Untitled - Literature Wales

Untitled - Literature Wales

Untitled - Literature Wales


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The Welsh AcademyAnnual Report25Services for Writers- Critical Service& MentoringDemand continued to rise for The CriticalService, which offers unbiased comment onthe work of authors. In 2008-09 five writerswere awarded mentoring places: AngharadPenrhyn Jones, Catrin Clarke, Robert Haines,Richard Jones and Mary Howell.Services for Writers- InformationThe Academi continued to respondin writing and by phone to enquiriesand to provide general information forwriters on the Academi website, whichcarries advice on many aspects of thewriter’s trade.The Welsh AcademyEncyclopaedia of <strong>Wales</strong>Following successful high-profile launchesacross <strong>Wales</strong> in early 2008, sales of both theEnglish and the Welsh editions of the WelshAcademy Encyclopaedia of <strong>Wales</strong> haveexceeded all expectations. In the first yearsince its publication, the Encyclopaediahas generated more income than originallyexpected. The Encyclopaedia is proving tobe the first and last big reference book of<strong>Wales</strong> that it was intended to be.All four Editors spent time at the 2008 HayFestival <strong>Literature</strong> in <strong>Wales</strong> stand, talking tovisitors about the project and signing copiesof the book. The editors have also beenengaged in what has become an ongoingtour of groups and societies in <strong>Wales</strong>,presenting lectures on the project. Theseevents have been supported by the Writerson Tour scheme.Special promotions continue to be successful,with a Christmas offer boosting seasonalsales. Copies can be bought through theAcademi website or its own designatedpages - www.encyclopaediaofwales.com.Promotion and MarketingThe ever-evolving Academi website hasexpanded in response to new technologiesand opportunities. Writers’s profiles nowcarry sound files, giving visitors to the sitethe chance to hear writers read their work.Recordings from a number of events havealso been uploaded, to give a taste of theperformance for those that could not bethere in person. A secure online paymentfacility is also being developed, which willenable people to pay their membership fees,subscribe to Taliesin, buy tickets to eventsand copies of the Encyclopaedia and otherpublications online.Subscribers to the Academi e-newslettercontinue to increase. As part of the boostto the Young People’s Writing Squadssupported by the Beacon Company Award,a special e-newsletter for squad members isalso being developed. The comprehensivelistings and information magazine A470continues to be published quarterly, anddistributed to Members, Associates, artscentres and other public distribution pointsacross <strong>Wales</strong>. Academi issued a survey withthe March/April/May issue (#52) to gaugeuse and readership of the magazine. Theresponse rate has been good and provideduseful feedback. The survey proved that,amongst A470 readers, the printed format isstill appreciated but that this is increasinglysupplemented by information fromdigital sources.Academi continues to employ professionaldesigners to create eye-catching promotionalmaterial and engages independent PRspecialists for major events such as <strong>Wales</strong>Book of the Year.

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