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16 ❘ FREE/OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE: LOCALIZATIONTable 2PAN Survey: Basic Localized Applications on GNU/LinuxCountry Language KBD Font Coll. Find / NLP Spell Thes. LinuxDriver Replace Check Distr.Myanmar Burmese *Cambodia KhmerMongolia Mongolian ✓ ✓ * * * ? ✓Lao PDR LaoNepal Nepali ✓ * *Sri Lanka Sinhalese * ✓ * *Thailand Thai ✓ * ✓ ✓ * * ✓Bhutan DzongkhaChina Tibetan * * ?Japan Japanese ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ? ? ? ✓Bangladesh Bangla ✓ * * ? *Afghanistan Pashto * ? ✓Iran Farsi ✓ * ✓ * ✓ * * *Pakistan Urdu * * ✓ *✓: complete; *: partially done; ?: don’t know; blank: no work doneThe survey shows that FOSS localization activities are taking place in many countries. Sharing expertiseand resources among countries can boost progress in this area.For message translation, a number of Asian language localization projects are underway. All of theseprojects are tracked in real time on the Internet. The following links provide the current status of some ofthese projects.i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/HEAD/fullinfo.phpwww.mandrakelinux.com/l10n/status.php3l10n-status.gnome.org/gnome-2.6/index.htmlAs of June 2004, Japanese and Korean translators have already completed most of their initial work inFOSS localization. China is close behind, followed by India and the South-East Asian nations. The situationis highly fluid, however, and the above sites should be checked for detailed and updated information onthe current status.

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