not speaking a language that is mine - National Translation Mission

not speaking a language that is mine - National Translation Mission

not speaking a language that is mine - National Translation Mission

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Not Speaking A Language That Is Mine 37capitals - Delhi, Kolkata and Lucknow - were internalized byd<strong>is</strong>placed Hindu Punjab<strong>is</strong> as metaphors of cultural debasement.If Punjabi dialects sounded harsh and uncouth, Lahori Urduwas designated a poor countrycousin to the chaste Lakhnavi.Punjabi costume, designed on Muslim patterns, paraded itsforeignness against the backdrop of starched dhot<strong>is</strong> and sarees.Punjabi music sounded too loud and cacophonous to classicalHindustani ears. D<strong>is</strong>placed Hindu Punjab<strong>is</strong> were willing tomake any adjustment, lingu<strong>is</strong>tic or cultural, to make a home inthe new nation. The d<strong>is</strong>placed Hindu Punjabi male learned towrite Hindi to know h<strong>is</strong> rights and duties as citizen subject andworked overtime to enter the nation as producer. The d<strong>is</strong>placedHindu Punjabi female learned to speak Hindi to participate inthe nation's public sphere and went through a completecostume changeover to recast herself as an Indian woman. Theacqu<strong>is</strong>ition of the national <strong>language</strong>, Hindi, and the removal ofv<strong>is</strong>ible Punjabi ethnocultural signifiers signaled Punjabi'sdeath, which coincided with the d<strong>is</strong>placed Hindu Punjab<strong>is</strong>ubjects' transmutation into the Indian citizen. It took a coupleof generations to make them shed their strong Punjabi accentand yet a<strong>not</strong>her to tone down their skin colour and physicalfeatures. It also took two generations for them to come hometo the loss of a dialect and to the d<strong>is</strong>covery <strong>that</strong> thesubmergence of the home in the dream of the nation waspermanent.Partition ton Baad (Post Partition)Rushdie's deconstruction of Engl<strong>is</strong>h in Midnight'sChildren was viewed as signposting a significant moment inthe decolonization process. But the deconstruction of Hindi acouple of years later in commercial filmmaker's magnum opuson the small screen, on the other hand, went completely

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