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Pricing Supplement22 March 2005<strong>SCANIA</strong> <strong>CV</strong> <strong>AB</strong> (<strong>publ</strong>)Issue of EUR 50,000,000 Fixed Rate Notes due 22 March 2010Guaranteed by Scania <strong>AB</strong> (<strong>publ</strong>)under the €2,000,000,000Euro Medium Term Note ProgrammeThis document constitutes the Pricing Supplement relating to the issue of Notes describedherein. Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of theConditions set forth in the Information Memorandum dated 22 November 2004. This PricingSupplement contains the final terms of the Notes and must be read in conjunction with suchInformation Memorandum.1. (i) Issuer: Scania <strong>CV</strong> <strong>AB</strong> (<strong>publ</strong>)(ii) Guarantor: Scania <strong>AB</strong> (<strong>publ</strong>)2. (i) Series Number: 8(ii) Tranche Number: 13. Specified Currency or Currencies: Euro (“EUR”)4. Aggregate Nominal Amount:(i) Series: EUR50,000,000(ii) Tranche: EUR50,000,0005. (i) Issue Price: 100.944 per cent. of the Aggregate Nominal Amount(ii) Net proceeds: EUR49,534,5006. Specified Denominations: EUR1,0007. (i) Issue Date: 22 March 2005(ii) Interest Commencement Date: 22 March 20058. Maturity Date: 22 March 20109. Interest Basis: 3.25 per cent. Fixed Rate(further particulars specified below)10. Redemption/Payment Basis: Redemption at par

11. Change of Interest Basis orRedemption/Payment Basis:Not Applicable12. Put/Call Options: Not Applicable13. (i) Status of the Notes: Senior(ii) Status of the Guarantee: Senior(iii)Date [Board] approval forissuance of Notes [andGuarantee obtained:Not Applicable14. Listing: Luxembourg15. Method of distribution: Non-syndicatedPROVISIONS RELATING TO INTEREST (IF ANY) PAY<strong>AB</strong>LE16. Fixed Rate Note Provisions Applicable(i) Rate of Interest: 3.25 per cent. per annum payable annually in arrear(ii) Interest Payment Dates: 22 March in each year up to, and including, theMaturity Date, subject to adjustment in accordancewith the Following Business Day Convention(iii) Fixed Coupon Amounts: EUR32.50 per EUR1,000 in nominal amount(iv) Broken Amounts: Not Applicable(v) Day Count Fraction: Actual/Actual (ISMA), unadjusted(vi) Determination Dates: Not Applicable(vii)Other terms relating to themethod of calculating interestfor Fixed Rate Notes:None17. Floating Rate Note Provisions Not Applicable18. Zero Coupon Note Provisions Not Applicable19. Index Linked Interest NoteProvisions20. Dual Currency Interest NoteProvisionsNot ApplicableNot ApplicablePROVISIONS RELATING TO REDEMPTION21. Issuer Call: Not Applicable22. Investor Put: Not Applicable

applicable or TEFRA rules notapplicable:TEFRA D35. Additional selling restrictions: Not ApplicableOPERATIONAL INFORMATION36. Any clearing systems other thanEuroclear and Clearstream,Luxembourg and the relevantidentification numbers:Not Applicable37. Delivery: Delivery against payment38. Additional Paying Agents (if any): Not ApplicableISIN:XS0215087130Common Code: 021508713LISTING APPLICATIONThis Pricing Supplement comprises the final terms required to list the issue of Notesdescribed herein pursuant to the €2,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme ofScania <strong>CV</strong> <strong>AB</strong> (<strong>publ</strong>).RESPONSIBILITYThe Issuer and the Guarantor accept responsibility for the information contained in thisPricing Supplement.Signed on behalf of the Issuer:By:.........................................................Duly authorisedSigned on behalf of the Guarantor:By: ........................................................Duly authorised

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