Walking the Talk - VSO

Walking the Talk - VSO

Walking the Talk - VSO


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3.5. Recommendations Donor governments1) Donor governments should help countrygovernments to expand and support existinginitiatives that provide integrated sexual andreproductive health rights (SRHR), gender-basedviolence (GBV) and HIV and AIDS services forwomen and girl survivors of violence, especially inrural areas and where violence against women is adriver of <strong>the</strong> pandemic.2) Donor governments should contribute <strong>the</strong>ir fairshare to <strong>the</strong> $280 million needed per year over <strong>the</strong>next five years for research for microbicides.3) Donor governments should work with <strong>the</strong> UNFPA,UNIFEM and o<strong>the</strong>r multilateral organisations tosignificantly increase access to female condoms.Multilateral organisations1) UNAIDS and WHO should provide best practiceguidelines for <strong>the</strong> integration of SRHR, GBV andHIV and AIDS services, to enable service providersto provide a one-stop service for women and girls,in particular for survivors of violence.2) UNAIDS, UNFPA and <strong>the</strong> WHO should support aglobal-level campaign to make <strong>the</strong> female condomavailable and target men’s education to increase<strong>the</strong>ir acceptance of female-controlled HIVprevention methods.3) UNAIDS and <strong>the</strong> WHO, with <strong>the</strong> support of <strong>the</strong>Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, shoulddevelop guidelines for governments to make <strong>the</strong>irHIV-prevention services women’s rights-based, inparticular within <strong>the</strong> context of initiatives forprovider-initiated counselling and testing.Developing country governments1) National governments should require educationcurricula to include effective and comprehensivesexuality education for adolescents thatincorporates structural issues such as violenceagainst women and girls.2) National governments should scale up HIVpreventioncampaigns using innovative methods.Campaigns must be designed to provide longterm,evidence-based information and createempowering messages to women and girls andemphasising male responsibilities.3) National governments should increase investmentin information materials that explain to women andgirls <strong>the</strong>ir rights and <strong>the</strong> HIV-prevention methodsavailable to <strong>the</strong>m. This information should beprovided in a way that is locally relevant andsustainable in <strong>the</strong> long-term.<strong>Walking</strong> <strong>the</strong> talk putting women's rights at <strong>the</strong> heart of <strong>the</strong> HIV and AIDS response 29

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