Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

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viewpointsTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 7“Very important,when traditions start it shouldbe an unwritten rule that traditionscontinue.If youare nota former<strong>Moody</strong>Trojanitʼseasy forchange to occur. Changeaffects the “pride” of a real<strong>Moody</strong> Trojan.”-Teacher, Amanda BuentelloClass of 1998“It is very importantto preserve school traditionso thatgenerationsof <strong>Moody</strong>graduatescan sharea commonbond witheach other.Traditionsare what gives people prideabout where they come fromand part of who they are.”-Teacher, Carlos MontalvoClass of 2001“Although changecan be good when it comesto improving academics, Ipersonally believe in maintainingschooltraditions.Symbolssuch asthe schoolmascot, fightsong, andalma mater are what unite pastalumni with current students.It would be like changing thenational anthem- some thingsare better left unchanged.”-Teacher, Lori Del BosqueClass of 1999How important is it topreserve school tradition?“Traditions are whatmake school unique, differentthan all others. They arewhat binds students together,not only between grades, butacross time. Someone whograduatedtwo yearsago or 20years agorelivesmemoriesby theschoolʼstraditions,which should neverchange. Some things need tobe reinvented and continuouslyupdated to keep up with thetimes. <strong>School</strong> traditions is notone of them.”_Teacher, Daniel LongoriaClass of 1977By Michael FrancoOpinions Editor“I think it is extremelyimportant because traditionsare what connects the past tothe present and the future. Bypreserving school traditions,we honorstudentsand facultythat havehelped tomake theschool whatit is and wealso instillpride in our identify. Everyonewho ever walked these hallsfeels connected to this buildingbecause of our traditions.ʼ_ Teacher, Irene HinojosaClass of 1998“Tradition is importantto the school becauseit keeps the school pride instudents in school and formerstudents of the school. To mechanging tradition is unnecessary.Whychangesomethingthathas beenaroundsince theschoolopened?I just think we should stickwith school tradition and showschool pride.”Carissa FigueroaClass of 2010“It very importantto preserve school tradition,because I always hear storiesfrom my mom, aunts andcousins, of how they rememberdoing what we do today, backwhen they attended moody.Like theBurning ofthe T, andthe peprallies, andthey allrememberthe fightsong andalma mater word for word.Maria RogersClass of 2011FACT BOX:•The school was founded in1967.•Dr. Foy H. <strong>Moody</strong> wasthe president of the schoolboard during the 1950ʼs.Dr. <strong>Moody</strong> not only was aphysician but a communityleader, war hero, and welllovedman.

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