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hadronic mathematics, mechanics and chemistry - Institute for Basic ...

hadronic mathematics, mechanics and chemistry - Institute for Basic ...

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HADRONIC MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS AND CHEMISTRYixthe ideas with open minds. Again, the same body of work offers an importantcontribution to the debate surrounding the existence of dark matter <strong>and</strong> darkenergy. This lifes work truly makes contributions to thought in diverse areas ofhuman endeavour <strong>and</strong> should be examined far more widely than it is.It is often said that behind every great man there is a great woman. This istrue of Ruggero Santilli. It is <strong>for</strong> history, not me, to label anyone great or notbut it is undoubtedly true that he has benefitted from the unswerving support<strong>and</strong> encouragement of his wife Carla. It is doubtful he would have achieved somuch without this seemingly unquestioning devotion. As I wrote earlier, all RuggeroSantillis scientific achievements may be seen to be the result of tremendousteamwork; a team comprising Ruggero himself <strong>and</strong> Carla G<strong>and</strong>iglio in Santilli.When anyone reaches the end of these two volumes then, <strong>and</strong> only then, willthey be in a position to reflect on the work as a whole <strong>and</strong> think about comingto a conclusion. As stated previously, the theoretical framework is elegant but itis here to be judged on the basis of its use in physics, since that was the reason<strong>for</strong> its genesis. View the experimental <strong>and</strong> observational evidence, as well asthe basic theoretical background, with open minds be<strong>for</strong>e coming to any finaldecision. Many, probably the majority, will then regard these two volumes asrepresenting a truly monumental piece of work which deserves dissemination to amuch wider circle of people scientists, politicians, the business community, <strong>and</strong>,most of all, the general populace which ultimately pays <strong>for</strong> all scientific work,whether successful or not! The general public needs to be aware of all that is onthe table <strong>for</strong> consideration, not simply those little titbits which are released <strong>for</strong>ulterior motives.Jeremy Dunning-Davies,Physics Department,University of Hull,Engl<strong>and</strong>.October 8, 2007

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