Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

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healthwatchTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 11Sunny’s Health GuideADHD may have linkto modern technologyDo you have problems concentrating?If you answered yes or have a phobiaof failing school, then you may be a victim ofADHD.ADHD is attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder which affectssome teenagers and canlead to problems such aspeer pressure, low self-esteem,decreased concentration,and fear of failurein school.Today, with theever growing relianceupon technology, childrentend to utilize the Internet more than ever. Thereseems to be a connection between ADHD andtechnology.According to Mr. John Villarreal, MHSpsychologist, ADHD results in being easily distractedand blocks concentration. Teenagers experiencethis every time they visit the gaming orsocial networking sites. As a result, “they [Internetsites] withdraw you from the society and dailylife problems” and over time it becomes an addictionas teenagers become so accustomed to thislife-style.Although addiction to the Internet isnot the diagnosis for ADHD, signs of a potentialproblem include using the Internet for game playingor other purposes as it interferes with dailylife and decision making ability. According toCNN Health, 1.4 percent to 17.9 percent of adolescentsare addicted to the Internet, with percentageshigher in Eastern nations than in Westernnations.Dr. Meena Pathikonda, general doctorfor Spohn Hospital, believes that teenagersbecome addicted to the Internet if they are depressed,hostile, or have attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder or social phobia. And children withADHD are more likely than other children to engagein criminal activity when they grow older.Mr. Villarreal believes that the treatmentfor ADHD is that parents have to “step uptheir game by not isolating the Internet in the kidsrooms and limiting the use of technology.” Butthis is a hard task, “as our culture mandates timeonline, with Wi-Fi connections at every cornerand Blackberries and iPhones that allow internetaccess almost anywhere” according to CNN.com.State based ADHD cases- 2009•3%-7% of school-aged children suffer from ADHD.•Some studies have estimated higher rates in community samples.•17.8% of school-aged children were reported to have an ADHDWhat form of technology do you use and how manyhours on average do you use the internet daily? Whatdo your parents do to limit your internet usage?“I use the internetA LOT. I spendabout 3 hourson Myspace perday and checkmy Echalk formy homework.To get me offthe computer myparents screamand then takeaway the mousefor a few days.Internet is helpingme to meetother people inthe world.”Jonathan Ortegon,9th“I guess I geton the computerabout 2-3 hoursout of the day.My dad wonʼtlet us get onthe computerbecause he wantsus to chilloutside a lot. Sowe can stay inshape. ”Jamal Wyatt,10th“I use my cellphone daily. I usethe Internet about1 hour daily.Myspace is thehot spot. My parentsdonʼt reallycare how long Iuse the Internetphone as I donʼtget in trouble. It[technology] hasa positive rolein my life as itkeeps my touchwith old and newfriends.”Yvette Valdez,11th“I use my TV,Internet, my phone,my MP3 player andmy PS3. I watchTV for a good 2-3hours, the Internetfor maybe an hourif I even use it andI play my PS3 formaybe anotherhours. As for myphone and MP3, Ihave those with meat all times. WhenIʼm on the net I goto Myspace andshoe sites. My momdoesnʼt really limitmy entertainmentusage.” Jerry“J.R.” Hernandez,11th“I am constantly onthe internet, normallyon Facebookor my e-mail. However,Iʼm trying tostop using most typeof entertainment becauseitʼs AmusingOurselves to Death.People hardly everconverse face to faceor even go outsideand play. My parentsdonʼt usually limitmy usage, rather mysiblings do becausethe four of us shareeverything.”Amethyst Guerrero,12th

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