A Case Study from System H, Sri Lanka

A Case Study from System H, Sri Lanka

A Case Study from System H, Sri Lanka

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38 Operational MechanismDAILY OPERATIONAL, GUIDANCEThe 24 hour rainfall experienced up to 06.00 hours and the actual dischargw to distributary channels calcuIated by theTO are taken by messengers to the data processing unit before. 0700 hours evay day. The discharge to distributarychannels is calculated by averaging the hourly gauge readings recorded by the measuring devices at distributary channelheads by the main canal irrigation watcha <strong>from</strong> the six water monitoring and gauging stations. We processing ofthe data is done at the data processing unit and the fdoperational insrmctions for the current day, recorded in the formgiven in Annex IV. is carried by messenger to the main canal operation unit-HS, monitoring stations, and the distributaryand fdd channel operation unit Any cbanges that need to be ma& to the discharge rate are ma& at 11:00 hours evpyday by the main canal operation unit-=. This leaves sufficient time for data to be nported to the data pnxzssing unit,processed there, and the day’s operational insrmctions issued to the respective units.The water monitoring and weather gauging stations function under the Cngineering assistant (flow monitoring) of thedata processing unit. The main canal operation unit-H5 functions cenWy to operate the main system, therebymaintaining the correct discharge of water to the distributary channels according to the daily instructions issued by thedata processing unit. Water entering the distributary channels is distributed to the field channels by the distributary andfield channel operation unir The enginedng assistant of the Unit is informed of the daily operational guidanceinstructions. Adjustments made to the computed schedule for the turnouts in distributary channels against rainfall haveto be identified by the engineering assistant of the Unit who should quicLly inform the distributary channel irrigationwatchers and farmer leaders. The necessary alterations have to be effected by reducing the one cum discharge <strong>from</strong> theindividual field channel by a percentage equivalent to the percentage reduced at the distributary channel. The dataprocessing unit uses the form given in Annex V to calculate the daily total water requirement at the main delivay pointsin the sysm and fmUy to calculate the total requirement for the project area. The daily total water allocation for HShas to be supplied by the main canal operation unit in H4 according to the water orders of the Project higation Engineer-H5.

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