Muni-Pak™ Screens - Johnson Screens

Muni-Pak™ Screens - Johnson Screens

Muni-Pak™ Screens - Johnson Screens


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<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak <strong>Screens</strong>WATERWELLS

A Giant StepForward in WellDesign Technology<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak <strong>Screens</strong>:A Better Way to Gravel PackArtificial filter pack is one of the most common designs used today for high-capacitymunicipal, industrial and agricultural wells; but before the installation of a filter pack,the contractor and the well owner must take into account some significant issues:• The borehole must be sufficientlyoversized to allow for adequateplacement of the filter pack. Inpractice, an annular thickness of3 to 5 in. is considered minimum.DrawdownGroutPumpingWater LevelFilter PackWell ScreenOften an even larger borehole isadvised. The oversized boreholeis costly to the contractor (andtherefore to the well owner) and keepsthe crew on site for additional time.DrawdownPumpingWater LevelGrout<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak Top View<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak• The filter pack must be carefullyselected, placed and developed toavoid bridging and sand pumping.• The well owner is concerned withlong-term performance. Biofoulingand encrustation are issues thatwill eventually affect performance.<strong>Johnson</strong>’s solution for improving thegravel pack is the <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak screen.For the contractor, this state-of-the-artpre-packed screen eliminates the needfor a larger borehole, shortens the timerequired to drill a well, and speedsdevelopment time. It simplifies thecontractor’s work and improvesthe odds for successful development.For the well owner, the <strong>Muni</strong>-Pakscreen offers long-term benefits.This latest <strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> innovationuses Carbolite ® beads as the filtermedia—a unique concept that reducesthe likelihood of filter pack fouling frombiofilm and encrustation, loweringoverall well maintenance costs.A Typical Gravel-Pack WellA <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak WellCarbolite is a registered trademark of Carbo Ceramics, Inc.02

<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak <strong>Screens</strong>:Making a Difference You Can SeeFeatures, Advantages and BenefitsPacking process allows for a thinnerfiller pack.Packing process allows for a thinnerfiller pack.<strong>Johnson</strong>’s <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak screens providenumerous unique features, advantagesand benefits for the contractor and thewell owner.• The pre-packed construction of<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak screens allows the use ofa smaller borehole versus gravelpackedfiltering, with fewer cuttings,reduced circulating volume andincreased uphole velocity. Thisfeature lowers bit and cement costsand reduces the drilling time.• Since the media is included aspart of the screen package, gravelplacement is not required—eliminating bridging filter packsand time spent packing, as well asreduction of equipment requirements.The results are reduced installationtime and lower costs.• The <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak’s dual-screenconstruction is four timesstronger than standard rod-basedscreens, allowing more aggressivedevelopment and better immunityto unexpected hole problems—providing lower costs.• A thinner filter pack results ina smaller annulus for easierdevelopment and rehabilitationof the near-well area over time,better formation penetration andDual screen design ready for assembly.04

<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> offers a variety of packing medias to cover your well needs.A wide range of screen sizes are available.more aggressive development. Thebenefits are a perfect media pack,reduced site time and lower risk.• The wide range of diameters(1-1/4 to 20 in.) and connections(weld rings or threaded fittings)provides flexibility for meeting mostapplication needs with a variety ofstandard or custom-end fittings—offering easier adaptation for a widearray of uses.• The continuous-slot constructionprovides maximum open area,optimizing development andredevelopment. The result isthorough development.• With custom lengths up to 40 ftwith no mid-weld, on-site weldingrequirements are reduced; thus,minimizing field assembly time andassociated costs.• Multiple wire-size and filter-mediaoptions enable custom applicationsand maximum depth capabilities,providing a wide range of uses.• Carbolite ceramic media improvesefficiency by offering excellentroundness and sphericity; a loweruniformity coefficient for betterhydraulic conductivity; better flowcharacteristics than silica sands; lessbuildup of biofilm and encrustation;and easier media cleaning than withirregularly shaped silica sand grains.• <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak is suitable as a liner inexisting well construction, eliminatingthe need for constructing a new welland saving the cost of a new well.Screen is being filled and packed in<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong>’ packing tower.05

<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak <strong>Screens</strong>:Making the Right SelectionSpecifications06Size*(in.)Approx.ScreenID(in.)*Other sizes and deep-well construction specifications available on request.Typical construction for 500 to 1,500 ftApprox.ScreenOD(In.)MediaAnnularThickness(in.)Inner Screen Open Area (in. 2 /ft) Outer Screen Open Area (in. 2 /ft) Approx.ScreenScreen Slot Size (0.001 in.) Screen Slot Size (0.001 in.) Weight12 20 30 40 50 12 20 30 40 50 (lb/ft)2 × 4 2.2 4.5 0.85 13 23 31 38 43 22 39 53 64 74 173 × 5 3.0 5.7 0.97 18 31 42 51 59 27 47 64 77 88 234 × 6 4.0 6.7 0.87 22 39 53 64 74 25 45 62 77 89 255 × 7 5.0 7.7 0.84 27 47 64 77 86 28 51 71 87 101 276 × 8 6.0 8.7 0.84 25 45 62 77 89 33 59 81 100 116 358 × 10 8.0 10.8 0.84 33 59 81 100 116 41 74 101 125 145 5510 × 12 10.0 12.8 0.84 41 74 101 125 145 42 77 107 133 155 7012 × 15 12.0 15.0 0.84 42 77 107 133 155 39 73 102 129 153 8514 × 16 13.2 16.0 0.69 46 84 117 146 170 42 78 110 138 163 10016 × 18 15.2 18.0 0.69 42 78 110 138 163 47 88 123 155 183 11518 × 20 17.0 20.0 0.78 47 88 123 155 183 52 97 137 172 204 128<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak Screen versus Standard Rod BaseNominal Size (in.) Collapse Strength (psi) Tensile Strength (lb)Rod Base <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak Rod Base <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak Rod Base <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak2 2 × 4 3,830 16,500 4,000 18,8003 3 × 5 1,350 5,650 4,800 21,4004 4 × 6 660 2,830 5,800 25,7005 5 × 7 420 1,550 6,600 28,3006 6 × 8 180 990 17,600 33,2008 8 × 10 320 1,160 24,200 67,50010 10 × 12 170 630 30,800 81,60012 12 × 15 150 880 35,200 127,90014 14 × 16 220 1,110 34,000 127,90016 16 × 18 150 760 34,400 135,40018 18 × 20 110 540 39,600 143,000Once the <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak is filled with filter mediathe final end-cap is welded in place.

