CT171 - Busy Bee Tools

CT171 - Busy Bee Tools

CT171 - Busy Bee Tools


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GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSFOR MACHINESExtreme caution should be used when operating all power tools. Know your powertool, be familiar with its operation, read through the owner’s manual and practice safeusage procedures at all times.ALWAYS read and understand theuser manual before operating themachine.CONNECT your machine ONLY to thematched and specific power source.ALWAYS wear safety glassesrespirators, hearing protection andsafety shoes, when operating yourmachine.DO NOT wear loose clothing orjewelry when operating your machine.Wear protective hair covering.A SAFE ENVIRONMENT isimportant. Keep the area free of dust,dirt and other debris in the immediatevicinity of your machine.BE ALERT! DO NOT use prescriptionor other drugs that may affect yourability or judgment to safely use yourmachine.DISCONNECT the power source whenchanging drill bits, hollow chisels,router bits, shaper heads, blades,knives or making other adjustments orrepairs.NEVER leave a tool unattended while itis in operation.NEVER allow unsupervised or untrainedpersonnel to operate the machineNEVER reach over the table when thetool is in operation.ALWAYS keep blades, knives and bitssharpened and properly aligned.ALL OPERATIONS MUST BEperformed with the guards in place toensure safety.ALWAYS use push sticks and featherboards to safely feed your work throughthe machine.ALWAYS make sure that any tools usedfor adjustments are removed beforeoperating the machine.ALWAYS keep bystanders safely awaywhile the machine is in operation.NEVER attempt to remove jammedcutoff pieces until the blade has come toa full stop.3

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