PROBABILITY & STATISTICS - Freehold Regional High School District

PROBABILITY & STATISTICS - Freehold Regional High School District

PROBABILITY & STATISTICS - Freehold Regional High School District


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RelevantStandards 1EnduringUnderstandings4.4 A 2, 5; B 5-6 The larger the sample,the more accurate thedata is when mappedonto a population.4.4 A 2-4; B 5 Claims must berigorously tested againstquantitative sets ofstandards.What is a confidence interval?Essential QuestionsWhy is it necessary to apply confidence intervals whenattempting to generalize results of a sample to the populationin the aggregate?What is hypothesis testing?What is the value in using hypothesis testing when trying tovalidate a claim?Diagnostic(before)PretestStudent SurveyOral Questions/DiscussionAnticipatory SetQuestionsAssessmentsFormative(during)JournalsQuizzesChapter TestWritten AssignmentsOral PresentationsObservationsSummative(after)PortfoliosProjectsMid TermsFinal Exam8.1 A 14.4 A 4Modeling an equation todata allows one topredict future behavior.What is regression analysis?What are the benefits of using an equation to model data?Participatory RubricsResearchHow does one know how well an equation models a set ofdata?Assignments4.4 A 2 To determine if two datasets affect each other,Chi-Square analysis isused.Why might it be necessary to determine if there is a differencebetween two data sets?What does it mean for two data sets to be consideredindependent?8.1A 1-3 ; B 1;D 29.1 B 1; E 1-2Technology is integral tothe study of statistics.Why is it important to understand hypothesis testing prior tousing Chi-Square?What types of technology is used for statistical analysis?In what ways can technology be useful when designing yourown experiment?5

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