Untitled - Literature Wales

Untitled - Literature Wales

Untitled - Literature Wales


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The Welsh AcademyAnnual Report312010-2011 ActivitiesIn addition to continuing appropriate initiativesstarted in 2009-2010 and the running ofAcademi’s regular programme of activities theAgency will also:– Engage with writers outside the Academi’straditional interest areas includingscreenwriters, dramatists, journalists, sportswriters and bloggers.– Increase access to writers and writing in theregions of <strong>Wales</strong> where response is currentlyat its lowest.– Extend the Bay Lit Festival.– Increase access among the disadvantaged.– Analyse geographical/demographicaldistribution of activity.– Secure the future of the South <strong>Wales</strong> Valleys<strong>Literature</strong> Development project.– Increase world-wide acknowledgementof <strong>Wales</strong>’ literature and literary heritagethrough international touring.– Enhance support for the work of our principlepartners the Dylan Thomas Centre inSwansea and the Tŷ Newydd Writers Centrein Llanystumdwy. Support Tŷ Newydd’srelationship with <strong>Wales</strong> <strong>Literature</strong> Exchangein establishing a National Translation Centre.– Continue to enhance the Hay FestivalWelsh component.– Maintain Literary Bus Tours and otherCultural Tourism attractions.– Run Mountains & Islands writers retreat inwest <strong>Wales</strong> in November 2010.– Develop work in languages other thanEnglish and Welsh.– Celebrate Academi at 50.2011-2012 ActivitiesAcademi will seek to review the way in whichit engages with readers and writers across<strong>Wales</strong>. Academi will review its alignmentwith ACW’s strategic objectives and FiveYear Art Form plans. Academi will review itsdelivery ensuring that it continues to reachthe maximum number of participants andconsumers and that it does this in a way thatrepresents best value for money.– Academi will look to local government forpartnerships and support.– Begin the digitisation (and potential revision) ofThe Welsh Academy Encyclopaedia of <strong>Wales</strong>.– Organise a bi-lingual conference whichexplores comparative literature in Glasgow,Edinburgh or Newcastle-upon-Tyne.– Launch the 2011 Rhys Davies Short StoryCompetition.Given appropriate new resource Academiwill also:– Make available training for writers who wishto work in new areas and in particular thosewho wish to work in the health sector or witheconomically deprived, minority, or at-riskgroups.– Facilitate access to writing among <strong>Wales</strong>’sethnic communities by the appointment ofan Ethnic Communities Fieldworker. The newFieldworker will seek ways to provide first andsecond language opportunities in Urdu, Polish,Somali, Bengali, Arabic and other languagesspoken by the new citizens of <strong>Wales</strong>.– Enhance the <strong>Wales</strong> Book of the Year awardwith an increase in prize money and a morevisible publicity campaign.– Enhance the role of Bardd Plant Cymruthrough extra funding from foundations andother sources.– Develop partnerships and opportunities forWelsh writers abroad.– Seek specific funding for the revival andexpansion of the Academi’s Great CardiffPoem project.– Develop the role of literature in CulturalTourism by working with Visit <strong>Wales</strong> andthe tourismindustry (hotels, restaurants,museums etc).– Progress proposals for a Children’s <strong>Literature</strong>of <strong>Wales</strong> festival.– Academi will review its approach to privatesector funding and will actively engage ina programme of new fundraising.– Academi’s proposals (and input into ACW’sforward plan) for an increase of feesavailable for writers will have begun tobear fruit. This will be celebrated.– Continuing the programme of directprovision, Academi will organise a furtherseries of conferences and day schoolsin English and in Welsh.

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