Transitions - Dallas Dressage Club

Transitions - Dallas Dressage Club

Transitions - Dallas Dressage Club


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Regional NewsUSDF REGION 9 SUMMER MEETINGThe Region 9 Summer Meeting will be Saturday, July 16, 2005 atthe Crowne Plaza Hotel, downtown San Antonio, TX.Leigh was not able to secure a block of rooms without committing topay for the unused rooms. However, Cynthia Camaco, (210) 362-6405 has offered a discount room rate of $109 while rooms areavailable. So call Cynthia and book your reservation ASAP. Say youare with Region 9 and give Leigh’s Olejer) name. Summer is busytourist time for SA. There are a number of other hotels nearby.Alamo <strong>Dressage</strong> has reserved a suite and will be hosting a Fridayevening Wine & Cheese Party at the hotel. If you have an idea for theSunday educational component, please contact Leigh •lolejer@frostbank.com • (830) 372-5498AGENDA REGION 9 SUMMER MEETING 2005• Pass out meeting packets – they can be picked up on Fridayfrom Kat – those that are attending and can open a word file willreceive them via email.• INTRODUCTIONS• ANNOUNCEMENTSo *Minutes from fall meeting – Kat –o *Treasurer report – Mandy – questions and commentso *Council and Committee Reports – any questions orcomments on the reports, that does not fall under old ornew businesso *GMO Reports – any questions or comments on thesereports, that does not fall under old or new business• OLD BUSINESSo Announcement and discussion on application for Adulteducations grants – Kat and Evieo Report of Ad Hoc committee regarding regional schoolingshow awards – Donna and Leigho Other old business• NEW BUSINESSo Announcement and discussion of applications to host the06 Junior team championships – Maryo Announcement and discussion of applications to host the06 Adult team championships – Evieo Announcement, discussion and voting on applications forthe location of the 06 Summer meeting – Kato Other new business* Instead of these being read one at a time they will be printed in the meetingpacket as we did at the fall meeting. Then only questions and/or commentswill be taking up meeting time.FROM THE REGION 9 DIRECTOR – KATHRYN KYLEDEADLINESThese are absolute, no excuses, no exceptions, no fudging, must bein the appropriate person’s hands on or before that date deadlines.• July 10th – All GMO reports to Regional directorJuly 2005• July 10th – Regional director must know if you will be attending theannual summer meeting• July 10th – All council and committee reports to the regionaldirector• July 10th – Bids to host the 2007 Adult team competition to theregional director. Application available online at USDF.org• July 10th –Bids to host the 2007 Junior Teams competition to theregional director. Application available online at USDF.org• July 10th – Bids to host the 2007 <strong>Dressage</strong> Sport horseChampionships to the regional director. Application available onlineat USDF.org• July 10th – Any application for region 9 grants for educationalevents to the regional director. Application available form RegionalDirector.• July 10th – Any application for USDF Adult Education grants to theregional director. Application available online at USDF.org• Sept 8th – To apply as a rider in the Region 9 Advanced YoungRider Clinic. Application available online at USDF.org• November 15th – letter of intent to bids for the 2007 Regionalchampionships to the regional directorHDS REGION 9 FEI YOUTH MATCHThe Houston <strong>Dressage</strong> Society is once again extending a challenge to allRegion 9 GMO’s to support the Region 9 FEI Youth Program. This challengeinvites you to make a donation to the Region 9 FEI Youth Program, and inaddition, HDS will match each GMO contribution, up to $100 per GMO. Thismeans if you donate $50, HDS will also donate $50. If you donate $200, HDSwill donate $100. There are 13 GMO’s in our Region, so there lies thepotential to generate substantial funds for our area youth.The USDF Region 9 FEI Youth Program has as its mission the identification oftalented youthful dressage riders, assistance in developing their riding skills,and support, both informational and financial, of their efforts to progress toand participate in international dressage competitions.A major facet of the FEI Youth Program is the development and support ofYoung Riders preparing to compete in the North American Young RiderChampionships. The NAYRC is an annual international FEI competition at PSGLevel. Each USDF region can send a four person team to the competition.The costs of preparing to qualify for NAYRC are great and are borne primarilyby the Young Riders and their families. The cost of a fielding a four personteam at NAYRC is approximately $20,000. This includes entry and stablingfees, horse and rider transportation, housing, etc. Region 9 offers financialassistance to the Team in the amount of $10,000. Competitors and theirfamilies cover the rest.All of the financial assistance from Region 9 to the Youth Program comesfrom fundraising. Fundraising efforts large (the annual When Horses Dancefundraiser in July in College Station) and small (sale of Region 9 FEI Youth teeshirts) have provided them with the ability to fund the program to date. Tocontinue these efforts and possibly to expand the program to include moreyouth and more opportunities they need the ongoing support of the dressagecommunity throughout the Region.On behalf of HDS, I challenge you to contribute to a wonderful program withinour region. If you can, send a check payable to “Region 9 FEI Youth” to:Michele VoorheesUSDF Region 9 FEI Youth Coordinator6809 Stousland Rd.College Station, TX 77845** DDC’s current policy is to donate $250 per year to Region 9 NAYRC. Weencourage members to support to the Region’s NAYRC team fundraisingefforts.**17

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