Annual Report - ntgpe

Annual Report - ntgpe

Annual Report - ntgpe


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Registrar Liaison Officer’s <strong>Report</strong>Another busy year for the GP registrars and the RegistrarLiaison Officers (RLOs). The year began with Nada Andricand Jo Wood continuing in the role, however bothregistrars received their Fellowships in the first 6 monthsand the role was taken up by Sarah Cush in July. Theenthusiasm and experience of Nada and Jo in the rolewas greatly appreciated by all the RegistrarsWhat does the Registrar LiaisonOfficer do?RLOs are GP registrars in training employed to providesupport and advice to registrars on a wide range of issuesrelated to training and education. RLOs help advocatefor the registrars to the Regional Training provider (i.e.NTGPE) in any issues or problems they may be facing.RLOs also have a pastoral care role for the registrars.On a national level RLOs communicate through a listserver, and meet twice annually as part of the GPRA (GPRegistrar Association) Advisory Council to discuss howto further improve GP training at both regional and thenational levels.In the first half of the year RLOs again rang aroundregistrars to ensure practices continued to follow thenational minimum terms and conditions.The monthly RLO newsletter continued providing aregular means of communication to Registrars onRegistrar activities, both academic and social.RLOs attended Registrar workshops through the year, forboth orientation to the role, and continued the RegistrarPrivate Business session. This forum enables Registrarsto open up on issues affecting their training and remindsregistrars they are not alone.Participation in the GPRA list server continues on a largenumber of issues aimed at improving registrar training.What was done and where did theRLOs travel in 2010?GPRA held the Breathing New Life into General Practicein Canberra in March, which was in conjunction with thefirst GPRA Advisory council meeting for 2010. The firsttwo days were run by AGPT and covered information onthe structure of GP training in Australia and importantpolicies and included some professional developmentcontent for the RLOs. The third day was held atParliament House where the Registrars were surprisedby an impromptu morning tea with then Prime MinisterKevin Rudd. The final day was a chance for RLOs to hearabout GPRA’s plans for the year and for RLOs to raiseissues of concern.The GPET convention ‘Clinical and cultural competence:Everybody’s business’ was held in Alice Springs inSeptember. The RLO workshop and GPRA Advisorycouncil meeting were held at the same time, which wasanother forum to discuss the national and regional issuesaffecting registrars.14 Northern Territory General Practice Education

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