May 25 2009 - The Aurora Newspaper

May 25 2009 - The Aurora Newspaper

May 25 2009 - The Aurora Newspaper


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Aurora</strong> <strong>Newspaper</strong>, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 11<strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2009</strong>VPI Red TieLuncheonSubmitted by: Derek Squire<strong>The</strong> Greenwood Wing ofVPI has held an annual luncheonon or about <strong>May</strong> Daysince the days of the Cold War,to recognise our potentialfoes. Firstly, it was the SovietUnion, and now it is the RussianNavy and in the last fewyears, the Chinese PeoplesLiberation Army Navy, thatconcern and hold our atten-tion. <strong>The</strong> Russian Navy hasre-emerged in recent yearswith the help of petro-dollars,to take up station in the NorthAtlantic, the Caribbean, theMediterranean, the Arctic, andthe Indian Oceans. <strong>The</strong> healthystate of the Chinese economyhas allowed PLAN to becomemore prominent in recent yearsas it takes up the status of asuperpower.<strong>The</strong> Lions Club of Kingstonpresented a catered meal, whichwas well received by all. Thisyear in the “Toast to the RedNavy”, Eric Wood recognisedthe resurgence of our potentialfoes. <strong>The</strong>reafter, CaptainDave Dunwoody presented aninteresting briefing on UAVs inthe Canadian Military. Colonel(Ret’d) Gerry Morey gave aEric Wood presents a VPI plaque to Col. (Ret’d)Gerry Morey at the Red Tie Luncheon.well-received update on themodifications and projects inwhich his company “L-3” andthe CF are currently involved.<strong>The</strong> only dress regulationCapt. Keith Cusson welcomes Capt. Dave Dunwoody,one of our presenters, as a new member of VPI.for the Red Tie Luncheonstates that all participantshave to wear a red tie in commemorationof <strong>May</strong> Day. Uniforms,flying suits, sport jacketsand sweaters festoonedwith a red tie are “de rigeur”for this function.<strong>The</strong> Red Tie Luncheon isheld not to honour a poten-tial adversary or to degradehim, but to recognise an imaginablerival and to allow usto possibly better understandhis point of view.Some of the attendees to the Red Tie Luncheon of <strong>2009</strong>.GMFRC • Feature of the WeekSecond Language Service/Service de langue secondeCoordinator/Coordonnatrice: Janie Gagnon at 765-1494 local5938 or email at Gagnon.JMC@forces.gc.caSouper Franco-femmesLe vendredi, 29 mai <strong>2009</strong>Kings Arms Pub de Kentville.Les frais de votre souperAvant le 22 mai en appelant Sylvie au 765-5611.Transport : Réunion dans le stationnement du CRFMGà 5:30 pour covoiturage.Vous pouvez vous rendre sur le site du Kings Arms Pub pouravoir un aperçu du menu offert et l’ambiance qu’on y retrouveau : www.kingsarmspub.ca. C’est la chance de passer une soiréeentre francophones, faire de nouvelles connaissances et qui sait,peut-être se faire de nouvelles amies. Venez découvrir un endroitcharmant et passer une soirée en bonne compagnie. Réservezvotre place pour une soirée de pur plaisi.Franco-Femmes DinnerFriday, <strong>May</strong> 29 th , <strong>2009</strong>Kings Arms Pub, in KentvilleCost of your meal onlyRegister before <strong>May</strong> 22 by calling 765-5611• $500 rebate towards the lease or purchase of any new KIA vehicle• Must be active (or reserve) member of the Canadian Army, Navy, or Air Force• Inactive (Retiree) personnel also qualifyWe are now located at 5488 Prospect Rd. across from the Irving Big Stop, New Minas.• 0% financing on all <strong>2009</strong> MY• All new 2010 KIA Soul and 2010 Forte are now here, drop by for a test drive today.1 902 681 2144or Toll Free 1 866 KIA LANDwww.kialand.com

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