Nelson Marlborough Section Newsletter August 2012

Nelson Marlborough Section Newsletter August 2012

Nelson Marlborough Section Newsletter August 2012


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<strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Marlborough</strong> <strong>Section</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>August</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Next <strong>Section</strong> EveningAug 15 th Richmond Town Hall 7.30pm.Alan Wilson who has had 30 years climbing inNew Zealand and also stints as field manager atScott Base in the 90s, and Head Ranger inAMCNP and Arthurs Pass NP. He has a fewstories to tell for sure.<strong>Section</strong> AGM first. Included in this newsletter isthe Agenda for, and Chairman’s report. The AGMwill be brief so we can get to Alan’s talk!Barry Blanchard TourCommitteeJerome Waldron, Chairman & Marl Rep, 03 572 9214jjwaldron@xtra.co.nzPhil Doole, Secretary & Gear 544 5281The.dooles@xtra.co.nzRichard Pearson, Treasurer, 548 7052handrp@xtra.co.nzBruce Davies, Meetings, 547 2620daviesrobin@yahoo.comBen Winnubst, Trips Coordinator 548 7357ben.winnubst@nmhs.govt.nzRichard Pearspears.richard@gmail.comGerard Mayes, <strong>Newsletter</strong> 547 9488gerard.mayes@xtra.co.nzVertical LimitsTuesday nights 7:30pm. Climbing,followed by a few at the Milton St.Sprigg and Fern.The New Zealand Alpine Club has invited renownedCanadian waterfall ice climber and mountaineer BarryBlanchard to New Zealand for a speaker tour late inSeptember <strong>2012</strong>.<strong>Nelson</strong>: Wed 26 SeptemberTime: 7:30pm –NOTE: 80 persons max capacity.Venue:<strong>Nelson</strong> Hospital Seminar Centre,Braemar Campus, Waimea Road(opposite the Emergency Dept);Tickets: $10 Members $15 Non-MembersFollow the link below to book at Club website.https://alpineclub.org.nz/product/barry-blanchardspeaker-tour-nelsonFor Sale1 expedition quality down jacket1 expedition quality dacron jacket1 pair crampons1 ice axe2 ice hammers2 pairs touring skis2 pairs climbing skins1 pair snow chains1 old type bivvy tent1 pair leather climbing boots size 81 device for converting downhill skis totouring2 "dead man" snow anchors1 pair supergatorsNo reasonable offer refused.Phone (03) 545 1159 emailtony.charlton@yahoo.co.uk

<strong>Section</strong> Trips.TBDRichard Pearson is keen to hear from anyone interested in following trips, datesto suit: Mt Owen (3 day trip) and Mt Richmond (2 day midweek trip)18-19 <strong>August</strong> Mt Travers. A Good follow up for BSCC.Ph Ben Winnubst 548 735725-26 <strong>August</strong> Angelus Ridge. – Access from Hukere StreamContact Ben Winnubst 548 7357 ben.winnubst@nmhs.govt.nz1-2 Sept Scott’s Knob. A Good follow up for BSCC.Contact Ben Winnubst 548 7357 ben.winnubst@nmhs.govt.nz7-10 Sept Mt Ruaphehu. – Trip Full. Jerome Waldron 03572921422-23 Sept Mt Paske.Contact Ben Winnubst 548 7357 ben.winnubst@nmhs.govt.nz12-14 Oct Arthurs Pass. Objectives may include Mts. Rolleston, Avalanche, Phipps or Templedepending on conditions and experience. Stay at NZAC hut in township; arrive Friday pm.Contact Richard Pears 5468849 or email.NB: Trip leaders would appreciate indications of interest as early as possible as trips require time toorganise.National Office NewsDiscount for Members at Cactus Climbinghttps://alpineclub.org.nz/news/<strong>2012</strong>/cactus-equipment-10-discount-for-membersHillary Expedition Granthttps://alpineclub.org.nz/news/<strong>2012</strong>/sport-nz-hillary-expedition-grant-applications-close-30-august-<strong>2012</strong>Centennial ascent of Mt Robsonhttps://alpineclub.org.nz/news/<strong>2012</strong>/centennial-ascent-of-mt-robson-august-20Job Opportunity for Mountaineershttps://alpineclub.org.nz/news/<strong>2012</strong>/doc-summer-mountaineers-job-offerUnwin LibraryDoes anyone happen to have spare copies of The Climber magazine issues #9; 13; 14 and 16 theywould like to donate to the Unwin Lodge Library collection?If so, they can be posted into the National Office (PO Box 786 Christchurch 8140) and will be greatlyappreciated. Thanks<strong>Newsletter</strong> ContentIf you have trip reports, news items, gear to sell, trips you want to list, or any other items please send them through byemailing me at gerard.mayes@xtra.co.nzIf you are currently receiving the newsletter by standard mail and could receive it by email, please let me know atgerard.mayes@xtra.co.nz. It saves on postage etc. for the section, as well as less impact on the environment.

