FLOODING RESPONSE PLAN - Fylde Borough Council

FLOODING RESPONSE PLAN - Fylde Borough Council

FLOODING RESPONSE PLAN - Fylde Borough Council

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Emergency Plan February 2007SECTION 4 - FYLDE BOROUGH COUNCIL LOCAL FLOOD WARNING4.1 Introduction4.2 ActionThis plan sets out emergency procedures for dealing specifically with flooding incidents from tidalsources. When flooding is likely, the Environment Agency will alert relevant local authorities,including this <strong>Council</strong>. This plan identifies the responsibilities and actions to be taken in suchcircumstances. It must, however, be read in conjunction with the full emergency plan, the LocalFlood Warning Plan for the Lancashire Police Area and the Environment Agency Local FloodWarning Plan.The procedure for the dissemination of warnings is included in the Environment Agency’s LocalFlood Warning Plan. The warnings are coded as Flood Watch, Flood Warning, Severe FloodWarning & All Clear. All flooding warnings are conveyed to the authority through the Agency’sFlood Warnings Direct system. This ensures that faxes, telephone voice messages, SMS mobilephone messages and emails of each warning are sent to nominated contacts within the authority.(see Annex D For details of recipients)On receipt of a flood warning message from the Environment Agency, the Tidal Flooding Officer(see 4.3 and 4.4 below) will be responsible for assessing conditions and in conjunction with theHead of Operations for mobilising whatever resources are deemed necessary to provide theappropriate <strong>Council</strong>’s emergency response to the event. The precise response to the warning willdepend upon a variety of circumstances based on the following:(1) nature of the warning,(2) time of day,(3) time of year,(4) local meteorological predictions,(5) general state of the catchment area,(6) history, if any, of any associated local event(s),(7) discussions with the issuing flood control centre (as necessary),(8) reports from <strong>Council</strong> staff and others,(9) Deployment, if any, to date of staff and material resources.A diagram setting out the internal arrangements for notification of <strong>Fylde</strong> BC staff and of therespective actions to be taken following receipt of an Environment Agency flood warning can befound at Annex C of this Flooding Response Plan.4.3 Standby Arrangements4.4 RolesThe aim of <strong>Fylde</strong> <strong>Borough</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is to protect property from flooding to the best of its abilities.The <strong>Council</strong> will provide a Tidal Flooding Officer on standby for all tides where a predicted tideheight of 4.5m AOD* Liverpool (9.4m ACD** Fleetwood) or greater is expected. The officer willbe contactable via a dedicated mobile telephone (Flooding Response Mobile Phone) for a periodof 6 hours before predicted high water until high water is achieved. This officer will haveresponsibility for assessing the conditions and taking whatever action he deems necessary inresponse to the conditions.* AOD – Above Ordnance Datum (i.e. above the universal zero point used in the UK to compare groundheights and other levels.)** ACD – Above Chart Datum (i.e. above the level from which the height of the tide is measured which is alevel so low that the tide will not frequently fall below it and is approximately the same as the LowestAstronomical Tide excluding meteorological effects).Flooding Co-ordinatorThe Flooding Co-ordinator for the Flooding Response Plan will be the <strong>Council</strong>’s ExecutiveManager Consumer & Wellbeing whose role will be that of co-ordinating the <strong>Council</strong>’s overallAppendix 57Rev.0

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