Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability ... - Supermaxed

Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability ... - Supermaxed

Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability ... - Supermaxed


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25Wisconsin corrections officials had developed■Quality assurance. Consider developing aa screening tool, but <strong>the</strong> court was very criticalof how <strong>the</strong> tool was applied. Should anagency attempt to rely entirely on a st<strong>and</strong>ardizedscreening instrument? Or should it com-quality assurance system or audit processas a strategy for addressing legal challengesto screening <strong>and</strong> monitoring procedures.Wisconsin’s litigation experience suggests <strong>the</strong>Mental Healthbine st<strong>and</strong>ardized screening with professionalwisdom of this approach. A reviewing courtexamination, at one or more levels, of eachmay find such efforts more credible if <strong>the</strong>yinmate considered for transfer to <strong>the</strong> ECU,involve persons from outside <strong>the</strong> correctionstoge<strong>the</strong>r with a final examination at admis-department.sion? The best approach has yet to be defined.■Mental health care. Provide ongoing diagno-■Monitoring. Implement a process for con-sis <strong>and</strong> treatment for mental health condi-stantly monitoring <strong>the</strong> mental status oftions. This is <strong>the</strong> “st<strong>and</strong>ard” level of serviceECU inmates <strong>and</strong> criteria for determiningexpected in any prison, <strong>and</strong> clearly a require-when transfer out of <strong>the</strong> unit is warranted.ment in <strong>the</strong> ECU.Wisconsin attempted to do this, but <strong>the</strong> courtcharacterized its efforts as “little more thanb<strong>and</strong>-aids to <strong>the</strong> potentially detrimental conditionsto which defendants are subjectingmentally ill inmates.” 47■Staffing. Maintain staffing levels in accordancewith <strong>the</strong> services to be provided.Operating an ECU mental health programshort-h<strong>and</strong>ed is an invitation to litigation <strong>and</strong>court intervention.■Removal. Implement a process for transferringinmates out of <strong>the</strong> ECU if <strong>the</strong>y meet <strong>the</strong>monitoring system’s criteria for removal. Thisrequires, among o<strong>the</strong>r things, a place to sendsuch inmates. Agencies should seek legaladvice on whe<strong>the</strong>r a Vitek hearing must■Medication. Be aware of legal constraintsconcerning involuntary medication, <strong>and</strong> haveprocedures in place for medicating inmateswhose serious mental illness presents a threatto <strong>the</strong>mselves <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs.accompany such transfer decisions.47Jones’El, 164 F. Supp. 2d at 1122.

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