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Prayer keys forChristm<strong>as</strong>BY JOY BUTLERCHRISTMAS IS TRADITIONALLY Atime to think of, pray for and give too<strong>the</strong>rs. So why not use this time topray for persecuted Christians?Many thousands of people will be inprisons around <strong>the</strong> world this Christm<strong>as</strong>,longing for <strong>the</strong> company and fellowship of<strong>the</strong>ir families and churches. O<strong>the</strong>rs will betoo afraid to worship openly, wives will betaking food to <strong>the</strong>ir husbands, familieswill grieve because <strong>the</strong>y can’t find missingmembers. It will be a time of sorrow formany; <strong>the</strong>y <strong>as</strong>k for our prayerful support.Remember Quang who, after his housew<strong>as</strong> demolished, is serving a prison sentencefor his consistent and bold stand onmatters of religious freedom.Think of <strong>the</strong> three mo<strong>the</strong>rs who are ontrial because <strong>the</strong>y ran a Vacation BibleSchool for children.Pray for Berni’s widow who now h<strong>as</strong>five children to care for on her own sinceher husband died in a bomb bl<strong>as</strong>t intendedto kill Christians.Pause to pray for Roli, an old lady, whoh<strong>as</strong> a network of 70 churches and supportseight people in prison and remembersthree who were executed.Support Trieu, an ex-witchdoctor, <strong>as</strong> heshares <strong>the</strong> Bible under constant threat.Two organisations support persecutedChristians and you can contact <strong>the</strong>m to join<strong>the</strong>ir network of prayer and letter writing.Be a proactive Christian and a pray-er.Open Doors is a global ministry thatresponds to <strong>the</strong> needs of persecutedChristians in 45 nations where Christianityis forbidden or restricted. Visit <strong>the</strong>ir website .Voice of <strong>the</strong> Martyrs works in morethan 50 countries. See <strong>the</strong>ir web site.As Hebrews 13:3 puts it, “Remember <strong>the</strong>prisoners <strong>as</strong> if chained with <strong>the</strong>m, andthose who are mistreated, since you yourselvesare in <strong>the</strong> body also” (NKJV). RJoy Butler is prayer coordinator for<strong>the</strong> South Pacific Division.UndeservedcomplimentBY CHRISTINE MILESIDIDN’T DESERVE THE COMPLIMENT. Ihad, after all, behaved like a bear witha sore head for most of <strong>the</strong> week, snappingat my children regularly and oftenbecause of t<strong>as</strong>ks left undone or not completedto my satisfaction.My <strong>the</strong>me for <strong>the</strong> week had been“Hurry, hurry, hurry.” There w<strong>as</strong> nore<strong>as</strong>on to hurry. We made it to school eachday before <strong>the</strong> first bell rang, with lunchboxes filled and homework completed.Beds were made, curtains opened, <strong>the</strong>breakf<strong>as</strong>t mess cleaned up, and morningworship completed.Even though my children were e<strong>as</strong>ilydistracted from <strong>the</strong> small t<strong>as</strong>ks allotted to<strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>y didn’t deserve my terse commandsand sharp responses.On Friday afternoon, we had finishedSabbath preparation with <strong>the</strong> exception ofone t<strong>as</strong>k: to change a $20 note into goldcoins, suitable for offerings at Sabbathschool and church.“Come on,” I said. “Hurry up.” Severaltimes, in fact.The truth of <strong>the</strong> matter w<strong>as</strong> that <strong>the</strong> childrenwere going <strong>as</strong> f<strong>as</strong>t <strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong>y could go.But I w<strong>as</strong> organised and <strong>the</strong>y were not, soI snapped again, “I’m going. Get in <strong>the</strong> caror I’ll leave you behind.”My children got in <strong>the</strong> car and we drove<strong>the</strong> short drive to <strong>the</strong> bank, accompanied bylots of chatter and a brisk “Pipe down”from me.At <strong>the</strong> bank <strong>the</strong> children proudlyfeatureexchanged <strong>the</strong> note for coins, ple<strong>as</strong>ed tohave some practice at being grown up.As we buckled our seatbelts for <strong>the</strong> ridehome, Miss 7 said, “You’re <strong>the</strong> best mum in<strong>the</strong> whole wide world.”And I snapped, “Why?”Really, for an adult who proclaimed tolove God and her neighbour, I w<strong>as</strong>n’tdoing a very good job of ei<strong>the</strong>r.“Because,” said Miss 7, “if we had a differentmum we might not know aboutJesus.”“Yeah, that’s right,” chorused <strong>the</strong> boys in<strong>the</strong> back seat. “We love God and it’s allbecause of you.”I thought of Mat<strong>the</strong>w 5:16: “Let yourlight shine before men, that <strong>the</strong>y may seeyour good deeds and praise your Fa<strong>the</strong>r inheaven” (NIV).My light w<strong>as</strong>n’t shining that week. Myexhaustion did not dissolve in that moment.Yet God in His infinite wisdom allowed mychildren to see p<strong>as</strong>t my frazzled temper andsnappy outbursts. He gave me a moment torefocus on <strong>the</strong> purpose of my life.We didn’t drive home immediately. Wesat in <strong>the</strong> car and we praised God for <strong>the</strong>gift of His Son, Jesus.Because if one’s light is dim, what betterway to relight it than to focus on God. RChristine Miles is a mo<strong>the</strong>r andfreelance writer in Auckland,New Zealand.December 17, 2005 9

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