The memoir class - The UK TeX Archive

The memoir class - The UK TeX Archive

The memoir class - The UK TeX Archive


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21. AN EXAMPLE THESIS DESIGN{\clearpage\mbox{}\vfill\centering #1 \par\vfill\clearpage}}<strong>The</strong>re may be sections in the prelims that come after the ToC, and the titles of these areadded to the ToC.%% for any headings after the tocloft and before the main body\newcommand{\prelimtitle}[1]{%\pretoctitle{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}}21.2.11 Components of the title and approval pages<strong>The</strong>re are several items that are set on the title and approval pages. In order to separatethe information from the particular layout, I’ve defined a macro for defining each item.%%%% for the title page and approval page.% your title\newcommand{\settitle}[1]{\def\asutitle{#1}}% you\newcommand{\setauthor}[1]{\def\asuauthor{#1}}% document type (e.g., thesis)\newcommand{\setdoctype}[1]{\def\asudoctype{#1}}% possible degree\newcommand{\masters}{\def\asudegree{Master of Arts}}\newcommand{\doctors}{\def\asudegree{Doctor of Philosophy}}% defence date\newcommand{\setdefdate}[1]{\def\asudefdate{#1}}% graduation date\newcommand{\setgraddate}[1]{\def\asugraddate{#1}}% committe chair\newcommand{\setchair}[1]{\def\asuchair{#1, Chair}}% committe co-chairs\newcommand{\setchairs}[2]{%\def\asuchair{#1, Co-chair \\ #2, Co-chair}}% other members (separated by \\s)\newcommand{\setmembers}[1]{\def\asumembers{#1\par}}Just for fun, create some default settings for these. <strong>The</strong> successful user will havechanged them all!%% Use them like this, and if you don’t change them you will%% get unacceptable title and/or approval pages\settitle{AN INCREDIBLE PIECE OF WORK OVER WHICH I HAVE STRUGGLEDDAY AND NIGHT FOR FAR TOO LONG AND NOW IT IS OVER}\setauthor{A. N. Author}\setdoctype{Polemic}\masters % going for a Masters degree%% \doctors % going for a PhD\setdefdate{April 2018}\setgraddate{May 2021}% \setchair{A. Jones} % this one370

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