EH4000ACII - Hitachi Construction Machinery

EH4000ACII - Hitachi Construction Machinery

EH4000ACII - Hitachi Construction Machinery


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Ease of OperationSuperior SuspensionThe <strong>Hitachi</strong> trailing arm suspensionsystem delivers excellentmaneuverability, even at higher speeds.The trailing arm layout offers greaterease of servicing while improving truckperformance compared to suspendedking-pin designs. The pivot mountingof the trailing arm design allows onlyaxial input to the strut and allows wheelmovement to the vertical plane only.Features:• Lateral forces that act on the frontwheels are minimized, resulting inreduced tire scuffing.• Dynamic friction (side-wall force)within the strut is low due tothe features of the trailing armsuspension design, allowing theuse of a lighter strut engineered to asmaller diameter and longer stroke.• The necessary frame bulk (horsecollarstructure) needed to mount asuspended king-pin is non-existent.• The elimination of the “horse-collar”member provides greater engineaccess.• The NEOCON strut used with thetrailing arm suspension, improvesoperator and component isolation,provides better hauler stability andpredictable operational control.• Locating the king-pin close to thewheel assembly and at a slight angleresults in low “Dry Park Steering”effort.• Development of the compressiblemedia, NEOCON- E TM fluid(proprietary, silicone based,environmentally friendly) for use inthe suspension strut with Heliumgas, results in an improved energyabsorption (isolation) systemand an improved energy release(stability) system that respondsfavorably whether traveling empty orloaded in a wide range of ambienttemperatures.The trailing arm suspension designallows the front struts to be removedand installed without removing thefront brakes or tires. This means fewertools and less labor time are required,resulting in less downtime and higherproductivity.THE FAST FILLING SYSTEM12453Trailing Arm Suspension (Front)1. Hydraulic oil2. Coolant 13. Coolant 24. Grease5. Engine oilBoth Struts at normal heightThe fast filling system, providedstandard on the left side of the radiator,allows direct access at ground levelfor fast feeding of coolant, grease,hydraulic oil and engine oil.(Couplers are optional.)NEOCON Strut (Front/Rear)Both struts in compressionHelium gasNEOCON-E TM fluidHI-TECH ROPS/FOPS CabThe new HI-TECH ROPS/FOPS cab has been newly equippedwith a <strong>Hitachi</strong> controller and a large centrally mounted, colorLiquid Crystal Display (LCD) as used in <strong>Hitachi</strong> large sizedexcavators. Double wall construction of 11 gauge inner and outersteel panels produces a more structurally sound cab. A threepointrubber isolation-mount arrangement minimizes vibration tothe operator compartment.Drivers Side Strut in compression,other strut in extensionWith no horizontal deflectionImpactSpindleEach controlled by a hydraulic steering cylinder, rotates around the king-pin and the outer end of the trailingarm to position the wheels for steering. The spindles are attached by one simple tie-rod.Trailing ArmMain suspension member to which other suspension components are attached. The trailing arms hinge ona cross tube that is clamped to the front of the frame.Neocon StrutThe energy absorption and release component of the trailing arm suspension system. Pinned to ballbushings at the frame and at the top of each trailing arm to prevent bending movements from transferring tothe strut. Receives only axial input.

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