<strong>Nelson</strong>/ <strong>Marlborough</strong> <strong>Section</strong> of NZAC AGM 15 TH <strong>August</strong> <strong>2012</strong>AGENDAWelcomeApologiesMinutes previous meeting move/ secMatters arisingChairmans ReportTreasurers Reportmove/ secmove/secElection of OfficersNominations accepted for ;( you can nominate yourself.)Chairman move secSecretaryTreasurerCommittee members move/ secGeneral businessMeeting closure<strong>Nelson</strong> / <strong>Marlborough</strong> <strong>Section</strong> NZAC Chairman’s Report - <strong>August</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MEMBERSHIPThis section currently has 137 members.SECTION TRIPSThe section, after a quiet year last year regarding trips, this year we have managed to fill thecalendar up quite nicely with regular trips . The year started off with a trip to Pioneer hutwhere Ben, Alan and Jerome on initially planning to climb Mt Torres, discovered thatconditions were unsuitable and settled for a very satisfying climb on Mt Haidinger via thewest face, which was in very good condition.Locally, up till now, Mt’s Owen, Patriarch, Bounds, Johnson peak, Crusader, Hopeless,Scotts Creek Ice, have all had members on or to the summit.The trip list leading into spring is looking good as well with a group heading to Mt Ruaphehuin September and possible (unconfirmed) trips to Mt Evans in November and MT Dechanearly in the new year. Some upcoming local trips include Mt’s Travers, Scotts Knob, MtPaske and Arthurs pass.Richard Pearson has also been active in leading trips of interest to older members withanother planned for Mt Richmond soon.

The committee has also this year introduced a couple new ideas to the way we run trips.Firstly, we now have written trip guidelines (see the club website). These were introduced tohelp and encourage trip leaders to organise trips with hopefully more successful andsatisfying outcomes. Trip participants can also use the guidelines to understand how they cancontribute to making those trips they are on more successful and satisfying as well.Secondly Ben Winnubst has offered to coordinate trips (as well as lead a few himself). Howthis might work is members may suggest trips or may be looking for partners for a trip andBen his happy to hear from people and see if he can match make as it were trips with partnersand visa versa.Note private trips by members are not obliged to follow the “section trip” guidelinesOne final thing re trips in my capacity as CCM rep (Club Committee) I have had other sectionreps suggesting joint section trips or regional swaps so watch this space.BANFFThis years Banff film festival was again a sell out thanks to the great support of our membersand the local sporting and outdoor retailers not to mention the hard work the sectioncommittee members put in organising it.The committee recently resolved to retain all of this years Banff surplus funds (in the past wehave forwarded surplus funds to National Office as our contribution to club capital expenses)to purchase 6 Avalanche transceivers and associated kit and some new crampons for trainingand winter climbing trips.FINANCEThe section finances are looking pretty solid (see RP’s finance report). Once we have settledoutstanding accounts and known upcoming expenses the committee will then be in a position(with input from members hopefully) to consider options for making use of the funds.SECTION MEETINGSThis year the committee has decided to hold section meetings only when we are able toconfirm a speaker hence the odd month with no meeting.Many thanks to those speakers who have come along and shared their outdoor experiencesand in advance those yet to come including Alan Wilson immediately after the AGM.We are also fortunate to be included on the Barry Blanchard tour (see the news letter fordetails) Barry is a world leading Canadian climber with a special affinity for ice climbing.Tickets are on sale online through the national website.INSTRUCTIONThe weekend of 3-5 <strong>August</strong> we ran our Basic Snow Craft Course (snow 1) which was fullysubscribed. It went really well and despite a dodgy weather forecast we succeeded inachieving our stated outcomes. I couldn’t help but be impressed by the participants whoturned up on day 1, well prepared and ready to learn. They all worked hard to get the most outof the weekend and I really hope they now can go on and get more mileage in and continue tobuild their skill set.

The course was run in accordance with the Club’s Instruction Safety & Risk ManagementPolicy. Special thanks must go to my fellow instructors Richard Pears and Alan Wilson whonot only gave their time on the weekend, but also attended the national instruction refresherweekend, at Arthur’s Pass as well. Without them we couldn’t run the course.We charge $120.00 which includes gear hire, accommodation and transport up the ski fieldroad. Participants are required to be current Club members.SECTION CHAIRMAN AND COMMITTEE PERSONAL this past year;Chairman ; Mark Holmes ( resigned )Jerome Waldron current chairmanCommittee;Phil Doole ( Secretary / Gear)Richard Pearson ( Treasurer )Ben Winnubst ( Trip Coordinator )Richard Pears ( Treasurer elect )Gerard Mayes ( <strong>Newsletter</strong> )Bruce DaviesDianne WinterSeb HeadCommittee Member RetirementsIt is with sadness that Richard will be presenting his last treasurers report on Wednesday.Richard after a long and illustrious term on this committee has decided to hang up hiscommittee boots (not his climbing boots!!). He tells me he joined the committee in February1976. Richard has served this section well over the years as not only treasurer but stints aschairman and secretary plus two terms as National President during the eighties and nineties.In the year 2000, Richard was elected a life member of the NZ Alpine Club .Richard over the years has also given much time sharing his vast climbing experience whileinstructing new climbers and leading trips. The advice and assistance he has given to me andto our newer committee members has been so valuable too.So on behalf of the committee I would like to thank Richard for his contribution although hestill intends to be out there in the hills I am sure. He has a deep passion for this club and whatit represents for amateur climbing in this country, oh and he tells a good joke too!Also resigning from the committee are Dianne Winter and Seb Head thanks to you both foryou help on the committee this year.TO CONCLUDEThe section at committee level has been fairly active this year, but I do think there are areaswhere we could improve particularly with our key mission to encourage climbing.The committee however needs member feedback and involvement. We can’t actually achieveour mission unless members support us to do that so if you want us to help you climb and getmore climbing, get involved.CheersJerome Waldron.Chairman <strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Marlborough</strong> <strong>Section</strong> NZAC

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