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for the defense for the defense - Voice For The Defense Online

for the defense for the defense - Voice For The Defense Online


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especially under <strong>the</strong> stringent standard <strong>for</strong> a successivehabeas corpus petition. Kinsel v. Cain, 647 F.3d 265 (5thCir. 2011)<strong>The</strong>re was no evidence that <strong>the</strong> prosecutor knew <strong>the</strong> victimwas going to provide perjured testimony at trial; nor did <strong>the</strong>subsequent recantation mean that D was deprived of ei<strong>the</strong>r hisright to confrontation or his right to a fair trial. <strong>The</strong> Fifth Circuitfur<strong>the</strong>r held that a federal habeas court could not take cognizanceof any alleged misapplication of Louisiana’s postconvictionprocedural law; infirmities in state habeas proceedings donot constitute grounds <strong>for</strong> relief in federal court. Accordingly,although finding it “beyond regrettable that a possible innocentman will not receive a new trial in <strong>the</strong> face of <strong>the</strong> preposterouslyunreliable testimony of <strong>the</strong> victim and sole eyewitness to <strong>the</strong>crime of which he was convicted,” <strong>the</strong> Fifth Circuit affirmed <strong>the</strong>district court’s denial of habeas relief.Upon revocation of supervised release, a district courtmay impose a longer prison sentence to address <strong>the</strong>re habilitative needs of <strong>the</strong> defendant. United States v.Breland, 647 F.3d 284 (5th Cir. 2011)<strong>The</strong> Fifth Circuit rein<strong>for</strong>ced United States v. Giddings, 37F.3d 1091 (5th Cir. 1994); although <strong>the</strong> Supreme Court held inTapia v. United States, 131 S. Ct. 2382 (2011), that courts maynot impose or leng<strong>the</strong>n a prison term to promote an offender’srehabilitation, that holding is limited only to initial sentencings,not revocation sentencings. <strong>The</strong> statute governing supervisedrelease, 18 U.S.C. § 3583, specifically requires courts to considerrehabilitation when revoking a defendant’s supervised releaseand sentencing him <strong>the</strong>reon. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>the</strong> district court didnot err in imposing a 35-month revocation sentence based, inpart, on <strong>the</strong> desire to make sure that D could participate in <strong>the</strong>Federal Bureau of Prisons’ 500-hour drug-treatment program.NOTE: <strong>The</strong> First Circuit held to <strong>the</strong> contrary in United States v.Molignaro, 649 F.3d 1 (1st Cir. Mass. 2011), an opinion authoredby <strong>for</strong>mer Justice Souter, sitting by designation.<strong>The</strong>re was no plain ex post facto error in applying <strong>the</strong>November 2001 version of <strong>the</strong> Sentencing Guidelineseven though D’s conduct was concluded be<strong>for</strong>e thatversion of <strong>the</strong> Guidelines took effect. United States v.Murray, 648 F.3d 251 (5th Cir. 2011)<strong>The</strong> Fifth Circuit once again held that United States v.Booker, 543 U.S. 220 (2005), rendered <strong>the</strong> Sentencing Guidelinesmerely advisory. Also, district court did not err in calculating<strong>the</strong> Guideline loss figure applicable to D’s loan fraud case.<strong>The</strong> testimony of an accountant who studied <strong>the</strong> loan accountsprovided a sufficiently reliable basis <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> loss figure used by<strong>the</strong> court. Moreover, <strong>the</strong> Guidelines do not require sentencingcourts to consider extrinsic factors that affect <strong>the</strong> value ofcollateral when using <strong>the</strong> collateral to discount <strong>the</strong> amount ofloss. <strong>The</strong> loss should be discounted by <strong>the</strong> fair market of col‐lateral, not by <strong>the</strong> value <strong>the</strong> collateral could have had in bettereconomic conditions. Nor did <strong>the</strong> district court plainly err inapplying a four-level leader/organizer enhancement under USSG§ 3B1.1(a). <strong>The</strong> Government need not produce direct evidencedemonstrating that a defendant directed or controlled o<strong>the</strong>rparticipants; ra<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> district court may infer from availablefacts, including circumstantial evidence, that a defendant exerciseda leader/organizer role. Here, <strong>the</strong> circumstantial evidenceprovided a sufficient basis <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> enhancement such that <strong>the</strong>rewas no plain error in its application.<strong>For</strong> a non-Guidelines sentence, just as <strong>for</strong> a Guidelinessentence, it is error <strong>for</strong> a district court to consider adefendant’s “bare arrest record” at sentencing. UnitedStates v. Johnson, 648 F.3d 273 (5th Cir. 2011)District court erred in imposing a 63-month upward variancesentence (from a Guideline range of 37 to 46 months) inpart on <strong>the</strong> basis of a bare arrest record without any underlyingfacts of <strong>the</strong> circumstances prompting <strong>the</strong> arrests. Because <strong>the</strong>error was preserved, <strong>the</strong> burden was on <strong>the</strong> Government toconvincingly demonstrate that <strong>the</strong> sentence would have been <strong>the</strong>same absent <strong>the</strong> error. <strong>The</strong> Fifth Circuit was uncertain whe<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong> district court would have imposed <strong>the</strong> same sentence absent<strong>the</strong> arrests; <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>the</strong> error was not harmless. <strong>The</strong> FifthCircuit vacated <strong>the</strong> sentence and remanded <strong>for</strong> resentencing.<strong>The</strong> Guideline enhancement <strong>for</strong> “crime of violence”covers offenses where consent to sexual activity is involuntaryor cannot be given. United States v. Diaz-Corado,648 F.3d 290 (5th Cir. 2011)District court did not err in applying a 16-level “crime ofviolence” enhancement under USSG § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A)(ii); D’sColorado state conviction <strong>for</strong> unlawful sexual contact (in violationof Col. Rev. Stat. § 18-3-4(a)) was one <strong>for</strong> a “<strong>for</strong>cible sexoffense” under <strong>the</strong> Guideline, considering Amendment 722.<strong>The</strong> state court conclusion that <strong>defense</strong> counsel was notineffective <strong>for</strong> failing to call an alibi witness was not unreasonable,because <strong>the</strong> state-court record did not showthat <strong>the</strong> witness was willing and able to testify. Rabe v.Thaler, 649 F.3d 305 (5th Cir. 2011)Under Cullen v. Pinholster, 131 S. Ct. 1388 (2011), a federalhabeas court is limited to considering only <strong>the</strong> evidence in <strong>the</strong>state-court record underlying <strong>the</strong> state-court decision whosereasonableness is being reviewed.Court of Criminal AppealsD’s conviction <strong>for</strong> unlawful possession of a firearm wasvalid because he had <strong>the</strong> status of a felon at <strong>the</strong> timehe possessed <strong>the</strong> firearm. Ex parte Jimenez, No. 76,575

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