MAGAZINE - Berlinale Talent Campus - Top-IX

MAGAZINE - Berlinale Talent Campus - Top-IX

MAGAZINE - Berlinale Talent Campus - Top-IX


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BTC ALUMNIYOU’LL BE BACKTHE CAMPUS WANTS TO ENCOURAGE EVERY SINGLE TALENT TO SEND IN HIS OR HER NEXT FILM TO ONE OF THE SECTIONS OF THE BERLININTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AND TO RETURN AS A FESTIVAL GUEST! A NUMBER OF CAMPUS ALUMNI DID THIS IN 2007, AND 32 OF THEMACTUALLY HAVE RETURNED WITH A FILM IN THEIR SUITCASES.<strong>Berlinale</strong> Forum. It is a Malaysian production with contributionsfrom three alumni who attended the <strong>Berlinale</strong> <strong>Talent</strong><strong>Campus</strong> in three different years: composer Hardesh Singh(2005), editor Chui Mui Tan (2006) and producer Liew SengTat, <strong>Talent</strong> of the current <strong>Campus</strong>. Four further alumniproductions contribute to the 2007 <strong>Berlinale</strong> Forum.The <strong>Berlinale</strong> Special Programme “Eat, Drink, See Movies“organised by former <strong>Talent</strong> Manager Thomas Struck will beenriched by four <strong>Talent</strong> short films of a special kind. They arewinners of the Terra Madre Short Film Competition 2006, acontest developed together with Slow Food exclusively for<strong>Berlinale</strong> <strong>Talent</strong> <strong>Campus</strong> alumni. So watch SAWASIRAY PITU-SIRAY (Mariana Herrera), MANOOMIN – THE SACRED FOOD(Jack Riccobono), BINAMBAN – THE GLORIOUS FOOD OFLAGONOY (Ferdinand De Madura) and SOUND OF MOUN-TAINS (Alexandru Belc) and enjoy!NOTHING ELSE MATTERS, a contribution to the 2007 <strong>Berlinale</strong> Perspektive section by German <strong>Talent</strong>s32 alumni will present 24 films in the various sections of thisyear’s Berlin International Film Festival. It’s not purely thenumbers that make us happy but the fact that this good newsalso proves the functionality of the <strong>Talent</strong> network. NOTH-ING ELSE MATTERS, for example, has brought together thecreativity of three filmmakers who got to know each otherat the <strong>Campus</strong> in 2004: director Julia von Heinz, producerPhilip Pratt and sound designer Benjamin Hörbe. The filmruns in the section Perspektive Deutsches Kino where youcan watch another three films with major alumni participation:BLINDFLUG, a production by 2003 participant JochenLaube, VON EINEM DER AUSZOG – WIM WEN DERS’ FRÜHEJAHRE, a documentary edited by 2006 <strong>Talent</strong> DorotheeBröckelmann, and OSDORF, photographed by alumnusJohannes Neumann.Also interesting from the <strong>Campus</strong> point of view is the filmVILLAGE PEOPLE RADIO SHOW, presented in this year’sThe section Generation will present five films with alumni involvement.Israelian Koby Gal Raday (2004) produced LOVE& DANCE, while his compatriot Yoav Cohen (2006) is the artdirector of CAMPING, and German director Ralf Westhoffshot SHOPPEN. Also two current <strong>Talent</strong>s will present theirwork in the Generation section. Jens Schillmöller and LaleNalpantoglu, <strong>Talent</strong>s from 2005, received an invitation to theShort Film Competition for BUS, whereas Canadian LarissaGiroux’s production THE TRACEY FRAGMENTS is part of thisyear’s Panorama section.Finally, the 2007 Co-Production Market will also be enrichedwith projects by two alumni. Spanish producer Maria Zamoraplans to find co-production partners to realise the scriptof THE AGE OF AMPHIBIANS, while Argentinian director andproducer Julia Solomonoff pitches her project THE LASTSUMMER OF LA BOYITA.As you can see: We’d love to hear from you again and arelooking forward to watching your future features! Forfurther information on submitting your films to the BerlinInternational Film Festival, see www.berlinale.de.30BERLINALE TALENT CAMPUS #5

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