Rebellion and Civil Disobedience in Islam The Need for a Paradigm ...

Rebellion and Civil Disobedience in Islam The Need for a Paradigm ...

Rebellion and Civil Disobedience in Islam The Need for a Paradigm ...


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Prophet about how honesty can be lost. He answered, “If <strong>in</strong>competent persons are grantedthe power to manage people’s affairs, then honesty is lost.”3) On the economical level, tyranny always undertakes useless economical projectsthat waste the people’s money <strong>and</strong> deprive them from what they really need <strong>in</strong> their lives.Money is spent to gratify the capricious whimsies of the ruler <strong>and</strong> his nomenklatura. <strong>The</strong>mega-projects of the despotic regime are concerned with either divert<strong>in</strong>g the masses oroppress<strong>in</strong>g them. Security apparatuses are granted enormous cl<strong>and</strong>est<strong>in</strong>e budgets tosafeguard the system <strong>and</strong> smash mercilessly all <strong>for</strong>ms of dissention. Spend<strong>in</strong>g hugeamounts of money on prisons is also a notorious feature of oppressive regimes. Prisons,rather than be<strong>in</strong>g the place of crim<strong>in</strong>als, become the abode of the th<strong>in</strong>kers, <strong>in</strong>tellectuals,<strong>and</strong> the s<strong>in</strong>cere citizens whose only s<strong>in</strong> is their aspiration to justice <strong>and</strong> freedom. Also, alarge proportion of the wealth of the nation, which is supposed to be utilized <strong>for</strong> theirwelfare, is given to the external <strong>for</strong>ces that support the tyrant <strong>and</strong> delight <strong>in</strong> see<strong>in</strong>g himperpetuat<strong>in</strong>g the state of backwardness <strong>and</strong> misery of his people.4) On the moral level, tyranny demotes all virtues <strong>and</strong> promotes all vices. Hypocrisy,mendacity, treason, deceitfulness, obsessive fear, <strong>and</strong> self-<strong>in</strong>dulgence become rampant <strong>in</strong>the society.5) On the religious level, tyranny underm<strong>in</strong>es the foundations of religion. It eitherfights religion vehemently or at least encourages a sort of passive religiosity. <strong>Islam</strong> isemptied from its core tenets <strong>and</strong> code of ethics <strong>and</strong> is ultimately reduced to a number ofrituals that are per<strong>for</strong>med without any impact on the one’s worldview. Salvationistmessianic discourses become prevalent among the overwhelm<strong>in</strong>g majority of people.People become obsessed by the ‘end of days’ scenarios <strong>and</strong> wait <strong>for</strong> their fates <strong>in</strong> acompletely helpless <strong>and</strong> powerless manner. People never th<strong>in</strong>k about chang<strong>in</strong>g the statusquo <strong>and</strong> eventually espouse, even unconsciously, the doctr<strong>in</strong>e of unqualifiedpredest<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> which man has no choice, no free will. Tyrants are the happiest personsto see the society adopt<strong>in</strong>g such a doctr<strong>in</strong>e, <strong>for</strong> their he<strong>in</strong>ous acts will be perceived as apart of Allah’s scheme. <strong>The</strong> plight of religion was aggravated, <strong>in</strong> the modern era, whenthe religious <strong>in</strong>stitutions lost their endowments <strong>and</strong> hence their autonomy, which they hadenjoyed throughout most of the <strong>Islam</strong>ic history even <strong>in</strong> the presence of tyranny. Religiousscholars lost their dependence <strong>and</strong> became on the payroll of the corrupt nation-state.6) On the military level, the ma<strong>in</strong> objective of the army is to protect the regime. <strong>The</strong>concept of Jihad, which is of paramount importance <strong>in</strong> <strong>Islam</strong>, is obliterated. <strong>The</strong> corruptregime never th<strong>in</strong>ks about fight<strong>in</strong>g from a purely <strong>Islam</strong>ic perspective. Instead of fight<strong>in</strong>gthe true enemies of the nation, the corrupt regime allies itself with them <strong>and</strong> uses thearmy to crush any <strong>in</strong>ternal propensity towards genu<strong>in</strong>e re<strong>for</strong>m <strong>and</strong> modernization. Whenthe army is used aga<strong>in</strong>st an outside nation, it is done to pillage their resources or tobestow fake glory on the personage of the great leader.5

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