May 25 2009 - The Aurora Newspaper

May 25 2009 - The Aurora Newspaper

May 25 2009 - The Aurora Newspaper


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Aurora</strong> <strong>Newspaper</strong>, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 13<strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2009</strong>A Historical Moment for CISM VolleyballBy: Ken McDonald, Chefd’Equipe - CF CISMMen’s Volleyball<strong>The</strong> expression “Nobodywill remember who came inSecond” will not apply tothe Canadian Forces CISMMen’s Volleyball Team whowill long remember arecently captured Silver atthe Canadian NationalChampionship in Calgarythis weekend, 8-10 <strong>May</strong> 09.Throughout the roundrobin, our team battledagainst former and currenttop CIS and former NationalTeam members to squeak ina 3rd place finish andearning a spot in the semifinals. Having previouslylost to the 2nd placeUniversity of Calgary Dinos,there was little doubt theguys would need to playexceptionally well for achance to make history andplay for Gold. In milddisbelief, the team foundthemselves up 2 sets aheadof a very strong Dino team,only to falter a bit to losethe 3rd. Outstandingpassing and outside hittingby Cpl Ivan Karin, 2Lt GordLee and the ever present CplJohn Ready flying out of theback row made kill after kill.Sensing a victory in the 4thset, team captain andveteran setter, Cplc DennisNoel, continued to challengethe Dino’s block withsome excellent set selectionsto middle players 2LtConor Murphy and Cpl EricSirois. Each time the teamseemed to be losing momentum,Libero, Capt GuillaumeTremblay would come upwith a spectacular dig, reenergizingeveryone’sefforts. Huge support fromLt(N) Mike St Pierre, 2LtMatt Lorrain, OCdt BobbyHartzell and OCdt SimonDakin made it easy forCoaches Mr. Denis Gabouryand Capt Craig Johnston torest starters throughout thetournament. With history amere few points away, afinal push was all it took fora chance to play in theFinals and the guys werenot to be denied. A dreamwas now a reality.<strong>The</strong> Sunday afternoonFinal would not go as wellhowever. With the additionof several players to theopponents’ roster not seenin round robin play, theCISM team was to fall in 3straight sets to a verystrong and experiencedAlberta Club team, whichconsisted of many of theCountry’s top players.Despite a somewhat dishearteningfinish, CoachDenis Gaboury was verypleased with everyone’stournament performance.“This is a historical momentfor the CISM Men’s Volleyballprogram”, said Denis. “Iam very proud of the Team.”This was indeed a proudmoment. For a group whocan only practice together afew times a year, a silvermedal at the prestigiousCanadian Open is anaccomplishment few teamsget to enjoy. While theteam has competed inProvincial and NationalChampionships since theearly 90’s, their best finishat a National tournamentwas 4th in Ottawa in 2002.<strong>The</strong> team physiotherapist,Capt Dan Trudel,should be equally proud.His treatment of some verysore athletes and a fewminor injuries was key toour player’s great performance.Capt Trudel’s talentswere also put to good usetreating a few seriousinjuries to players fromother teams. Kudos to you,Dan. Special mention goesto the Volleyball Patron,BGen John Collin, fortaking the time out of hisvery busy schedule tosupport the team in Calgaryis equally warranted. Wesincerely appreciated yoursupport, Sir.<strong>The</strong> Canadian Nationalswas but a stepping-stone inthis year’s schedule as theteam now prepares for the30th CISM World MilitaryVolleyball Championship.This year’s event will beheld in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil from 20 - 30 Jun 09.<strong>The</strong>re are also plans for apre-tournament trainingcamp at the US MarineCorps Base in Cherry Point,North Carolina with ourAmerican CISM friends.<strong>The</strong> CF CISM VolleyballProgram is always lookingfor new talent within theNew !VanquisherGogglesfor saleComing soon for Kids & AdultsFor more informationcall Yvonne ClarkeAquatics Supervisor at765-1494 ext 5564Back row (L-R): Denis Gaboury (Head Coach)(Ottawa), Cpl John Ready (Trenton), Lt Matthieu Lorraine(Ottawa), Lt(N) Mike St-Pierre (Esquimalt), Cpl Eric Sirois (Valcartier), 2Lt Conor Murphy (Portage La Prairie),Cpl Ivan Karin (Ottawa), Capt Craig Jonhston (A/Coach)(Ottawa), Capt Daniel Trudel (Trainer)(Kinsgton).Front row (L-R): Ocdt Gordon Lee (Rmc Kingston), Cplc Dennis Noel (Valcartier), Capt Guillaume Tremblay(Winnipeg), Ocdt Robert Hartzell (Rmc Kingston), Ken McDonald (Chef d’équipe)(Comox).Absent: Ocdt Simon Dakin (Rmc Kingston).(Photo: Ken McDonald)Regular and Reserve Forcefor both the men’s andwomen’s teams. If you feelyou have the leadershipand volleyball experienceneeded to attend one of ourselection camps, we wouldvery much like to hear fromyou. All contact informationis located on thefollowing CISM Web site:http://www.cismcanadateams.comMany thanks to all thosewho have supported theteam throughout thisseason.Fantastic Florals,unique garden accents and an atmosphereyou won’t find anywhere else!• Bedding Plants • Geraniums • Hanging Baskets •• Patio Planters • Perennials • Nursery Stock •Selection is at its best!OPEN8-8 everydayBeet Greens • Peppers • Lettuce • English Cucumbers • Hot House Tomatoes1 Mile West of Middleton on Highway # 1www.denhaansgardenworld.com 8<strong>25</strong>-4722

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