<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak <strong>Screens</strong>:Improving the Life Cycle of WellsSuccess ShowcaseNew Life for an OldCollector WellNew Prepack Screen Installed in Indiana WellCollector wells are major investmentsand not easily replaced. The City ofNekoosa, Wisconsin, constructed twoin the 1960s. One became so severelybiofouled and encrusted that pumpingjust 200 GPM practically dewateredthe laterals. The problem was that thedesign of the original laterals did notfacilitate effective rehabilitation. Theoriginal laterals were slotted 8-in. PVC.<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> introduced thecontractor to the advantages of<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak screens.• The prepack design simplifiedinstallation.• The high open area with a compact,highly conductive Carbolite ® packfacilitated development (and futuremaintenance).• The properties of the Carboliteceramic beads deter biologicalgrowth.Three <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak replacement lateralswere successfully installed withoutremoval of the existing PVC laterals.After development and testing, therefurbished collector well had morethan a sevenfold increase in specificcapacity, and testing determined that78% of the production was comingfrom the <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak laterals.The City of LaPorte, Indiana, wasplanning construction of a new well inits Warneke field in 2000. Existing wellsin this field were underreamed, gravelpackedcompletions drilled by reversecirculation and had been plagued withdecreased specific capacity.<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> worked with theCity’s contractor on presenting the<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak product to City engineers.Despite an initial concern about properpacking and adequate production froma prepack design, the City chose the<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak solution for several reasons:• The prepack design negatedconcerns over proper packplacement.• The slim pack afforded greaterdevelopment potential than anunderreamed completion.• The Carbolite pack was consideredsuperior to conventional silica sand.After successful placement of the<strong>Muni</strong>-Pak screen, the new well wasdeveloped without a problem, and a24-hour pumping test was conducted.The well produced 805 GPM with aspecific capacity of a 24.6-gal/min/ftdrawdown. This production comparesfavorably to the existing wells in theWarneke field, which had much largerunderreamed holes. The <strong>Muni</strong>-Pakscreen passed the test.Water well drillers find <strong>Muni</strong>-Pak screenseasy to install.07

Providing over 100 years of experience,innovation and customer satisfaction.Contact us today.OUR WIDE RANGE OF PRECISIONENGINEERED EQUIPMENT IS SUITABLEFOR MORE APPLICATIONS THAN EVER.Turn to <strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> to help maximize your operational efficiency and findlong-term, trouble-free solutions. Discover our ever expanding range of products,designed with your needs in mind:WATER WELLSWell screensRiser pipesEnvironmental monitoring screensDrilling fluidRehabilitation chemicals/Nu-Well ®ARCHITECTURALAND CONSTRUCTIONColumn coversUrban developmentFrontagesFloor gratingVentilation gridsSun-control screensCustom lightingFurnitureWalls/Wall partitionsGENERAL INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSFlat panelsSieve bendsCylindrical screensCustom polyurethane castingCorn wet milling (starch and sieves)Sugar processing productsMININGCentrifuge basketsPipo ® Two modular screening systemsPipo ® Three modular screening systemsPolyurethane & rubber screen panelsWoven wireVee-Wire ® screensSieve bendsTrommel matsPETROCHEMICAL AND REFININGCentrepipesOuter basketsScallopsSupport grids and beamsOutlet collectorsLateralsDistributor traysWATER PROCESSPassive intake screensIn-Line self-cleaning filtersNozzlesTriton gravity underdrains systemsFish diversion screensCollectors/distributorsVessel InternalsAUSTRALIA - ASIA PACIFIC<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> AustraliaTEL.: +61 (7) 3867 5555FAX : +61 (7) 3265 2768EMAIL: salesaus@ap.weatherford.comjohnsonscreens.comEUROPE - MIDDLE EAST - AFRICA<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> FranceTEL.: +33 (0)5 4902 1600FAX : +33 (0)5 4902 1616EMAIL: johnsonscreens@eu.weatherford.comA Weatherford CompanyNORTH, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA<strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong> USATEL.: +1 651 636 3218FAX : +1 651 638 3177EMAIL: sales@johnsonscreens.com© 2007 <strong>Johnson</strong> <strong>Screens</strong>. All rights reserved. 1159.01

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