2011 - Sandown, New Hampshire

2011 - Sandown, New Hampshire

2011 - Sandown, New Hampshire


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opportunity for residents to clean out the garage and earn a bit of cash. Organizations such as the LionsClub; Friends of the Library and others welcome this opportunity to fund raise for their groups.Improvements were made at the Roy L. Miller Field that will hopefully improve drainage issues on the“B” Field. With growing baseball programs, parking continues to be an issue at the field and is underreview by the Commission with the intent of establishing a permanent solution. Repairs to basketballbackboards and hoops were made. Handicap accessibility to “B” Field has improved somewhat and apermanent solution is being sought. There is no parking on the access roadway or in front of anygates. These areas are kept clear at all times for fire, police and emergency vehicle access.The year 2012 should be an exciting one with new programs being added; expansion of some specialevents; the installation of a set of swings in the new playground area and some much needed repairsmade to the skate park located at Miller Field.On behalf of the Recreation Commission, thank you to all of the many volunteers who are willing tolend a hand either with an event, a repair or a project. Your efforts contribute greatly to the running ofthis department.Respectfully submitted,Deb BrownDeb Brown, Recreation DirectorRon Dulong, Chairman Dawn Nicolaisen, Vice Chairman Hans Nicolaisen, ex officioSteve BrownGeorge Blaisdell138 133

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