2011 - Sandown, New Hampshire

2011 - Sandown, New Hampshire

2011 - Sandown, New Hampshire


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TOWN ADMINISTRATION REPORTHans Nicolaisen, Stephen Brown and Brenda Copp were the returning Board members for this year. TomTombarello was re-elected for 3 year term with James Devine being newly elected for a 3 year term aswell.TOWN MAINTENANCE PROJECTSAlong with normal maintenance of town properties, a number of other projects were completed this year.We completed the installation of wireless internet in the upper town hall, automated external defibrillators(AED’s) were installed at the Town Hall and Transfer Station, and new programmable thermostats wereinstalled throughout Town Hall at the suggestion of the Local Energy Commission in an effort toconserve fuel. A new lawn at the Town Hall was donated by RFP Landscaping, the fire/police complexand Angle Pond fire station received a power washing, the diesel tank at the Highway Department wasreplaced, new air conditioning units were purchased for the selectmen’s office and town clerk’s office anda roof was installed over the gas and diesel tanks at the Fire Station.ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLANPhase 3 of the Road Improvement Plan was completed this year with the shim and overlay of Chase Road,Tenney Road and Rowell Road. The next phase of the plan has been amended and will now include thefull width reconstruction of the unimproved segment of Holts Point Road, the resurfacing of North Roadand drainage improvements on Phillipswood Road.SENIOR AFFAIRS TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEEThis year the Board appointed members to a new committee, the <strong>Sandown</strong> Senior Affairs TransportationCommittee. This committee’s goal is to provide transportation to seniors and disabled residents of ourcommunity with the help and support of volunteers and to work alongside other community organizationsthat provide similar services. This program is still in the planning stages but plans to move forward in thecoming year.ACCEPTANCE OF TOWN ROADSBoth Waterford Drive and a portion of Glastombury Drive were accepted as town roads during <strong>2011</strong>. Theremaining portion of Glastombury Drive was accepted previously in 2010.The Board of Selectmen would like to thank all volunteers, committee members and employees for theirdedication and service to the Town of <strong>Sandown</strong>. We’d also like to congratulate the <strong>Sandown</strong> ElementarySchool for their achievement as a Blue Ribbon School.Respectfully submitted,<strong>Sandown</strong> Board of Selectmen107 102

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