Matthew C. Van de Bogert, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole ...

Matthew C. Van de Bogert, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole ...

Matthew C. Van de Bogert, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole ...


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<strong>Van</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Bogert</strong> et al.Benthic and pelagic metabolismFig. 6. Comparison of metabolism values based on 3 different methods.Estimates from the center of the lake are shown in squares, estimatesbased on volume-weighted averages of all sensor locations are shown incircles, and spatially explicit whole-lake mo<strong>de</strong>l estimates for the 12 dayswhen the mo<strong>de</strong>l was run are shown with triangles. Estimates based onsingle, central sensors are often much lower than estimates whichaccount for spatial variability in metabolism.When average 5-min wind speeds topped 2.75 m s –1 for morethan a total of 1 of the first 18 h of a day (nearly half of alldays studied in 2003), standard <strong>de</strong>viation in daily metabolismestimates among sites was 5 mmol O 2m –2 d –1 and of these, 9 displayed the hypothesizedpattern of highest metabolism near shore and lowest atthe center of the lake (Fig. 8).DiscussionMo<strong>de</strong>ls of dissolved oxygen at individual locations withina lake as well as simultaneous mo<strong>de</strong>ls of whole transectsrevealed that dynamics were not homogenous throughoutspace in our study lake. In<strong>de</strong>ed, severalfold differences inmetabolism estimates from site to site were common.Although these differences did not always follow predictableFig. 7. Estimates of whole-lake GPP and R (mmol O 2m –2 d –1 ) and thebenthic contribution of each based on the spatially explicit mo<strong>de</strong>l. Errorbars show 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce intervals based on 10,000 bootstrap iterations.Data from 2002 (fertilized) are shown using squares and data from2003 (not fertilized) are shown using circles.patterns, on average an estimate based on a single, centrallocation un<strong>de</strong>restimated whole lake values.Epilimnetic water circulation may be one factor that <strong>de</strong>terminesthe <strong>de</strong>gree to which a single son<strong>de</strong> estimate of metabolisma<strong>de</strong>quately represents whole-lake metabolism. Water circulation(and the differential rates and patterns of that circulation throughtime) can mask the real heterogeneity in un<strong>de</strong>rlying ecosystemprocesses which occur at slower rates. When circulation occursquickly relative to the un<strong>de</strong>rlying biotic processes, measurementsof metabolism will be similar regardless of location, and a singlemeasurement location may provi<strong>de</strong> a reliable estimate of wholelakeepilimnetic metabolism. When circulation occurs muchmore slowly relative to the biotic processes, site-to-site variationshould occur in a predictable manner, with highest values nearshore and lowest values in the center of the lake.As a driver of water circulation, measurements of wind speedcan provi<strong>de</strong> one prediction of the <strong>de</strong>gree of homogenizationin metabolism estimates among sites. When wind speeds arehigh, metabolism estimates are quite similar between locations.Even short periods of high wind are enough to set cir-152

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