criteriashould be used in deciding to transfer an inmatefor mental health treatment <strong>and</strong> what <strong>the</strong> burdenof proof should be in <strong>the</strong> transfer hearing.23Mental Health43Vitek v. Jones, 445 U.S. 480 (1980).44For a lengthier discussion of Vitek <strong>and</strong> inmate mental health issues generally, see Cohen, The Mentally DisorderedInmate <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Law.45Ibid., p. 17-10

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